
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 04, 2024 2 Comments
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Chapter 115: Unknown Identity

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Ten)

When Qi Tianzhu and Tang Linzhi returned, Yu’er and the others had already made it back to the Hua estate. The two went back to the Hua residence and saw that the hall was brightly lit.

Yu’er and Hua Lian were there, along with two others in the center of the hall, bound with ropes, restrained by Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue.

Jun Jimo shouted, “Behave yourselves!”

Seeing the two return empty-handed, Tang Linzhi was visibly upset, making it clear that their target had slipped away.

Hua Lian stood up, approached Tang Linzhi, his expression serious, and asked, “Little Yu’er mentioned that the assassin was wielding the Fenghou Sword. Did you get a clear look? Was it really the Fenghou Sword?”

Tang Linzhi confirmed, “There’s no mistake.”

Tang Linzhi glanced at the two bound individuals, a man and a woman, both in their fifties or sixties. Their hair was streaked with white, but their eyes were brimming with a sharp light, clearly indicating that they were martial artists. “Who are these two?”

Liu Xiu explained, “They were part of a group of four. Three of them were outside blocking my people from Yanyu Pavilion, and one went inside and killed Lin Ge. That was the man in black you fought. One burly man managed to escape, but we captured these two.”

Qi Tianzhu asked, “Young Mistress, were you able to uncover their identities?”

Liu Xiu smiled, “These two are somewhat famous. We don’t need to investigate specifically; even Young Master Hua recognizes them.”

Qi Tianzhu looked at Hua Lian. Hua Lian said, “In Hangzhou, there’s a place called the Juxian Hall, where people from all over jianghu gather, both righteous and evil. These two are among them. That man is known as Songzhu Ke and the woman as Fu Changshe.”

Liu Xiu added, “Interestingly, years ago, these two ambushed Star Lord, attempting to steal the Fenghou Sword, but they ended up injured and fled.”

Tang Linzhi inquired, “You mentioned four people. Do you know who the other two are?”

Liu Xiu shook her head, “The two who escaped wore masks; one covered his face entirely, so their identities remain unknown.”

Tang Linzhi nodded. She then turned to the two captives and coldly demanded, โ€œSpeak! Who are the other two? How did you obtain the Fenghou Sword? And why kill Lin Ge?”

Songzhu Ke and Fu Changshe both snorted disdainfully, turned their heads aside, and shut their eyes, ignoring everyone.

Tang Linzhi’s eyes glinted with a chilling light as she drew her Yi Suan dagger and pointed it at the two, “If you won’t talk, then you’ll have to suffer first!”

A figure moved quickly to the side, a bright white light blocking the attack.

Tang Linzhi said, “Yu’er, why are you stopping me?”

Yu’er neatly sheathed Si Ming and positioned herself, her gaze sweeping over the two, and spoke calmly, “They’re still useful. We can’t afford to hurt them.”

She had been disturbed by the sudden encounter with the assassin in black, but now, settled in thought, it seemed that whether the assassin held the Fenghou Sword or had killed Lin Ge, there might be a deep connection to the Xuanji Tower and Qing Jiu. It was even possible that the other eight people had been killed by that person as well.

The identity of this assassin was by no means simple. In fact, they might be even more important than the last remaining target, Qin Feng.

By starting with this person, they might make breakthroughs in regards to both the Xuanji Tower and the long-missing Qing Jiu.

Yu’er’s gaze was resolute. No matter what, they had to capture this individual.

Seven days later, on a night when the moon shone bright after a daytime rain, the air was humid and heavy with the earthy scent of vegetation.

Near a bridge pillar a kilometer north of Juxian Hall, a figure leaned, sword in hand, resting against their back, gazing at the river. Another person approached, robust in form, and bowed respectfully: “Benefactor.”

The figure responded indifferently, “Hmm. You sent a message saying you wanted to see me. What’s the matter?”

The man informed her urgently, “Songzhu Ke and Fu Changshe have sent word that Third Miss Jun wants to mobilize the disciples of the two manors to join forces with the Yanyu Pavilion and the Hua family to capture you. Benefactor, you need to leave Hangzhou quickly.”

The figure showed no signs of panic or urgency and asked, “How did these two come by such information?”

He explained, “On that day, we left in three different directions. Although I managed to escape from the Yanyu Pavilion’s people, Songzhu Ke and Fu Changshe were captured. They were interrogated about your identity and whereabouts, but the two of them refused to reveal anything even under the threat of death. Those people had no other choice, so they decided to use brute force and mobilize the power of all four sides to capture you. The two of them overheard this while they were being held.”

