
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 14, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 84: Luring the Tiger Away from the Mountain

Martial Arts Competition Under The Heavens (Part Twenty Nine)

Yan Li brought Wei Ran into the room. Just then, three walking corpses burst in from behind the house, and Zixia along with the disciples of Qixian Palace quickly intervened. The skilled disciples of Xuhuai Valley also stepped forward to help, managing to hold off the attackers for the moment.

Yan Li helped Wei Ran sit on a chair. Wei Ran said, “Junior Sister, let Valley Master Bai take a look at your wound.โ€

Yan Li’s gaze remained fixed outside, her brow furrowed, she replied, “It’s just a superficial wound.”

Wei Ran knew she was worried about her companions, but he hated that his legs had not healed, preventing him from using his swordsmanship. Not only could he not fight alongside his comrades, but he also felt like a burden. With a sigh, yet keeping a gentle expression, he said, “I’m fine here. With Valley Master Bai taking care of things inside and you all guarding outside, those walking corpses won’t be able to get inside. You should go and help them.”

Yan Li turned to look at him, “Senior Brother.”

Wei Ran nodded at her and said, “Go.”

Bai Sang said, “I will take care of things here. You can rest assured.”

Yan Li bowed slightly to Bai Sang with her whisk in hand and said, “Thank you for your trouble, Valley Master Bai.”

With that, she walked out of the room to resist the reanimated corpses. Since Yan Li and Jiang Ying had come over, they had inadvertently led more of the jiangshi to the area, bringing the count up to over thirty, effectively blocking all escape routes.

Yan Li asked Yu’er, “Where’s Qing Jiu?”

Yu’er said, “Qing Jiu went out. I don’t know if she went to find Hua Lian and the others.”

They all knew that Hua Lian and the other two were at the grand banquet. Yan Li said, “We need to find a way to escape.” Though it was unclear exactly what the hidden enemy wanted, the situation indicated they intended to trap all the heroes inside the manor.

Yu’er knew this too, but as soon as she contemplated their options, she felt a surge of frustration in her chest and a ringing in her ears, making it hard to stand.

In just the time it took to drink a cup of tea, the sky had completely darkened, and candles were lit inside the house. Zixia had someone bring torches.

Suddenly, a long howl echoed from the east, sounding like a dragon’s cry over a large swamp, followed by another call, this one like a tiger’s roar through the forest, both voices robust and clear even from this distance.

Yu’er was startled, recognizing Jie Qianchou’s voice. She couldn’t help but call out, “Master!” Jie Qianchou’s internal energy was profound, and the only one in the  manor who could rival him was Yun Wangran. The subsequent howl must have been Yun Wangran’s, both carrying a profound sense of sorrow and anger, leaving one to wonder what they had encountered.

As she was lost in thought and feeling unwell, she heard a clear shout, “Little Yu’er, be careful!”

A whooshing sound came from the left. Yu’er, already distracted and injured, was too slow to dodge the incoming hidden weapon. She felt a gust of wind brush past her face as a streak of cold light intercepted the hidden weapon, deflecting it away. The cold light continued unabated, embedding itself into the doorframe behind Yu’erโ€”it was a dagger.

Hearing the warning, Yu’er knew Hua Lian had arrived. Taking another look at the dagger, she knew that Tang Linzhi had intercepted the hidden weapon. It turned out that the three of them had rushed over.

Yu’er looked towards the source of the hidden weapon and saw a gnarled, rugged pine tree not far to the east. A figure stood at a bend in the tree, half-hidden by branches and dim light, making it difficult for Yu’er to see clearly who it was.

Just as Yu’er was about to ask Hua Lian to intercept the stranger, the man, rather than fleeing, moved closer.

He walked to the outskirts where the walking corpses were, yet the corpses did not attack him. Everyone found it strange and took a closer look. Not only did the walking corpses not attack him, but they were also following behind him, obediently guarding him on both sides.

Those seven walking corpses walked silently, and everyone already had an idea in their hearts. These seven corpses must have had some level of martial arts skills when they were alive.

The person who had launched the sneak attack held a sword in his hand. greeted Yu’er with a fist salute and a smile, saying, “Young Manor Mistress, greetings.”

Yu’er frowned and called out, “Second Young Master Yan.”

