
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 03, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 113: A Match Made in Heaven

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Eight)

On the way back to the Hua estate, Yu’er’s words seemed etched in Hua Lian’s mind, replaying over and over, each iteration uncovering a new layer of meaning.

He glanced several times at the camphor branch in Yu’er’s hand, wanting to ask about it but unsure how to begin. The Yu’er of today was no longer the gentle and soft-spoken girl he once knew. When she was silent, an air of authority surrounded her, preventing Hua Lian from teasing her as he used to.

The two walked back in silence until they reached the main gate of the Hua estate, where Hua Gui was waiting outside. As soon as he saw Hua Lian and Yu’er return, he immediately stepped forward to greet them.

“What’s happened?” Hua Lian asked.

“Second Young Master, Miss Liu Xiu from the Yanyu Pavilion has arrived,” Hua Gui reported.

“Liu Xiu, why is she here?” Hua Lian questioned Hua Gui further, “Where is she now?”

“Miss Liu Xiu heard that the Third Miss Jun was here, so she went straight to the courtyard where the Third Miss is staying,” Hua Gui explained.

Hua Lian and Yu’er entered the estate and were about to approach the courtyard when they heard voices inside.

Hua Lian peeked inside and then gestured to Yu’er to wait before entering.

Yu’er looked inside and saw Liu Xiu speaking with Tang Linzhi.

Qi Tianzhu was nowhere to be seen; it was just Liu Xiu and Tang Linzhi in the courtyard, with Tang Linzhi appearing quite uneasy.

Liu Xiu, dressed in a light robe and silk scarf, her figure slender and graceful. It seemed she had just arrived and was in the process of appraising Tang Linzhi from head to toe, remarking, “Six years have passed, and Miss Tang has grown even more heroic and dashing, not to mention handsome and charming.”

Tang Linzhi thought to herself that Liu Xiu really hadn’t changed at all; it was one thing not to see her, but the moment they met, she began teasing as usual.

Liu Xiu then smiled playfully, “Miss Tang doesn’t seem too pleased to see me. It’s been so long, and you haven’t even greeted me.”

Only then did Tang Linzhi somewhat stiffly say, “It’s been a long time.”

Liu Xiu responded, “Since you’re here, that means you must have defeated your master. You really are talented. I underestimated you before, afraid you might never leave Tang Sect.”

Tang Linzhi replied, “The old man couldn’t bring himself to be too harsh on me.”

A silence fell between them. Liu Xiu’s gaze inadvertently swept over a scar at Tang Linzhi’s eyebrow, her hands nervously fidgeting with her scarf, “It was a failing of Yanyu Pavilion that we couldn’t protect you all thoroughly, leading you and Star Lord to be ambushed halfway.”

Tang Linzhi had been contemplating how to express her gratitude and apologies, found Liu Xiu feeling guilty instead, which left her feeling somewhat uneasy. She stammered, “What you just said…”

Tang Linzhi sighed, chastising herself for her hesitation in speaking what should have been said long ago.

With that thought, Tang Linzhi stepped back and bowed formally to Liu Xiu, saying, “The matter with Qing Jiu was never related to Yanyu Pavilion. The Young Mistress of the Pavilion helped us wholeheartedly and without hesitation, assisted in the search for Qing Jiu, and worked to uncover the mastermind behind it all. This was a great kindness. On the contrary, because of me, two brothers from Yanyu Pavilion lost their lives. Also…”

Tang Linzhi glanced upward, noticing Liu Xiuโ€™s surprised expression upon receiving her bow. “And also, about what happened back then… I wrongly suspected you. When Yu’er was captured by the Moonless Sect, I doubted the Yanyu Pavilion. It was my mistake.” She had planned to apologize to Liu Xiu the next time they met, not expecting it would take six years.

Tang Linzhi straightened up, coughed twice, and continued looking at Liu Xiu, “Although it’s a bit late, I still need to say it. I’m sorry, and thank you.”

The surprised look on Liu Xiuโ€™s face melted into a smile. She covered her lips with her sleeves, “I’m impressed you remembered. My efforts in investigating weren’t in vain.”