โ€œBenefactor, the disciples from the two manors are numerous and skilled. Yanyu Pavilion has an extensive information network, and the Hua family has vast connections and financial resources. When these disciples and all four factions join forces to search for you in Hangzhou, escaping them will be nearly impossible unless you can transform into seventy-two different forms. Concerned about this, as soon as they returned to Juxian Hall, they secretly sent a message urging you to leave Hangzhou as soon as possible.โ€

The figure remained silent. The man added, “Benefactor, I’m unsure why Third Miss Jun is so determined to pursue you over Lin Ge’s death. Not only is she the Young Mistress of both Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor, but she’s also a reputed disciple of Jie Qianchou. Her extensive connections and the kindness she’s shown to many in the jianghu have earned her a wide circle of allies. Unless absolutely necessary, it would be wise to avoid confronting her. She is a formidable woman and not someone to be underestimated.”

The figure turned their head to look at the man, staring at him for a long time. Even though they were wearing a mask, the man still felt uneasy under their gaze.

The figure said in a haunting voice, “I am well aware of her abilities.” After a moment, they asked, “How did those two escape her capture?”

He responded, “Those people probably saw that their interrogation was not yielding any results, so their vigilance relaxed. The two of them took advantage of the night to escape.”

The figure chuckled lightly, causing the man to look at her curiously and ask, “Benefactor, what’s the matter?”

The figure turned around, facing away from the man, towards the empty alley, and said, “They are using bait to fish.”

The man was stunned, and before he could say anything, he heard the sound of fluttering robes. A man in green robes with wide sleeves landed on the rooftop across the bridge, his face beaming with a smile. The man exclaimed in shock, “Two Sleeves of Spring Breeze?!”

Immediately, another shadow leaped from the riverbank to the edge of the bridgeโ€”it was none other than Tang Linzhi.

Footsteps from behind made the figure turn, revealing Qi Tianzhu and Jun Sixue approaching.

Yu’er emerged from the alley at the front of the stone bridge. Her steps were silent and seemingly leisurely, yet she moved swiftly, soundlessly reaching the head of the bridge in an instant, blocking the path of the two individuals.

As the figureโ€™s attention fixed on the newly arrived Yu’er, a sharp sound from above drew his gaze to the eaves, where a figure in white, holding a folding fan, now stood opposite Yang Chun.

The onlookers, surprised by his appearance, heard Tang Linzhi jest, โ€œLian Meiren, weren’t you reluctant to join us?”

Hua Lian retorted, “I want to see clearly for myself whether the sword she is holding is the Fenghou Sword and who exactly this mysterious figure is. I’m also worried that you might let this person escape again, so I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen.” The group shared a knowing smile.

With wolves in front and tigers behind, a heavenly net had been cast to capture this single individual.

Tang Linzhi coldly mocked the masked figure, โ€œTry running away now!”

The figure revealed, “So you were just putting on a performance and deliberately let Songzhu Ke and Fu Changshe escape.”

Yu’er had been observing the masked figure the entire time. Instead of the usual black robe, the person was clad in tight, black attire that hugged a slender, graceful figure, clearly that of a woman. Her long, ink-black hair was tied back neatly. With hands still clasped behind her back, gripping a sword, she showed a remarkable lack of wariness or vigilance, even though she was completely surrounded.

Yu’er stated, “It wasn’t exactly a performance. If we hadn’t encountered this person today, tomorrow we would have ended up doing just what Songzhu Ke and Fu Changshe describedโ€”sending disciples from the two manors to comb through Hangzhou in search.”

The woman in the mask inquired, “Third Miss Jun, why are you going to such great lengths to find me?”

The personโ€™s voice was somber. Yu’er paused to recall but didn’t recognize the voice: “I have a few questions for you.”

“And after I answer?” the masked woman asked.

Yu’er replied, “We’ll decide based on the situation.”

A smirk appeared on the masked womanโ€™s face, not quite a smile, “Decide based on the situation? Third Miss Jun does talk big.”

Tang Linzhi had already drawn her Chini and said coldly, “If you don’t accept the toast, you’ll have to drink the forfeit.”

The masked woman kept her gaze fixed on Yu’er, ignoring Tang Linzhi, and asked, “What does Miss Jun want to ask?”

“What’s your name?” Yu’er questioned.

There was a pause before the masked woman responded. Yang Chun shouted from above, “Don’t think about giving us a fake name.”

The masked woman replied, “Zhi Huan.”

Yu’er slightly frowned, somewhat skeptical, and pondered, “Miss Zhi Huan, which sect or faction do you belong to?”

