
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 19, 2024 No Comments
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Chapter 138: Jianghu Emergency

Between Buddha and Demon (Part Sixteen)

Feixu sternly commanded, “Let’s not create unnecessary complications.”

The group immediately forced Yu’er and her four companions deeper into the forest. With their superior numbers, they effectively formed a human wall, pushing Yu’er and the others back.

Yu’er’s Qiushui Sword danced wildly, its light like falling stars. She killed one person and leapt into the air to see who was coming, hoping she might recognize someone and ask for help.

Feixu drew his willow-leaf saber and slashed, forcing her back to the ground.

The arriving group from the Beggar’s Sect numbered over twenty. The leader, with a light and quick step, rushed towards them, laughing, โ€œThis dog listens well; when told not to block the way, it doesn’t block the way.” The people behind him burst into laughter.

Hearing this, the group pursuing Yu’er felt disgruntled. One of them brandished a dagger, its blade glinting coldly, and said icily, “Move aside and go. Speak too much, and you won’t know how you died.”

Still laughing, the leader of the beggars quipped, “Ah, this dog wants to bite.”

Yu’er called out, “I am Jun Ruoyu of Jiuxiao Manor. Which friend from the Beggarโ€™ Sect is outside?”

Her voice was clear and loud, cutting through the noise of the ongoing fight.

The leader’s expression changed to one of seriousness and respect, “I am Yin Shan, an elder of the Beggar’s Sect. So, it’s the Young Mistress who in trouble. Allow us to lend you a helping hand!”

Yin Shan and his men were on their way when they spotted, from a distance, a group of fifty to sixty people chasing five or six individuals. They despised this bullying with numbers, so they mocked them without knowing it was Yu’er and her companions being pursued.

Now seeing Yu’er in trouble, their demeanor changed immediately. Remembering how they had been helped by Yu’er at the Mingjian Manor, and having come here with news from Yanyu Pavilion to seek Yu’er’s assistance, they naturally had to protect her!

The Beggar’s Sect disciples had already moved to the roadside, but at Yin Shan’s command, they charged into battle with their sticks and staffs. The Beggarโ€™s Sect had come well-prepared, and these disciples were all skilled fighters!

The group chasing Yu’er was caught off-guard and thrown into disarray.

Yu’er and her companions broke through the encirclement to join the Beggar’s Sect disciples. She glanced around briefly, vaguely remembering that this man had once attended a banquet at Jiuxiao Manor alongside the Beggar’s Sect’s leader, Lei Gong.

Yin Shan, lean and over fifty yet with hair still black, asked, “Young Mistress, weren’t you in Xuhuai Valley? How did you end up here, being chased? Who are these people?”

Yu’er replied, “Itโ€™s a long story, Elder Yin. Once we’re safe, I’ll explain everything. These are men from Wu Chang and the Xuanji Tower, and there are two walking corpses among them. Be careful.”

Hearing Yu’er mention Wu Chang and the walking corpses, Yin Shan’s face darkened and frowned in anger, “So these are Wu Chang’s people. Good! You dogs, if I don’t seek you out, you come looking for me!”

The Beggar’s Sect members roared in unison, their faces flushed with anger, their momentum soaring as they fought relentlessly, as if they harbored deep grudges against these attackers.

Yu’er was unsure of the reason for their anger, but knowing they were outnumbered and that a desperate struggle was not a viable solution, they needed to find a way to retreat.

Yu’er shared her thoughts with Yin Shan, who dismissed her concerns with a loud voice, “Young Mistress, no need to worry. Friends from Yanyu Pavilion will arrive soon. We don’t need to fear them!”

Yu’er suddenly understood, “Yanyu Pavilion. So, you were asked to come by Yanyu Pavilion!”

Seeing that his prolonged attack was unsuccessful and that reinforcements had arrived for the other side, Feixu frowned, considered his options, and then ordered a retreat to pursue another group.

The disciples of the Beggar’s Sect were fierce in their pursuit, relentlessly chasing their targets until they could no longer keep up, then returning to regroup.

