
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 05, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 116: Claiming to Be Dead

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Eleven)

Yuโ€™er did not sheathe her sword; the blade of the Qiushui Sword glistened like silver light on the surface of the lake, creating shimmering ripples of light. It vibrated on its own, echoing like the Fenghou Sword, leaving Yang Chun, the weakest in internal energy among the group, unable to hold up any longer, collapsing onto the roof with a thud.

The man was also drenched in sweat, panting heavily. Seeing Yu’er still holding her sword, he thought she was about to strike again, so he too drew his own blade, ready to assist his benefactor.

Yu’er glanced at him then asked the woman, “How did you end up with people from the Juxian Hall? Why are they willing to follow your orders?”

“I helped them with some minor troubles in the past. Though they are a rough bunch, they at least know how to repay kindness. They have an extensive information network within Hangzhou City, so I called on them to find out where Lin Ge lived,” she responded openly and straightforwardly.

Yu’er maintained her composure, giving no hint of whether she believed the woman or not, her mind possibly turning over other thoughts.

“Does Third Miss Jun have any more questions?”

Yu’er replied, “I’m done asking.”

The corners of the woman’s mouth curved slightly, a very shallow arc that only Yuโ€™er saw. She couldn’t help thinking that behind the mask, this woman must be wearing a mocking expression.

“So, has Third Miss Jun decided how she wants to deal with me?”

Yu’er sheathed her Qiushui sword, stepped aside on the bridge, and opened the way, “I apologize for the disturbance tonight. I will personally visit Ghost Sect to offer my apologies on another day.”

The woman performed a flourish with her sword, sheathed the Fenghou, and walked away, the man following behind her. Passing by Yu’er, she remarked, “I look forward to your esteemed visit.”

Tang Linzhi, still angry and with a fierce expression, glanced at their retreating figures, then furiously removed the arrow from the stone pillar at the bridgehead, and walked over to Yu’er, exclaiming, “Are we really letting her go just like that?”

Hua Lian landed softly on the bridge and approached slowly. Yu’er asked, “What she said just now, how much do you think was true?”

Hua Lian twirled his folding fan and clasped his hands behind his back, “Half true, half false. Lies mixed with truth are the most convincing. I originally thought this person was someone important, but after tonight, I believe we absolutely cannot let her go.”

Tang Linzhi, who had been listening on the side and was still confused by the swift turn of events, was about to inquire further when Yu’er and Hua Lian moved toward the departing figures. The rest of their companions, though not fully understanding, followed without further questions.

The two made their way to a secluded inn. The man looked back to see that Yu’er and her group were still following: “Benefactor, theyโ€™re still on our tail. What should we do now?”

The woman glanced back and called, “Kui Shan.”

The man responded, “Yes, what are your instructions, Benefactor?”

“Head back to the Juxian Hall for now, and tomorrow, please accompany me to Wujin City.”

Kui Shan looked again at Yu’er’s group approaching, “But Benefactor, can you handle these people alone…”

“It’s not a problem. You may go.”

Considering the skills displayed by Yu’er’s group, Kui Shan realized he was no match and staying would only hinder his benefactor.

He felt deep regret in his heart for being lax in his vigilance, which led to him bringing Third Miss Jun, a formidable figure from jianghu, into contact with his benefactor. โ€œBe careful, benefactor,โ€ he said, bowing respectfully before departing back to the Juxian Hall. Along the way, he looked back twice but didn’t see the group following him. He knew that those people were determined to stick to his benefactor.

After Kui Shan left, the woman entered the inn, where only a sleepy young attendant tending the front desk, a single oil lamp flickering beside him.

She then went upstairs to return to her room. Yu’er and her group of six squeezed into the inn one after the other.

Hua Lian approached the counter, knocked twice, and called out, “Young attendant, we’d like rooms!”

The sleepy young attendant groggily opened his eyes, initially showing impatience, but upon recognizing Hua Lian, his expression immediately changed, “Huaโ€ฆ Second Young Master Hua, what brings you to our humble inn?”

“Didn’t you hear? We need rooms!” Hua Lian pointed with his folding fan towards the person heading upstairs, giving a smile as he spoke, “Prepare the six rooms surrounding that personโ€”east, south, west, north, above, and below. Make sure they’re clean. I, Young Master Hua, want to move in right now.”

Yang Chun tucked his hands into his sleeves and squeezed next to Qi Tianzhu, laughing softly, “Brother Hua really knows how to play the part of a privileged young master.”