The woman answered very straightforwardly this time, “The Ghost Sect.”

At this revelation, Yu’er, Hua Lian, and othersโ€™ expressions changed simultaneously. Hua Lian said coldly, “You claim to be from the Ghost Sect. How can you prove it?”

The woman pulled a token from her waist. Yang Chun interjected, “Tokens can be forged.”

“If you donโ€™t believe it, then I have nothing more to say,” the woman stated flatly.

“Why did you kill Lin Ge?” Yu’er asked, her eyes meticulously scanning the woman from head to toe.

“It was an order from my sect,” the woman replied.

“Did you also kill the other eight?”


“Why would the Ghost Sect want them dead?” Yu’er’s questions came faster and faster.

The woman responded calmly, “Internal matters of the sect are not for outsiders.”

“Which Ghost are you subordinate to?”

“I report directly to the Judge.”

The others had already started speculating in their minds. The sect leader of Ghost Sect was known as the Judge. The five most capable subordinates were referred to as Gui and possessed extraordinary skills. They obeyed the Judge’s commands and managed the sect members.

The sect members usually follow the commands of the five ghosts. Those directly managed by the Judge, other than these five, were few.

“Do you recognize Qing Jiu?” Yu’er asked.

“I do. She’s a traitor,” the woman replied.

Hua Lian demanded, “Where did you get the Fenghou Sword in your hand?”

“I retrieved it from the old Lin family estate,” the woman answered.

Hua Lian’s face turned ashen, his voice icy, “How did you know about that place?”

“That traitor told me,โ€ The woman stated.

Tang Linzhi’s expression shifted, asking, “You’ve met her, is she at your Ghost Sect?”

The woman stamped her foot. The group looked on, baffled. Yang Chun asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, she’s dead, turned to dust, returned to the earth,” the woman explained.

Tang Linzhi’s eyes burned with a fierce red. She released the bowstring, and an arrow shot out as she roared in anger, “You killed her!”

The woman drew the Fenghou Sword, and as it left the sheath, a soft, piercing hum filled the air, causing everyone’s knees to weaken. Yang Chun staggered a step, almost tumbling to the ground.

With a swift movement, the woman deflected the incoming arrow, redirecting its course and draining its force so that it embedded into a stone pillar.

“Although I have killed many, I won’t bear the blame for undeserved grudges. That traitor was already dying when her master, Qin Gui, brought her back to the sect, and she didn’t last long after. What does that have to do with me? If you want revenge, find the right person first.”

A gust of wind swept towards her side as Yu’er attacked with her Qiushui Sword, her strikes swift and relentless, her sword tip raining down like a dense shower, leaving no escape.

The woman engaged in the fight with few words, matching Yu’er move for move with a calm and composed style, not faltering at all.

From above, Yang Chun observed the exchange and turned to Tang Linzhi, asking, “Miss Tang, can you tell which sword technique that person is using?”

Tang Linzhi thought for a moment and replied, โ€œIt does seem somewhat similar to the techniques of Ghost Sect…”

Yu’er pressed the person back with a thrust and demanded, “You claim to be from the Ghost Sect, then why use the Buddhist Vajra Palm?”

Previously, Qi Tianzhu had clashed palms with her and noticed the person used a Buddhist technique, which surprised him, and he mentioned it to Yuโ€™er afterward.

The woman hesitated briefly before responding, โ€œWhat’s so strange about that? The Buddhist Vajra Palm is an external martial art, not a secret technique from any sect. I learned it by observing a few Shaolin disciples. What’s so difficult about that?”

After speaking, the person switched their swordplay style and launched a new attack.

Yu’er, familiar with this maneuver, easily dismantled it.

The person continued, “Just like this Jun family sword technique, itโ€™s easy to learn. Third Miss Jun, see if I got it right.” They executed a move that Jun Sixue had used in a previous encounter.

The imitation was impressively accurate, capturing about seventy to eighty percent of the originalโ€™s essence.

Yu’er drew back, observing the person for a long while before saying, “Miss Zhi Huan, you possess a rare talent that’s seldom seen in this world. Among those I know, only one other person could achieve what you have.”

The person did not respond to the praise, simply stating, โ€œIs that so? This is just an ordinary skill, nothing more.”

Translation notes:
If you don’t accept the toast, you’ll have to drink the forfeit(ๆ•ฌ้…’ไธๅƒ๏ผŒไฝ ๆ˜ฏ่ฆๅƒ็ฝš้…’) โ€“ A Chinese Idiom that basically means: Tell the truth or face the consequences.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the translation

1 month ago

Bro she’s not fooling anyone lol