
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 01, 2024 2 Comments
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Chapter 111: Touched by the Scene, Hurt by Emotions

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Six)

The group made their way into the private room. Tang Linzhi had only met Jun Sixue a couple of times years ago and barely remembered her. Noticing their affectionate behavior towards Yu’er, Tang Linzhi curiously asked, “And who might this be?”

Jun Sixue performed a polite bow, “I’m Jun Sixue, Yu’er’s second sister.”

Tang Linzhi returned the gesture, “Tang Linzhi.”

Yu’er then introduced two others, Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue, to Tang Linzhi. “You might not remember, but they were among those we rescued at the Qin family back then.”

The two were about to prostrate themselves, ready to express their gratitude. Tang Linzhi glanced at them, noticing the intense look in their eyes, and guessed what they were about to say. She had little patience for such formalities and raised her hand, saying, “Enough, I understand, please have a seat.”

Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue exchanged a glance, saying nothing.

Everyone settled down and Qi Tianzhu started inquiring about Tang Linzhi’s adventures.

Over the years, Tang Linzhi rarely wrote back, leaving Qi Tianzhu and Yu’er mostly in the dark about her past deeds.

As Qi Tianzhu asked, Tang Linzhi gave a brief account of how she had drugged her master, journeyed to Jin City, changed course to Hangzhou, and encountered an ambush along the way.

Afterward, she had fallen unconscious for some time and was brought back to the Tang Sect by Tang Biao. When she awoke, she learned about Qing Jiu’s fate.

When she tried to return to Jiangnan, she was no match for Tang Biao, especially in her severely injured state, rendering her utterly powerless to resist. Tang Biao gave her a thorough beating.

Tang Biao repeatedly provoked her, โ€œWith your current state, going out there is just asking to be killed,” which only fueled Tang Linzhi’s pride and defiance. They struck a deal; if she could beat Tang Biao, he would no longer interfere in her affairs.

“Ten years. I’ll give you ten years, and you still won’t be able to beat me!”

In reality, it took only six years for Tang Linzhi to fight Tang Biao to a draw. However, Tang Biao conceded defeat upon seeing that she had not used Chini.

Yu’er asked, “Linzhi, did you just arrive? Why isn’t Mo Wen with you?”

Yu’er had received two letters; one was from Tang Linzhi. They planned to meet in Jiangnan after six years apart.

Knowing about Hua Lian’s struggles, Tang Linzhi suggested they meet directly in Hangzhou instead. Firstly, to find Hua Lian, and secondly, because this was the place Qing Hiu had specifically wanted to visit before disappearing, hinting at potential clues.

The letter mentioned she had arranged to return with Mo Wen. By their schedule, both should have already arrived, but only she had made it, apparently having just managed to get here.

Embarrassedly clearing her throat, Tang Linzhi explained, “I… I was supposed to meet Mo Wen, but the route was confusing, so I took a wrong turn and ended up directly in Hangzhou…”

Qi Tianzhu and Yu’er exchanged knowing looks.

Tang Linzhi added, “When she realizes I haven’t arrived, she’ll make her own way here after a while. For now, let’s focus on dragging Lian Meiren out of his cozy nest. By the way, why are you all staying at an inn instead of Lian Meirenโ€™s place? Isn’t he the son of Hangzhou’s wealthiest family?”

Tang Linzhi had initially intended to go straight to find Hua Lian and had stopped by the inn to grab someone to guide the way, only to coincidentally run into Yu’er and the others.

Yu’er, her hands cupped around a teacup, remained silent. She had trained in martial arts under Du Zhong for many years and had spent these past years in a secluded forest near Hangzhou, but had never once gone to see Hua Lian. Now the thought of seeing him again filled her with hesitation.

Jun Sixue suggested, “It wouldn’t be appropriate to disturb him without notice. We should first send a visiting card and then…”

Tang Linzhi immediately stood up and declared, “Why bother with such formalities? If there’s nothing else, let’s go find him now!”

With that, she led the group out of the room, pulling everyone along to search for the Hua residence.

The Hua residence was located in the southern part of the city, and any passerby could point the way.

The group stood before the gates of the Hua estate, somewhat surprised by what they saw. As the home of Hangzhou’s wealthiest family, they had expected it to be incomparably grand and extravagant. However, the residence before them appeared to be that of an ordinary wealthy household, lacking any remarkable features.

Yu’er noticed Tang Linzhi looking up at the walls of the Hua estate, evidently contemplating a direct approach by scaling the walls to find the person they sought. Remembering past incidents like Tang Biao’s brash entries into the Qixian Palace and Yang Chun’s raid on the Jiuxiao Manor, Yu’er called out, “Jimo.”

