
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 17, 2024 No Comments
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Chapter 134: Good Deeds Will Eventually Be Rewarded

Between Buddha and Demon (Part Twelve)

Mo Wen and the others had been in Miaojiang for over three months, and the weather had turned cold, with frost forming even during the day.

With the arrival of winter, everyone became lethargic and reluctant to move. Qing Jiu, without her internal energy to shield her, struggled against the biting cold, preferring to stay bundled up indoors. She was constantly tired, sleeping for most of the day, only coming alive when evening fell.

Every day, Zelan and Zizhi would come to check Qing Jiuโ€™s pulse, while Yu’er took care of her meals and kept her company. She filled Qing Jiu in on the events of the past six years. Though nothing particularly remarkable had happened, Yu’er found herself talking endlessly, relishing the simple act of sharing her life with Qing Jiu.

After meals, Qing Jiu would become sleepy, and Yu’er would forcibly drag her outside for a walk. Their days passed leisurely and peacefully.

However, this morning was not as calm as usual.

Qing Jiu had a severe reaction to her poison. Yuโ€™er administered the medicine left by Mo Wen, but it had little effect.

She writhed in agony, her pain so intense she nearly lost consciousness. In a moment of desperation, she reached for a dagger, intending to end her suffering.

Yu’er held her down, embracing her, and whispered gentle words of comfort in her ear. She knew she couldn’t ease Qing Jiu’s pain at all and felt helpless and tearful.

Xin Chou, following Yuโ€™erโ€™s order, hurriedly went to find disciples from the Xuhuai Valley. His frantic explanations and unclear speech caused quite a bit of confusion, but eventually, he managed to bring Zelan and Zizhi back with him.

Qing Jiu was delirious with pain, thrashed wildly. Zizhi held her hand and took her pulse, working up a sweat.

After taking Qing Jiu’s pulse, Zizhi’s expression turned serious. She and Zelan prepared several doses of medicine and fed them to Qing Jiu, but the effects were minimal.

They struggled until dusk, exhausted, and Qing Jiu finally fell into a deep sleep.

Zizhi apologetically said, โ€œMiss Yuโ€™er, my junior sister and I lack skill. We haven’t been much help, and I’m truly ashamed.”

Yuโ€™er sat by the bed, holding Qing Jiu’s hand, never taking her eyes off her, and said weakly, โ€œItโ€™s not that your medical skills are lacking. I know her time is near. She doesn’t have much longer, does she?”

Zelan replied, โ€œDon’t lose hope. The senior sisters might already be on their way back.โ€

Yuโ€™er did not respond. Zizhi sighed inwardly, bowed to her, and said, โ€œMiss Yuโ€™er, we’ll take our leave now.”

Yu’er finally acknowledged with a quiet response. The two left the room, but unable to rest easy, Zelan stayed to keep watch.

Night fell, and the moon shone through the western window. Qing Jiu woke up, feeling much more alert than during the day.

After a day of turmoil, she found she couldn’t sleep and wanted to get up and walk around.

The night was chilly, and with her recent bout of poison, Yu’er was reluctant to let her go out. They compromised, and Yu’er wrapped her in a thick cloak. The two sat on the doorstep, leaning against each other, gazing at the moon.

The wind rustled through the trees, casting dancing shadows on the frost-covered steps.

Qing Jiu sighed lightly, โ€œThe beauty of spring makes it hard to sleep.โ€

Yuโ€™er responded, “I think you’re confused by the wind. It’s already past Xiaohan now. If anything, it’s winter’s beauty, not spring’s.”

Qing Jiu turned to look at her, resting her chin on Yuโ€™erโ€™s shoulder, and smiled mischievously, her breath tickling Yuโ€™erโ€™s ear, โ€œWhere do you think spring’s beauty lies?โ€

Yuโ€™er turned to look into her smiling eyes, her heart pounding, recalling how it felt when they first met, though they were never this close. Yuโ€™er bit her lip, โ€œI donโ€™t know.โ€

Qing Jiu leaned in, her lips brushing against Yu’er’s in a fleeting kiss, “Right here.”