Yu’er breathed a sigh of relief but soon grew worried again. She wondered if Jun Sixue could safely lead everyone to Xiaoqing Mountain, to the residence of Jie Qianchou.

Worried that Fei Xu might return, she found a hidden spot for everyone to rest and recover.

Zelan and Zizhi had brought some medicinal supplies with them and began treating everyoneโ€™s injuries. Yu’er, Hua Lian, and Yin Shan sat down together and discussed the situation in Xuhuai Valley, only then understanding why the Beggar’s Sect disciples were present.

The truth was that Beggarโ€™s Sect Leader Lei Gong had passed away long ago. The supposed retirement story was merely a cover because a new leader hadn’t been chosen yet. It was used to keep the sect members in line and prevent chaos.

Earlier this summer, shortly after a new leader was elected, Lei Gong’s tomb was desecrated and his body stolen.

The entire sect was outraged. After extensive investigations and even hiring Yanyu Pavilion for a substantial fee, they had only recently begun to piece together some clues.

Yu’er frowned and asked, “Was it Wu Chang’s group who stole Elder Leiโ€™s body?” She thought of the walking corpses and shuddered at the idea of Wu Chang stealing the corpse to create them.

Yin Shan’s eyes reddened with anger, “Who else but those bastards would do something so vile?”

He continued, “The Young Mistress of Yanyu Pavilion said that your friend in Miaojiang found traces of Wu Chang. We heard you were in Xuhuai Valley, so we planned to meet you there and get your help in tracking them down. Beggarโ€™s Sect members from all over have gathered our best fighters. The Young Mistress also sent friends from Yanyu Pavilion. We agreed to meet at Suolong City outside Xuhuai Valley and bring our new sect leader Yi Song and Elder Qi from Yanyu Pavilion to see you.”

“Our twenty brothers came from Hanzhou, so we’re a bit late. The rest should be arriving at Suolong City by now.”

Hua Lian exclaimed, “Oh no!”

Yin Shan asked, “Why do you say that?”

Yu’er then explained everything that had happened in Xuhuai Valley and why they had fled all the way here.

Yin Shan’s chest heaved with anger. He struck a nearby tree, smashing it to pieces, and shouted, “Good! Good! He’s declaring war on the entire jianghu! Does he think we fear him?”

He approached Zelan and Zizhi, saying, “Young Miss, Xuhuai Valley is a sacred place in wulin. If he has stained it with blood, everyone under the heavens will want him dead! Rest assured, I will send out the message immediately. Soon, heroes from all over will gather to fight Wu Chang and Xuanji Tower. We won’t let Xuhuai Valley suffer this disgrace!”

Zelan and Zizhi were moved to tears and bowed, “Elder, your kindness will never be forgotten.”

Yin Shan waved dismissively, “Xuhuai Valley’s benevolence benefits all under heaven; there’s no need to thank us.”

That very day, after sending his disciples to spread the news, Yin Shan immediately led the way for Yu’er and the others through a shortcut to Suolong City in Xuhuai Valley. They hurried, fearing that if they were too slow, the Beggar’s Sect and Yanyu Pavilion’s members might fall into Wu Chang’s traps.

They traveled day and night, and as they approached a small town about thirty kilometers from Suolong City, they could feel eyes watching them from the shadows. They suspected Wu Chang and Lingyun’s people were tailing them. Upon entering the town, a Beggar’s Sect disciple greeted them, revealing that the watchers were their own people.

The disciple led them to a back alley and through a rear entrance into an abandoned house, overgrown with weeds. As they passed through the courtyard, two figures came to meet them. One was a burly man in coarse clothing, and the other was an elderly man with a long white beard, looking vigorous. The former was the new Beggar’s Sect leader Yi Song, and the latter was Elder Qi, a close friend from Yanyu Pavilion and a respected figure in wulin.

The Beggar’s Sect’s news spread quickly, far faster than Yanyu Pavilion or Xuanji Tower. Thus, Yin Song and Elder Qi had already received word of Yu’er and her group while they were still on the road.