Tang Linzhi was somewhat embarrassed. Liu Xiu added, โ€œAs for helping Star Lord, Iโ€™ve said before, Yanyu Pavilion recognizes you as friends. And as friends, isnโ€™t it normal to lend a hand in times of crisis?โ€

Liu Xiuโ€™s tone then shifted, adding a mysterious, โ€œHoweverโ€ฆโ€

Tang Linzhi looked at Liu Xiu, who stepped forward: โ€œSince you brought up the topic of gratitude, I wonder how you plan to thank me.โ€

Tang Linzhi was caught off guard by Liuxiao’s question, her eyes wide with surprise. Liu Xiu laughed, โ€œSurely, youโ€™re not planning just to say thanks? The Yanyu Pavilion is a business, and even between close brothers, accounts must be settled. Miss Tang, what do you intend to offer as a token of your gratitude?โ€

Tang Linzhi replied, โ€œI hadn’t thought about it beforehand. But whatever you say, if it’s gold, silver, or other valuables, Hua Lian will arrange it. If you want someone’s head, just say the word, and I’ll retrieve it for you.โ€

Liu Xiu burst into laughter, saying, “I don’t want gold or silver, nor do I want anyone’s head.โ€

She then took another step closer, leaning in towards Tang Linzhi, now very near: โ€œI want you. Miss Tang, why don’t you offer yourself to me instead?โ€

As Liu Xiu leaned in, Tang Linzhi instinctively twisted her body and stepped aside, stating, โ€œIโ€™m being serious.โ€

Liu Xiu responded, โ€œSo am I.โ€

Tang Linzhi gave Liu Xiu a strange look, finally stating, โ€œI don’t like women.โ€

Undeterred, Liu Xiu clapped her hands together, โ€œWhat a coincidence! I happen to like women who don’t like women. Don’t you think we’re a match made in heaven, a perfect pair?โ€

As Liu Xiu moved closer again, Tang Linzhi swiftly retreated and leapt onto the roof, sitting cross-legged: “Give an inch, and you’ll take a mile. I offer you a stick, and you’ll use it to climb higher.” She was exasperated that despite her sincere apology and gratitude, Liu Xiu had seized the opportunity to tease her.

Liu Xiu looked up from below, murmuring softly, โ€œFlying so high again.โ€

Seeing that Tang Linzhi had no intention of coming down, Liu Xiu’s eyes twinkled with a sly smile.

She cleared her throat and began to sing:

โ€œMy origins obscure,

For years I’ve wandered, tossed and blown.

My husband scorns, the women jeer,

In the dust of three thousand, I appear small and smeared.

They say I’m heartless, trading smiles for gold,

Little do they know, my heart’s like steadfast stone, unswayed by the material hold.

Yet, bound by the reputation of frivolous folly in the lanes of fireworks and willows,

I ultimately delight someone’s heart, dodging the push and shove under eaves,

I thought being sentimental always invited heartache,

yet it was merely the girl’s disdain.โ€

Liu Xiuโ€™s voice was elegant and melodious, evoking a sense of melancholy and the bitterness of a courtesan’s unrequited love.

Tang Linzhi felt that she hadn’t done anything wrong, yet she couldn’t sit still, feeling a sense of restless frustration. She opened her mouth to speak from above but eventually just frowned and said, โ€œI don’t despise your background.โ€

Before more could be said, the door of the adjacent room opened, and Yang Chun along with Qi Tianzhu stepped out, each holding a wine cup. Yang Chun remarked, โ€œWho is singing hereโ€ฆ?โ€

Just about to comment โ€˜Upon such a reunion, shouldn’t we choose something more festive,โ€™ he then saw Liu Xiu and recognized her voice.

Yang Chun laughed, โ€œWhat a pleasant surprise, Young Mistress.โ€

Liu Xiu looked up towards the roof. Following her gaze, Yang Chun spotted Tang Linzhi.

Tang Linzhi, seeing Yang Chunโ€™s scrutinizing look, felt even more annoyed, leapt down from the roof, and declared, โ€œI didnโ€™t ask her to sing.โ€ It was somewhat akin to protesting too much.

Yang Chun, with an understanding nod, grasped Tang Linzhi’s arm and urged, โ€œMiss Tang, itโ€™s been so long. Why donโ€™t you come have a drink with Brother Qi and me? Letโ€™s go!โ€

As Hua Lian and Yu’er emerged from behind the courtyard wall, Hua Lian chuckled, โ€œThe host hasn’t even arrived yet, and you’re already drinking on your own.โ€

Yang Chun shouted, “Ah, Brother Hua Lian!” He pounced on him, giving him a big hug.

When he turned to look at Yu’er, who was standing to the side, he didn’t dare to be so unrestrained. He politely clasped his hands and bowed, smiling, โ€œMiss Yu’er.โ€ Yu’er returned the gesture.

Over the years, Yang Chunโ€™s features had become more defined, and he now grown a small beard on his chin. Ever since Yu’er had been studying martial arts with Du Zhong, she hadn’t seen him for a long time.