Yu’er savored the sweetness of the kiss, her heart overflowing with joy. She longed to draw Qing Jiu closer, to lose herself in the warmth of their embrace, but concern for Qing Jiu’s fragile health held her back. She masked her emotions, feigning a calm she didn’t feel. “It’s getting late,” she said, her voice steady. “It’s windy at the door. We’ll catch a cold if we stay out too long. Let’s go to bed.”

Qing Jiu obediently followed her inside. As Yu’er closed the door and approached the bed to help Qing Jiu out of her cloak, Qing Jiu chuckled, “But I can’t sleep.โ€

“Even if you can’t sleep, you shouldโ€ฆ” Yu’er began, her fingers working on the cloak’s fastenings.

Before she could finish, Qing Jiu grabbed her head, pulling her close, her lips capturing Yu’er’s in a passionate kiss.

It was far easier for Qing Jiu to take the lead. A simple kiss was all it took for Yu’er to melt against her, allowing Qing Jiu’s tongue to slip past her lips, exploring her mouth with gentle insistence.

Yu’er halfheartedly pushed Qing Jiu away, feigning annoyance. “No, you were in agony during the day, and now you want to make trouble at night.”

Qing Jiu ignored her, pulling Yu’er down onto the bed, burying her face in the warmth and softness of Yu’er’s embrace.

She remembered the agony of the day, the despair that had nearly consumed her, but her voice remained gentle and firm. “Every time the Gu poison flares up, I feel like I’m dying,” she said, “but it always passes. It’s over now. I’m fine.”

Yu’er lay on top of her, her arms wrapped tightly around Qing Jiu’s waist. She didn’t speak, only mumbled against Qing Jiu’s chest, “No, itโ€™s not okay.”

Qing Jiu lifted Yu’er’s face, feigning annoyance, “If you don’t listen to me, I’ll be upset. I’ll be angry.”

Yu’er laughed, her eyes twinkling. “Don’t think you can sway me with your charms.”

Qing Jiu leaned in for another kiss, and Yu’er, her heart already melting, surrendered to the tender assault.

Clothes were shed, bed curtains drawn, and the lamp dimmed.

Willow waists swayed, and passions intertwined.

Flowers lightly unfolded, and peonies dripped with dew.

They slept soundly until morning. Yu’er carefully slipped out of bed, dressed, tucked the blankets around Qing Jiu, kissed her gently on the forehead, and left the room to go to the kitchen.

Yu’er was making soup, tasting it with a ladle, adjusting the flavor while deep in thought.

She didn’t notice someone had entered until the person leaned against the door and said with a smile, “Little Yu’er, what are you thinking about so intently? One moment you’re smiling sweetly, the next you’re frowning in contemplation. You haven’t even noticed I’m here.”

Hearing the voice, Yu’erโ€™s heart leapt with joy. She quickly turned around and saw Hua Lian, unable to contain her tears of happiness, exclaimed, “You’re back!”

Hua Lian, arms crossed, smiled and said, “We’re back. Whereโ€™s Qing Jiu? I don’t see her.”

Yu’er, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, replied, “She’s still asleep.”

Hua Lian let out a knowing “Oh,” his eyes twinkling with mischief. He stepped into the kitchen and peered into the pot, “It smells delicious. Youโ€™re making a nourishing soup for Qing Jiu. Sheโ€™s sleeping a lot and you’re cooking up something richโ€ฆ Could it be she’s with child?”

Yu’erโ€™s face flushed, and she smacked Hua Lian with the spoon, retorting, “Stop talking nonsense.”

“Let me test it for poison first,” Hua Lian chuckled, grabbing a bowl. “I haven’t had a decent meal in days.”

Only then did Yuโ€™er notice Hua Lianโ€™s travel-worn appearance. She served him some soup and anxiously asked, “How did it go?”

Holding the bowl, Hua Lian sighed deeply and said, “Itโ€™s a mix of good and bad news.”

As he expected, Yu’er’s face fell, her brow furrowing with worry.

