
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 30, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 107: Butterfly Dream

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part One)

Jiuxiao Manor, like the Qixian Palace, is located within the city. It is not as grand and luxurious as Mingjian Manor but still carrying the stature of a hundred-year-old martial arts family.

From early morning, Jun Lin stood outside the gate, the usually composed Manor Master pacing restlessly, a sign of his unsettled mind.

โ€œManor Master, they are here!โ€

A carriage slowly approached, flanked by eight riders, and came to a stop at the gate.

Jun Lin straightened his robes and, with a formal sweep of his sleeves, bowed deeply to Qi Tianzhu, saying, โ€œBrother Qi, thank you for escorting Yu’er all this way. It must have been taxing.โ€

Qi Tianzhu dismounted the carriage and, taking Jun Linโ€™s hands, laughed, โ€œYou give me too much credit, Manor Master Jun.โ€

A pair of delicate hands parted the carriage curtains, revealing Yu’er, wrapped in a fox fur cloak. Her frail form and ethereal beauty stood out starkly against the snowy backdrop.

Jun Lin, looking at Yu’er, noticed she had visibly diminished since their last meeting.

Yu’er stepped down from the carriage and approached Jun Lin, bowing, โ€œManโ€ฆโ€ She habitually started to address him as ‘Manor Master Jun,’ but realizing her return wasnโ€™t merely a visit, she corrected herself: โ€œFather.โ€

Jun Lin paused, not immediately processing her words, then suddenly, comprehending, he exclaimed joyously, โ€œAh!โ€

Realizing what had been said, his happiness made him momentarily forgetful of his manners, his voice loud with delight, โ€œAh!โ€ His face beamed with joy.

Seeing Jun Lin’s happiness over her simple address of โ€˜father,โ€™ Yu’er felt a pang of guilt.

Jun Lin took Yu’er by the wrist and said, โ€œCome,โ€ intending to lead her inside.

They had only taken a few steps when he remembered the guests he had yet to properly greet. Jun Lin, who had always been meticulous with etiquette, was now so overjoyed by the word “Father” that he had become somewhat dazed. He quickly turned to Qi Tianzhu and the others, saying, โ€œEveryone must be tired from the journey. Please come inside the manor and allow me to properly entertain you.โ€

The people from the Minjiang Manor were still on their horses and did not dismount. Upon hearing Jun Lin’s words, they bowed their fists in response, โ€œManor Master Jun, our duty was to ensure the Young Mistressโ€™ safe arrival to Jiuxiao Manor. Now that we have fulfilled our duty, we must return to Mingjian Manor to report.โ€

They turned their horses, ready to depart, adding, โ€œManor Master Jun, today the Young Mistress was delivered to your care unharmed. In a few days, Manor Master Yan and Elder Yun plan to visit. If anything happens to the Young Mistress by then, they will not let the matter rest.โ€

It was extremely disrespectful for him to say this to Jun Lin. However, not only was Jun Lin not angry, but he was also very happy, โ€œOf course!โ€

After the people from the Mingjian Manor left, Jun Lin led Yu’er and Qi Tianzhu to the residence arranged for them.

Yu’erโ€™s residence were in the southern pavilion, where the greenery still flourished despite the winter. The tranquil atmosphere reigned, all freshly arranged by Jun Lin with evident care.

Qi Tianzhu joined Yu’er in entering Jiuxiao Manor. Although willing to serve as a guest, Jun Lin insisted on treating him like a brother, considering Yu’er’s newness to the place and ensuring that Qi Tianzhu’s residence were very close to hers.

After resting briefly, Jun Lin took Yu’er to meet a very important personโ€”Jun Dingtian’s wife, whom Yu’er would now address as her grandmother.

After Jun Dingtian’s death, the women, children, and elderly in the manor had been spared thanks to Yun Zheyue. Since that bloodshed, the old madam had withdrawn from manor affairs to devote herself to Buddhism. The only thing she couldn’t let go of was the child of Jun Lin and Yun Zheyue.