Liu Xiu smiled at Hua Lian and Yu’er, asking, โ€œWhen did you two arrive?โ€

Hua Lian, hand cupped near his mouth, coughed lightly and responded with a grin, โ€œJust arrived.โ€

Hua Lian gestured with his hand, โ€œLet’s not stand here. Come inside and have a seat so we can chat.โ€

The group then moved inside and took their places around a table. Yang Chun started pouring wine for everyone. Hua Lian turned to Liu Xiu and inquired, โ€œWhat brings you here this time?โ€

Liu Xiu asked, โ€œDidnโ€™t you receive my letter, Young Master Hua?โ€

Hua Lian appeared confused, โ€œWhat letter?โ€

Yu’er glanced at Hua Lian and reminded him, โ€œI received two letters, one from Tang Linzhi and one from Yanyu Pavilion.โ€

Hua Lian slapped his forehead, exclaiming, โ€œRight! Right! There were two letters. I was so focused on reading the letter from the Tiger Lady that I forgot what the other one saidโ€ฆโ€

Yu’er slowly stated, โ€œYoung Mistress Liu Xiu found traces of those who ambushed Qing Jiu back then.โ€

โ€œReally?!โ€ Hua Lianโ€™s voice was filled with excitement. Tang Linzhi gave him a look. Hua Lian suddenly remembered Tang Linzhi had mentioned this before, but he had been preoccupied and had forgotten, โ€œWhere is Xuanji Tower?โ€

After that incident, Xuanji Tower had hidden itself so well that not a trace of them was found, and Yanyu Pavilion had spent countless resources looking for them to little avail.

Liu Xiu shook her head, โ€œIt wasnโ€™t Xuanji Tower. Back then, rumors suggested that the Fenghou Sword was in Star Lordโ€™s possession, which led a group of martial artists to plan an ambush. However, they were not colluding with Xuanji Tower; their sole objective was the Fenghou Sword. Meanwhile, another group, whose origins were unclear, appeared to have an agreement with Xuanji Tower and followed Lingyunโ€™s orders, working together with them. Yanyu Pavilion identified these individuals, believing they might have information about Xuanji Tower.โ€

Hua Lian took a fierce swig of his drink and slammed the bowl down on the table, remaining silent.

Tang Linzhi folded her arms and said, โ€œYu’er and I are openly carrying the divine weapons, hoping to let those people know. They want the divine weapons, let them come and try to steal them!โ€

Yu’er knew that Liu Xiuโ€™s intentions for coming were not that simple, so she asked, “Did the Young Mistress come to inform us of where those people are hiding?”

Liu Xiu’s eyebrows knitted slightly, and she composed herself before speaking, “There were a total of ten people in that group. Not long after I sent letters to each of you, those people were killed one after another. Eight of them are already dead.”

Yu’er made a quick calculation in her mind. These people had collaborated with the Xuanji Tower, so their martial arts skills must be extraordinary, and their whereabouts were well-hidden, making it difficult for ordinary people to track them down. For someone to be able to kill eight of them within a few months, there were only a handful of people capable of doing so and willing to do it, “Could it be Xuanji Tower trying to silence them?”

Liu Xiu replied, “It’s still unclear. The remaining two are Qin Feng and Lin Ge.”

Hua Lian clenched his teeth, his tone ominous, “Qin Feng?”

“Does Young Master Hua know him?” Liu Xiu inquired.

Hua Lian let out a cold laugh, “Know him? If I meet him, Iโ€™d have to call him Uncle Feng!”

Yu’er glanced at him, her gaze growing deeper, and asked Liu Xiu, “Where are these two men?”

Liu Xiu answered, “Qin Feng is being held in custody at the Wenwu Sect, while Lin Ge is here in Hangzhou. Right now, someone from Yanyu Pavilion is secretly guarding his residence. I’m worried that something might go wrong, so I came in person.”

Hangzhou also houses a branch of Yanyu Pavilion. Those ten people were the closest lead to the Xuanji Tower that Yanyu Pavilion could currently obtain, and they couldn’t afford any mistakes. Liu Xiu was uneasy and had personally rushed to Hangzhou to mobilize the forces of Yanyu Pavilion and ensure that everything was properly arranged. Moreover, after so many years, she also wished to see these people again.

Tang Linzhi added, “Even if these people donโ€™t know where Xuanji Tower is, they cannot be absolved from the incident involving Qing Jiu. Whether Qing Jiu was taken by Xuanji Tower or ended up somewhere else, they might know something. We cannot let them go!”

Yu’er, with a stern voice, declared, “There’s no time to waste. Let’s pay him a visit tonight.”

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1 month ago

LX counting TL is so funny ๐Ÿคฃ TL is like a cat
Thanks for the TL!