“Yan Li, Linzhi, and Big Brother Qi stayed behind in Miao territory,” Hua Lian explained. “Yang Chun went to the Central Plains. Mo Wen, Valley Master Bai, your second sister, and your two retainers returned with me.”

Yu’er sensed that things had taken a complicated turn and wanted to hear more from Hua Lian.

As they stepped into the courtyard, Yu’er spotted Mo Wen. “Mo Wen!” she called out.

Mo Wen, seemingly oblivious, walked straight into her room and closed the door. Yu’er glanced at Hua Lian, confused. She was certain it was Mo Wen’s room.

Yu’er moved to approach and inquire, but Hua Lian stepped out, stopping her, โ€œLet her be alone for a while.”

Yu’er asked, “Whatโ€™s wrong with her? And why did Yan Li and the others stay in Miaojiang, and why did Yang Chun go to the Central Plains?”

“It’s a long story,” Hua Lian sighed, taking a seat on a stone bench. “As for Mo Wenโ€ฆ let’s wait until Qing Jiu wakes up. It’s best to keep it from her for now. She needs to focus on recovering. We shouldn’t burden her with additional worries.”

“You’re right,” Yu’er agreed.

“Our meeting with the Miao Gu Emperor went relatively well,” Hua Lian began. “There were a few complications, but we managed. Before we left, Yan Li received information from the Gu Emperor that someone from Wuwei Palace had visited him.”

Yu’er asked, “Elder Jian Mobei?”

Hua Lian replied, “Yes.”

Yu’er nodded, “Elder Jian Mobei is investigating the disappearance of his disciples in Miaojiang. It’s understandable that he would seek out the Gu Emperor.”

Hua Lian continued, “The Gu Emperor is already aware of the atrocities Wu Chang committed at Mingjian Manor. After Wei Ran speculated that Wu Chang might be the culprit behind the missing disciples, the Gu Emperor was willing to help Jian Mobei with the investigation. However, by the time we arrived in Miaojiang, Jian Mobei and his group had already lost contact.”

“The last message from a disciple of Wuwei Palace confirmed without a doubt that it was indeed Wu Chang, accompanied by several mysterious and skilled martial artists. The situation is clearly complex. With her sect in trouble, Yan Li couldn’t just leave. She decided to stay close to the Gu Emperor to investigate Wu Chang’s whereabouts further. Concerned about her being alone, Linzhi and Brother Qi also decided to stay and look after her.”

Yu’er asked, “Did Yang Chun go to the Central Plains to inform Wuwei Palace?”

Hua Lian nodded, โ€œWu Chang has made many enemies in the jianghu. He controls corpses and practices dark arts. If news of his whereabouts spreads, other sects won’t let him go unpunished. Yang Chun will travel through the Central Plains, passing through Jiangnan to have the Yanyu Pavilion spread the news to rally wulin heroes. Then he’ll head to Wuwei Palace to inform Sect Leader Jian Wangchen about what’s happening in Miaojiang.โ€

After finishing, Hua Lian sighed, truly feeling it was a troubled time.

Yu’er couldn’t calm her heart and sighed, “May the heavens protect the Wuwei Palace disciplesโ€ฆ”

That day, Qing Jiu slept until noon. The others didn’t disturb her. When she finally woke, Yu’er helped her dress and informed her of everyone’s return.

Qing Jiu was overjoyed. As she joined the others for their meal, she smiled. “There’s no need to wait for me,” she said.

Hua Lian teased her, “You’re quite the important person now. The cook won’t let us sit down without you picking up your chopsticks.”

Qing Jiu sat beside Yu’er. She noticed only Hua Lian and Jun Sixue were present, along with Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue standing guard outside the door. “Where are Mo Wen and the others?” she asked.

Hua Lian replied, “Yan Li and the others are a bit behind and will return after a while, but Mo Wen is back…”

Yu’er asked Jun Jimo, “Why isnโ€™t Mo Wen coming over?”

Jun Suyue responded, “Third Miss, Miss Mo Wen said sheโ€™s not feeling hungry.”

“Sheโ€™s not hungry?” Qing Jiu raised an eyebrow, as if hearing the most blatant lie.