Jimo understood her intention and stepped forward, addressing the servant guarding the gate, “Young man, would you kindly announce that the Third Miss of the Jun family is here to visit the Second Young Master of the Hua family?”

The servant, startled by the request, shot a glance towards Yu’er and bowed, “Please wait a moment.”

He hurried inside to make the announcement and returned a short while later with another person. The one leading the way was dressed in a long robe, walking with his head held high and taking broad strides, while the servant who had been guarding the gate followed closely behind.

The man in the long robe approached Yu’er and her companions, offering a slight bow, “I am Hua Gui, the steward of the Hua family. Second Young Master Hua has instructed us to treat the lady with great care should she come looking for him.”

Hua Gui led everyone inside. The interior of the Hua estate was indeed more expansive than it appeared from outside, with multiple storied buildings and serpentine corridors. After some time, they arrived at a particular room guarded by two servants.

Hua Gui began to announce them, “Second Young Master, the Jun familyโ€””

Before he could finish, Tang Linzhi stepped forward, interrupting, “So this is where Lian Meiren has been hiding and enjoying himself?”

Hua Gui tried to intervene, “Miss, pleaseโ€””

But Tang Linzhi’s steps were swift, and before Hua Gui could finish his words, she had already pushed the door open and entered.

It turned out to be a study room, filled with the rich scent of aloeswood. To the left, behind a desk piled with scrolls, sat a man who raised his head upon hearing the commotion. Seeing Tang Linzhi, he stared at her in a daze for a long moment.

Tang Linzhi walked over to the desk, leaning on it with her elbow, and smirked, “Second Young Master Hua, quite the airs you put on, requiring me to be announced before seeing you.”

Hua Lian abruptly stood, examining Tang Linzhi from head to toe: “Tiger Lady, it really is you!”

He embraced her tightly, his grip strong enough that she nearly felt the blade at her back cut into her skin. He laughed, “It’s really you!”

“I knew it, you’re too stubborn to die. Anyone looking for trouble with you is just asking for it themselves. What could possibly happen to you?” Back then, Hua Lian had also received Tang Linzhi’s letter assuring him of her safety, but knowing her stubborn pride, he had always worried she might not disclose any real troubles.

Hua Lian released her and cupped her face with both hands, examining her with a look of tender concern, “Oh, what happened to your face, who did this?”

Tang Linzhi slapped his hand away, disgusted, “Aren’t you being a bit too dramatic?”

She folded her arms and glanced at him sideways, “I heard from Yu’er that you weren’t like this before. You acted as if we had all died, returned to Hangzhou, washed your hands of everything, and indulged in the carefree life of a wealthy young master.”

As Yu’er, along with Qi Tianzhu and the rest of the group, entered the room, Hua Gui, standing aside and observing Tang Linzhi and Hua Lian’s intimate behavior, couldn’t help but blink several times before speaking, “Second Young Master, please forgive your servant. I couldn’t stop this young lady.”

Hua Lian waved a dismissive hand, “As if you could have stopped her. Let it be, you may go.”


Turning to Qi Tianzhu, Hua Lian greeted, “Brother Qi.”

Hua Lian’s gaze shifted back to Yu’er. Over the past six years, while Qi Tianzhu appeared unchanged, Yu’er had blossomed into a breathtaking beauty, her elegance and grace transcending the mortal world. The Yu’er of the past was obedient and clever, a sharp-witted girl, but now her expression bore a chill detachment, lacking the youthful brightness that once lit her features, evoking a deep sense of melancholy in Hua Lian.

Hua Lian opened his arms for an embrace, but Yu’er stood still, not moving from her spot. With a gentle smile, Hua Lian stepped forward and embraced her, teasing, “Have you grown a bit taller?”

He gestured to compare their heights, remarking, “You must be nearly as tall as Qing Jiu now.”

“Six years, and you never once came to see me,” he lamented softly.

Yu’er’s thumb lightly caressed the prayer beads she held, her voice low, “I was afraid it would bring back painful memories for you.”

She observed Hua Lian, who now wore a deep blue robe that made him appear much more grounded and serious than before; gone was his formerly airy demeanor, like a dandelion seed that had finally landed and taken root.

Yu’er wondered why she felt this significant change.

Among their group, Qing Jiu and Hua Lian were the ones who loved to laugh the most. Hua Lian’s laughter and his carefree, reckless attitude had always seemed a bit irresponsible at first. But now, his smile was less frequent and more subdued, adding a layer of solemnity and propriety to his demeanor.

Hua Lian’s movements faltered, and he remained silent for a long while.

Yu’er’s lips curved in a slight smile as she spoke, โ€œActually, I was the one afraid of stirring up painful memories.”