Yu’er and her companions greeted them with a bow. Yin Shan asked, “Sect Leader, weren’t we supposed to meet in Suolong City? Why are the brothers camped here?”

Yi Song sighed deeply, and frowned with worry: “Wu Chang has taken over Xuhuai Valley and expanded his influence. The smaller sects in the nearby towns have been obliterated; Suolong City is now filled with his followers. Elder Qi and I went in with our disciples, not knowing the situation, and had to retreat here after fighting with them.”

“We suspected Xuhuai Valley was in grave danger. We’ve made several attempts to strike back, but Wu Chang’s forces are overwhelming. There are many experts in Suolong City, and they have walking corpses. Fire doesn’t work against them anymore. Many of our disciples are injured, and breaking into Xuhuai Valley is impossible. We just received your message, knowing the Young Mistress of Mingjian Manor is with you. We were about to ask her for details…”

Upon hearing of the injured, Zelan and Zizhi offered, “We are disciples of Xuhuai Valley. Although our skills are limited, please allow us to contribute however we can.”

Yi Song was overjoyed to learn that they were healers from Xuhuai Valley. The Beggar’s Sect was full of rough men who could only handle basic injuries, often too roughly. He had been worried about how to care for the wounded. “So, youโ€™re esteemed disciples of Xuhuai Valley! Please, come quickly!”

A Beggar’s Sect disciple immediately led the two to the quarters where the injured were being treated.

Yu’er informed everyone about how Wu Chang and Lingyun were working together and how Bai Sang had been captured.

Everyone present was filled with anger and hatred. Their enemies were right in front of them, having stolen Lei Gong’s body and attacked Xuhuai Valley.

Even Elder Qi, a person known for his calm demeanor, couldn’t help but say, “Xuhuai Valley has stood for a hundred years. Every time there was turmoil in the Wulin, no one dared to bring the fight to Xuhuai Valley. Itโ€™s a basic human principle. They…”

“They are truly shameless!”

Yi Song said, “But how can we find out about Valley Master Baiโ€™s condition? If sheโ€™s unharmed, rescuing her would be the best course of action.”

Yu’er said, “Wu Chang no longer hides, which means heโ€™s confident in taking on the heroes of the Wulin. But with our current numbers, we can’t fight him directly. Moreover, he now has Lingyun with him, who wields the Aihong Sword. We can’t make any reckless moves. We must inform the major sects.”

Elder Qi sighed, “Brother Yang Chun has gone to notify Wuwei Palace. As for the other sects… Although the Beggar’s Sect has spread the news, the other sects are far away. If they hesitate and delay, by the time they gather, Wu Chang might have already defeated them one by one.”

Back when the Wulin heroes banded together to fight Wu Changโ€™s faction, it took several years of planning and nearly a year of preparation, led by several major sects, to gather enough people.

Now, itโ€™s impossible to gather enough people in a short time.

When Yu’er heard Elder Qi mention Wuwei Palace, she thought of Jian Mobei and his team who were investigating Wu Chang. Given Wu Chang’s current power, Jian Mobei and his team would likely face great danger in direct confrontation. The same went for Yan Li and the others in Miaojiang. Since Xu Huai Valley was so close to Miaojiang, they should already know about the attack, yet there had been no news from Yan Li. She worried about their safety.

Feeling down, Yu’er thought of Qing Jiu, which renewed her resolve. She would not let Wu Chang or Lingyun get away with this! But there were more urgent matters at hand. “My second sister and I took separate paths; she escorted the remaining disciples of Xuhuai Valley to Xiaoqing Mountain. If successful, she could persuade our master to come out of seclusion. Once she returns to Jiuxiao Manor to report to our father, she could also bring the forces of Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor!”

Yi Song responded enthusiastically, “If we could secure the support of both manors, that would be excellent. Then, surely Shaolin would not stand by and let people suffer. They would join us, and with Wuwei Palace, our strength would surge. What would we have to fear from these scoundrels then?”

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