Who else could it be but Yan Jianyu? He arrived strangely and spoke strangely, clearly addressing Yu’er as the Young Manor Mistress. Amidst everyone’s confusion, they thought this person was playing tricks and became even more wary of him.

Yu’er said, “Are these walking corpses the doing of Mingjian Manor? What is Mingjian Manor trying to accomplish?”

Hua Lian said, “This is not the doing of Mingjian Manor. This is a deal made between the Second Young Master and the remnants of those people from the Miaojiang who use humans for Gu experiments. Ha! they plan to turn all the heroes of the manor into ingredients for their experiments in raising the dead!”

It turned out that Hua Lian and the other two had attended the grand banquet and had been observing secretly from the side.

They waited until the banquet began. Yun Wangran led Yan Jianyu and Yan Siguo, followed by a group of attendants, to retrieve the Fenghou Sword from the Sword Tomb.

When the Fenghou Sword was presented on a red lacquered tray, it was the center of everyoneโ€™s attention, with all eyes glued to it.

The Fenghou Sword was initially carried by Yan Siguo, with Yun Wangran leading the way. The brothers walked in the middle, flanked by their guards.

The guests were seated at round tables on both sides, with a wide aisle down the center.

Halfway through, Yan Jianyu suddenly let out a sharp cry of pain and crashed into Yan Siguo.

Yan Siguo holding the tray, was caught off guard by the unexpected and forceful bump. He staggered, tilting to one side.

Yan Jianyu fell to the ground, clutching his chest and shouting, “Assassin!”

This cry was like a thunderbolt from a clear sky, startling the entire hall. Everyone rose to their feet, thinking that the thief targeting the Fenghou Sword was finally making their move.

Yun Wangran, hearing Yan Jianyuโ€™s cry of pain, immediately protected him, asking, “Yan’er, are you alright?” His tiger-like eyes shot like lightning towards the nearby tables. Seeing Yan Jianyu injured, more than half of the guards drew their swords to shield him.

Yan Jianyu had fallen to the right, suggesting that the attacker must have struck from the left, leading everyone to instinctively look in that direction.

One of Yan Siguoโ€™s guards came to help him up. Just as Yan Siguo was about to speak, the guard stealthily pointed two fingers at him, striking him swiftly on an acupoint. Yan Sigip was shocked and immobilized, unable to speak, and the guard easily snatched the Fenghou Sword from his hands.

Although Yan Siguo was known for his gentle demeanor and competent management of the manor, his martial talent was inferior to Yan Jianyu’s. Despite being the older brother, his martial arts were not as advanced as Yan Jianyu’s.

The Fenghou Sword was stolen in an instant. Most people were deceived by Yan Jianyu’s move and shifted their attention to the left. Who could have expected that the Second Young Master of Mingjian Manor would collude with outsiders to seize the Fenghou Sword? The real thief struck from the right.

Even experienced veterans like Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran didn’t expect it. Although Jie Qianchou disliked Yan Jianyuโ€™s impulsive nature, he never thought him capable of such betrayal and treachery, especially since the Fenghou Sword was originally found by him. If he had intended to steal it, he could have done so quietly much earlier without such elaborate schemes.

Thus, when the guard suddenly made his move to steal the Fenghou Sword, no one was quick enough to stop him.

As the guard leaped onto a table to spring outside, Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran were the first to react, shouting, “Little thief, where do you think you’re going!” and chased after him.

The thief was skilled, and in a moment of oversight, he had reached the door and fled outside. Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran followed closely.

This sudden turn of events led to the Fenghou Sword being stolen right before everyoneโ€™s eyes. Before they could process what had happened, Yan Beili slammed the table in anger, his voice thundering, “This is too much! Do you think Mingjian Manor is a place you can come and go as you please, doing as you wish?!”

Yan Beili personally gave chase. He had two reasons for capturing the thief at all costs. First, displaying the Fenghou Sword was a deliberate trap. The theft itself wasn’t the biggest concern; it was about unmasking the hidden enemies within his own manor and offering an explanation to jianghu. Second, this brazen act in front of everyone was a humiliating blow to Mingjian Manor’s prestige. Fury burned within Yan Beili. He considered catching the mastermind a matter of personal honor โ€“ failing to do so would be a stain on his leadership.

Yan Beili said, “Siguo, take charge here in my absence.”