The young attendant glanced uneasily at the person heading upstairs, “But Second Young Master Hua, some of those rooms are still occupied…”

Hua Lian pulled out a stack of silver notes and threw them into the young attendantโ€™s chest, “Now!”

The young attendant, eyes widening at the sight of the silver notes, plastered a smile on his face, “Yes, yes, please wait a moment, Second Young Master.”

The woman glanced down for a moment, said nothing, and went straight to her room.

The young attendant quickly summoned the innkeeper to make arrangements for Hua Lian. That night, except for Yang Chun who returned to the Hua residence to inform Liu Xiu, the remaining five settled into the inn.

They were openly keeping watch.

The night passed without incident.

The next day, the woman came downstairs to find that Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue had switched with Hua Lian and Tang Linzhi. The two brothers were now sitting at a table with Qi Tianzhu and Yang Chun.

Seeing the woman coming down, Yang Chun invited her over, “Miss Zhi Huan, come join us for a meal. The noodle soup here is quite good,” as if they were old acquaintances.

She seemed not to hear and chose a table by the window to sit alone.

A young attendant approached to take her order, then bowed and withdrew quietly.

Shortly after, Yu’er also came downstairs.

Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue waved and called out, “Third Miss,” inviting her to join their table and even stood up to offer her a seat.

However, Yu’er, as if she hadnโ€™t heard them, walked over to the window and sat opposite the woman.

The woman tilted her head slightly, a look of puzzlement on her face, “I wasn’t aware that Third Miss Jun and I were close enough to dine together.โ€

Yu’er replied calmly, “Miss Zhi Huan, you greatly resemble an old acquaintance of mine. I don’t mind sharing a table with you.”

The woman was visibly stunned for a moment, then said, “Then I am honored.”

The young attendant quickly brought up the noodles; the woman supported the bowl with her right hand and picked up the chopsticks with her left.

Yu’er noticed this and her eyes flickered slightly. The woman seemed to sense something and paused for a moment but continued eating.

“Isn’t Third Miss Jun going to eat? The noodle soup at this inn is indeed quite good.”

The young attendant came over to ask. Yu’er replied, “I’ll have the same as her.”

Soon after, the noodles were served. Yu’er didnโ€™t rush to eat but instead asked, “Miss Zhi Huan uses her right hand for the sword but eats with her left, may I ask why?”

The woman smiled, “My right hand was once injured, so I developed this habit. Third Miss Jun is being exceptionally attentive and particularly interested in my affairs. If I were a man, I might think that Miss Jun had a certain fondness for meโ€ฆ”

Before she could finish speaking, Yu’er suddenly thrust her sword towards the womanโ€™s ear with lightning speed. The woman reacted quickly, using their chopsticks to block near their ear.

Yu’erโ€™s strike was not meant to harm the woman, but such was the sharpness of the Qiushui Sword that even a casual thrust generated enough force to snap the chopsticks in two.

A mosquito fell onto the table in front of the person. Yu’er sheathed her sword, her expression unchanged, “There was a mosquito near Miss Zhi Huan just now. I acted on impulse. Please don’t take offense.”

The woman reached behind their mask to touch the strap, even though they had blocked the strike with their chopsticks, they hadn’t completely stopped the fierce sword energy, and the strap was slightly cut: “Using the divine sword Qiushui to kill a mosquito, Third Miss Jun has quite the sense of humor.”

The woman put down the broken chopsticks, picked up the Fenghou sword, and stood up, “Third Miss Jun, please continue your meal, Iโ€™ll return to my room.”

Yu’er watched the womanโ€™s departing figure until it was out of sight.

Qi Tianzhu approached and asked, “Girl, whatโ€™s going on?” He had seen Yu’erโ€™s sudden sword strike and knew she must have had a reason to test the person, likely having noticed something off.

Yu’er stared at the broken chopsticks for a while and said, “She uses her right hand to wield her sword but holds her chopsticks with her left hand.”

Qi Tianzhu was puzzled. Although most people typically favor one hand, it wasnโ€™t unusual in the grand scheme for someone to use both hands interchangeably, even though it’s rare.

“So what about it?”

Yu’er turned her head to look up at him, her eyes softening for a moment, “Qing Jiu also used her right hand to wield her sword but held her chopsticks with her left hand.”

Qi Tianzhu frowned in recollection, “Sister Qing Jiu was like that?”