Qing Jiu looked at Hua Lian. He said, “Donโ€™t look at me, I donโ€™t understand whatโ€™s going on either. Everything went smoothly, and she even found a solution, but sheโ€™s been gloomy and distracted all the way. I donโ€™t know whatโ€™s bothering her.”

The more Hua Lian spoke, the more confused Yu’er became, so she said, “Since Qing Jiu is awake, why donโ€™t you tell us in detail about your trip to Miaojiang.”

Hua Lian began to recount their journey slowly. After entering Miaojiang, Bai Sang, who had accompanied Xuan Shen before, led them to the Gu Emperor. Many of the Gu Emperor’s followers recognized her, so they met the Gu Emperor without any trouble.

“For the first two days, the Gu Emperor was quite hospitable,” Hua Lian explained. “He heard about Mo Wen’s condition and promised to do his best to help. However, after Mo Wen had a private conversation with him, he completely changed his tune, claiming Mo Wen belonged to them.”

Hua Lian pulled out the folding fan tucked behind his neck, waving it open despite the cold weather, and scoffed, โ€œDon’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

Yu’er, remembering the affair of the living Gu, looked towards Qing Jiu and asked quietly, “Was it them who made Mo Wen’s body like this?”

Qing Jiuโ€™s expression darkened as she said, “The Gu Emperor was trying to avoid trouble back then, so he passed that burden onto Xuan Shen. Not only did Xuan Shen accept it, but he also cleaned up the Gu Emperorโ€™s mess. How dare he demand Mo Wen back now!”

Upon hearing this, Hua Lian shook his head and sighed, “So there’s someone who knows the truth. I tried asking Mo Wen, but she refused to tell me anything.”

Yu’er asked, “You said Mo Wen found a way. How did she manage to negotiate?”

Hua Lian let out a few cold laughs. “Negotiate? We were there asking for help, and he had us by the throat. He even thought Mo Wen was from Xuhuai Valley. He told Valley Master Bai to ‘exchange Mo Wen for the cure,’ claiming Miaojiang was her rightful place, that he could help her control her abilities, and a lot of other nonsense. I didn’t bother remembering all his nonsense.”

Yu’er frowned and asked, “What happened next?”

At this point, Jun Jimo couldnโ€™t help but interject, “Third Miss, do you remember that mad girl from the Qin family?”

Yuโ€™er, momentarily confused, asked, “What?”

Jun Suyue explained, “The girl who was locked up with us in the dungeon, the one who was tortured into madness by Yuan Wenliu.”

As soon as Yuan Wenliu was mentioned, Yu’er remembered. She had been captured and thrown into the dungeon of the Qin family, locked up with several youths. Among them were these two brothers and a girl who had been driven mad, pitifully deranged. Though the memory was vivid, it had been so many years that it didn’t come to mind immediately.

Seeing their sudden mention of this girl, Yuโ€™er knew she must be relevant and asked, “Who is she?”

Jun Jimo was about to reveal the answer with a mischievous grin when Jun Sixue interjected, “That girl is the Gu Emperorโ€™s granddaughter, the newly appointed Holy Maiden. She recognized Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue. They shared a difficult experience in the past, so naturally, they struck up a conversation. That’s how she learned they were serving you.”

โ€œSecond Miss, why are you stealing my lines?โ€

Yu’er was quite surprised and remarked, “Thatโ€™s quite a coincidence.”

Hua Lian smiled and said, “It’s all about fate.”

Jun Jimo added, “Third Miss, you saved her life. Knowing we were searching for a cure for you, she didn’t hesitate to help Mo Wen steal the necessary scroll. Although the Gu Emperor found out, he had no evidence and couldn’t bear to punish her, so he pretended not to know. Before we left, she asked about you and said she’d always remember your kindness. If she has the chance, she’ll come to thank you in person.”

Yu’er, hearing all this, was deeply moved and found herself unable to remain calm.

“It proves that good deeds are always rewarded,” Jun Suyue added. “Third Miss’s past kindness has brought her good fortune. The heavens will surely bless her with a smooth and prosperous life.”

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