By now, someone had freed Yan Siguo from his paralysis. Still reeling from the sword’s theft, he wallowed in regret. But his father’s words snapped him to attention. “Yes!” he responded, his determination returning.

By then, many masters had already chased after the thief, declaring, โ€œTo behave so recklessly in front of all these distinguished guests is too audacious! Manor Master Yan, you need not worry. We will capture this person for you!โ€

Some, like Jian Mobei and Jun Lin’s group, truly had the intention of helping, wanting to recover the Fenghou Sword and apprehend the mastermind. However, there were others who coveted the Fenghou Sword and had ulterior motives.

Hua Lian and the other two also slipped out discreetly, thinking that the person who dared make such a bold move under the watchful eyes of Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran must be quite capable. They wanted to see how this would unfold and encountered Qing Jiu as they left.

Hua Lian asked, “Why are you here? Did you see the thief who ran out with the sword just now?”

Qing Jiu said, “He headed east.”

Yang Chun glanced at Qing Jiu and asked curiously, “Why isn’t Miss Qing Jiu chasing after him?”

Qing Jiu smiled, “I’m tired of running around. I want to go in and have a few drinks to rest.”

Yang Chun was speechless.

Qing Jiu said, “You’d better hurry if you’re going after him. You won’t catch him if you’re slow; he’s quite skilled.”

Before Yang Chun could say anything, Hua Lian had already grabbed him and dashed eastward. Tang Linzhi said to Qing Jiu, “Be careful,” and followed Hua Lian.

The three chased the thief all the way to a maple forest outside the manor, where the ground was covered with blood-red leaves, adding a grim tone to the atmosphere.

They followed the sound of voices and discovered a gathering of twenty to thirty people in the middle of the path. Preferring not to get involved in the fight, they hid behind the maple trees to observe.

In the center of the road stood a group of martial artists led by Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran. This group included distinguished elders from various major sects and manors, such as Yan Beili and Ren Qingkuang, as well as Jun Lin. Also present were about ten famed swordsmen who roamed the Jianghu alone, known for their deep mastery of martial arts.

On the other side, the guard stood defiantly, unflustered by the multitude of skilled opponents. He stretched out his emaciated, bony hands and removed the mask from his face, revealing his true features. His high cheekbones and sunken eye sockets, along with his dry, yellow skin, made him look almost like a mummy due to his thinness.

Jie Qianchou and Yun Wangran, having lived in seclusion for many years, did not recognize the man. But Yan Beili and others did recognize him, with Jian Mobei from Wuwei Palace, the elder, being the most visibly agitated. His face flushed red, his beard trembled as he struggled with immense anger, and he gritted his teeth, exclaiming, “It’s you! It’s you! Wu Chang!”

Anyone who had participated in the battle against the Miaojiang back then would recognize him. They had lost countless friends and relatives to his gu poison, and they all wanted to tear him limb from limb, reduce his bones to dust, but on the day of the decisive battle, he had escaped, and his whereabouts had been unknown ever since.

Wu Chang let out a long laugh, his laughter sharp, like the screech of an owl, and he said, “My friends, it’s been a long time!”

Yan Beili snorted coldly, “So, you’re the remnant of the Miaojiang. Not only do you want the Fenghou Sword, but you also want to make a comeback and seek revenge for the past.”

Wu Chang said, “Yes, yes.”

Yan Beili said, “Do you think you can escape now that you’ve shown yourself?”

Wu Chang cackled, his sharp teeth gleaming, “Why would I want to escape?”

Then, suddenly, Wu Chang’s expression changed. He put on a mournful face, pretending to be sad and cried, “Poor Manor Master Yan, still so oblivious. How pitiful, truly pitiful.”

Those who had dealt with Wu Chang knew of his madness and bizarre antics; they took his words as mere posturing. Yet, knowing him to be cunning, they understood he wouldn’t show himself without some assurance, so they remained on high alert.

As soon as Wu Chang finished speaking, he let out a strange, piercing shriek that echoed long and loud.

As his shriek faded, a chorus of insect noises arose around them. Suddenly, a dark figure darted out from one side, his body draped in a long robe, ornate and exotic, resembling the ceremonial robes of Miaojiang. Wu Chang handed the Fenghou Sword to this figure, who took it with both hands and quickly departed.

Jie Qianchou shouted coldly, “If you want to leave, you’ll have to ask this old man if he agrees!”

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2 months ago

Thanks for the chapter