Yu’er gently brushed her fingers over the Buddhist beads on her hand and explained, “Although she was accustomed to using her right hand, both her hands were equally dexterous. She used to wear the prayer beads on her right wrist and didnโ€™t want to risk getting them dirty with food stains, so she always used her left hand for chopsticks.”

Qi Tianzhu knew Yu’er was attentive to detail, but he hadn’t expected her to notice and remember such a small thing for so long.

Qi Tianzhu sighed, “But if she is Sister Qing Jiu, why wouldn’t she acknowledge us? Why would she draw her sword against us?”

“Girl, perhaps itโ€™s just a coincidence.”

At noon, Kui Shan came to the inn to meet the woman. She had already packed her belongings, and as soon as Kui Shan arrived, she left with him.

Yu’er and the others took turns keeping watch on her. As soon as they saw her leave the inn, they followed. They saw the two head to a tree where two horses were tethered. They untied the reins, mounted the horses, and headed towards the city gate.

Qi Tianzhu said to Yu’er, “It seems they are going on a long journey. We didnโ€™t prepare horses, what should we do?”

Before he had finished speaking, Tang Linzhi and Hua Lian had already brought horses over.

Liu Xiu had been secretly monitoring Kui Shanโ€™s movements. Knowing he had prepared horses, she anticipated they would embark on a journey and quickly arranged for horses, which she sent with the two.

With their bags packed and ready for a long journey, Hua Lian appeared determined to delve into the truth about Miss Zhi Huanโ€”to discern the truths and lies in her words.

If the rumor of Qing Jiu’s death was false, she certainly knew the clues about Qing Jiuโ€™s whereabouts, and they needed to investigate this from her; if it was true, whether it involved the Ghost Sect or Xuanji Tower, they were prepared to turn the world upside down!

He had believed Qing Jiu was dead, and this had struck him hard, leaving him disheartened and disillusioned. But now, with the slightest possibility that Qing Jiu might still be alive, his passion was reignited. The fog of confusion in his mind had cleared; he knew exactly what needed to be done.

Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue had already ensured that everyone at the inn was ready to go. Once Tang Linzhi and Hua Lian arrived, the group mounted their fine horses and followed the two out of the city gates.

On the road, Yu’er discussed with Hua Lian about Zhi Huan’s peculiar way of using chopsticks. Hua Lian, resting his folding fan against his chin, fell into a long silence before saying, “Her physique indeed resembles Qing Jiuโ€™s, and as for her voice, Qing Jiu and I once practiced ventriloquism together. It wouldnโ€™t be hard for her to disguise it. Little Yuโ€™er, your suspicions arenโ€™t unfounded.”

The horses provided by Liu Xiu were of excellent quality, allowing the group to easily catch up with the two ahead, keeping a discreet distance.

The pair continued heading north. Hua Lian speculated, “Little Yuโ€™er, let’s guess where she might be heading.”

Both looked at each other and simultaneously said, “Wujin City.”

The Wenwu Sect was located in Wujin City, where Qin Feng was imprisoned. This person, after having taken the lives of nine, wouldn’t leave a single one behind.

Kui Shan and the woman rode side by side. Hearing a noise and turning back, Kui Shan gasped, “Benefactor, those people are following us again.”

“I don’t know what their intentions are, whether good or bad. If they ruin your plans… Benefactor, these people are not simple. Although they’re not making things difficult for us now, who knows what they’ll do in the future? It’s best to shake them off.”

Their horses moved at a leisurely pace, and the woman’s body swayed slightly as she tilted her chin to the right, “That man, Two Sleeves of Spring Breeze, also known as Yang Chun, is the fastest in the world when it comes to lightness skills.”

“Beside him is the Second Young Master of the Hua family, known for his โ€˜Snow Tracing Stepsโ€™ lightness skill, could keep up with Yang Chun.”

“Next to him is the third daughter of the Jun family. She learned lightness skills from both of them, surpassing her teachers. And the one carrying a bow-sword is a disciple of the Tang Sect, an expert in tracking and tracing, with exceptional lightness skills.” She chuckled, “Shake them off? Do you have any brilliant ideas?”

Kui Shan wiped the sweat from his forehead, straightening up without realizing, “Benefactor, you seem very familiar with them.”

She glanced at him sideways and asked, “What are you trying to say?”

Kui Shan continued, “Yesterday, when those people heard your words, they wanted revenge. Given your deep understanding of them, could it be that you have a history with them? Since they are friends, not enemies, why deceive them by saying… saying that you were dead?”

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1 month ago

Thanks for the TL