Qi Tianzhu interjected, “It’s been over a hundred years since I’ve heard the girl joke like this. Brother Hua, don’t take it to heart. She’s been away training martial arts all these years and hasn’t even returned to the Jiuxiao Manor. She only came back last year during the summer solstice.”

While Qi Tianzhu explained this way, the look Hua Lian gave Yu’er conveyed a mutual understanding of the unspoken truth between them.

“How come you all arrived in Hangzhou together today? It seems like it was planned, yet you didn’t inform me beforehand so I could welcome you properly,” Hua Lian queried.

Tang Linzhi replied, “Didn’t you receive the letter we sent you?”

Hua Lian suddenly remembered, walking over to his desk and rummaging through the scrolls until he found a letter, “Ah, indeed, there was a letter. I tend to forget things when I’m busy.”

Tang Linzhi picked up a scroll from the desk, flipping through it casually, only to find it was a ledger filled with dense entries. “I thought that after returning to Hangzhou, you would spend your days indulging in a decadent and extravagant lifestyle, but it turns out you’ve been diligently working hard. Lian Meiren, are you planning to abandon martial arts and pursue a career in business?”

Hua Lian took the ledger from her hands, put it back in place, and gestured outside, “It’s noon, and you’ve all traveled far. Let’s have lunch first. Now that we’ve all met, there’s no need to rush our conversation.”

Qi Tianzhu nodded in agreement, “Brother Hua is right.” Previously, their meal at the inn had been interrupted, leaving everyone unsatisfied.

As the group moved to leave, Yu’er lingered last in the room, her eyes catching a glimpse of a fan hanging on the eastern wall with the words ‘Peerlessโ€™ and โ€˜Unparalleled’ inscribed on it, positioned right across from the deskโ€”it was the same folding fan Hua Lian used to carry often.

Hua Lian turned and called to her, “Yu’er, what’s wrong?”

Yu’er looked at him, shook her head slightly, and silently followed the others.

Hua Lian led everyone to the living room where, after a satisfying meal, they gathered over tea to share tales of their long separation. However, despite the long-awaited reunion, there turned out to be little of substance to discuss.

After they parted ways, upon reflection, it seemed their lives had been extraordinarily simple.

For six years, Yu’er, Tang Linzhi, and Qi Tianzhu dedicated themselves to mastering their martial arts, while Hua Lian turned to business. These simple summaries paled in comparison to the thrilling escapades and unbelievable stories from their past years of adventure, making recent times seem remarkably tranquil.

As Hua Lian gently cradled his teacup, he inquired, “Now that you’re here, would you like to visit Qing Jiu?”

His words referred to Qing Jiu’s memorial shrine. Although everyone understood what he meant, the sudden mention sparked an involuntary thrill, as if he had actually found the person.

Tang Linzhi’s face darkened with displeasure. She slammed her teacup onto the table with a clatter that sent tea splashing everywhere, the steam swirling up. “Hua Lian, what do you mean by that? Do you truly believe she’s dead?”

Hua Lian turned to face her and retorted, โ€œWhat else am I to think? You want to deceive yourself? Yang Chun said that a sword pierced through her chest! She was only human.”

Sitting next to Hua Lian, Tang Linzhi suddenly stood, grabbed him by the collar, and yanked him to his feet, glaring fiercely into his eyes.

The atmosphere became tense and heavy. Jun Simo, Jun Sixue, and Jun Jimo, feeling like outsiders, found the situation awkward and kept silent, deliberately looking away.

Qi Tianzhu, who was watching from the side, felt nervous. Although Tang Linzhi and Hua Lian often bickered and were quick to fight in the past, the current tension between them was clearly different from before.

After six years apart, their long-awaited reunion was marred by discord over their dear friend, making the situation painfully regrettable.

Yu’er called out, “Linzhi, Hua Lian.”

After a moment, Tang Linzhi let go, pushing Hua Lian back into his chair before turning to sit down herself. “So what if she was mortal? I refuse to believe she just died without any explanation.”

Hua Lian responded, “You know what kind of person she was. It’s been six years. If she were fine, she would have come to find us by now!”

“Hua Lian,” Yu’er’s voice was clear and cold, like a winter mist. She had changed the most among them. Tang Linzhi and Hua Lian were somewhat unaccustomed to her new demeanor. She was no longer the little girl from their memories but rather the famed Third Miss Jun from the rumors, a scion of a distinguished family, unmatched in excellence, already possessing the stature of a sect leader. “Are you planning to leave jianghu behind?”

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1 month ago

Damnโ€ฆ I kind of want to see her in a fight now

1 month ago

:’) so bittersweet seeing yu’er’s changes after 6 years.
Thanks for the translation!