When Jun Lin brought Yu’er to her, the Old Madam held Yu’er’s hand and said in a trembling voice, โ€œYou look so much like him.โ€

The Old Madam embraced Yu’er, caressing her with affection and pity, โ€œChild, you’ve suffered a lot during these years outside. Now that you’ve returned to the Jun family, we wonโ€™t let you face another hardship!โ€

The Old Madam said to Jun Lin, โ€œLin’er, our Jun family owes Zheyue a great debt, and we also owe this child. You must treat her well, absolutely well!โ€

Jun Lin replied, “Mother is right.”

Soon, Jun Lin planned to officially recognize Yu’er. Recognizing her ancestry wasn’t just about entering the family registry or honoring ancestors; Jun Lin spread the word far and wide, inviting heroes from across the lands to celebrate, effectively announcing Yu’erโ€™s status to the world.

The Jun family, known for their low-key and gentle approach to matters, was exceptionally high-profile this time around. The news that the Jun family had recovered their precious third daughter was known far and wide.

No sooner had the invitations been sent out than replies began to flood in. The ceremony to recognize her ancestry was scheduled for Qingming Festival, but even before this, many had already sent gifts.

Yu’er’s recognition of her ancestry had transcended being merely a family affair. Jun Lin had arranged for people to educate Yu’er in etiquette and literature. Having endured a harsh childhood and fallen into the hands of bandits where mere survival was a struggle, let alone learning literature and etiquette, she later traveled Jianghu for many years, a place known for its carefree and unrestrained inhabitants. He thought that those around Yu’er wouldn’t pay attention to such things and certainly wouldn’t have taught her.

But to his surprise, Yu’er conducted herself with measured grace and spoke with decorum, resembling a young lady of a prominent family. Knowing this, Jun Lin was overjoyed, doting on her every day, eager to make up for the sixteen years they had lost.

On the day of the Qingming Festival, a light rain fell, the raindrops so fine that they were barely visible.

The entrance of Jiuxiao Manor was bustling with activity, with everyone coming to see the Third Young Miss of the Jun family.

“Mingjian Manor, Manor Master Yan Beili and Elder Yun Wangran have arrived!” announced the door attendant. The crowd turned to look, astonished. Yan Beili had been at odds with Jun Lin for many years, and his presence suggested a reconciliation of sorts.

Jun Lin, radiant with happiness, went out to greet them, saying, “Brother Yan,” and then bowing to Yun Wangran, “Uncle Yun.”

“Iโ€™ve been waiting for you both. Please, come inside and take the seats of honor.”

Yan Beili, stern-faced, grunted in acknowledgment after a moment.

Yun Wangran, on the other hand, had a fierce look on his face as he said sternly, “Jun Lin.”

“Junior is here,” replied Jun Lin respectfully.

“Yu’er entered your manor unharmed, and this time, you must ensure her safety. The Yun family has only this one lineage left. If anything happens to her under your care in the future, even if this old man has to risk his life, I will never let the Jun family off the hook!”

Jun Lin stood firm, his expression resolute, โ€œUncle Yun, there’s no need to worry. That day will never com.”

Only then did Yun Wangran nod with satisfaction and follow Jun Lin inside.

The crowd thought to themselves, “These two manors have buried their old disputes, all because of this third daughter. Given the high regard both manors hold for her, she must be a formidable figure. Letโ€™s just hope she isnโ€™t a spoiled and unreasonable young lady who thrives on favoritism.”

When the auspicious hour arrived, Jun Lin led Yu’er to the ancestral hall for the ritual of incense offering and to officially enter her name into the family registry.

Once part of the Jun family, she would take the Jun surname. From this day forward, she was no longer Yu’er, but Jun Ruoyu.

Yu’er knelt on the prayer cushion, listening to Jun Lin recite the prayers. This should have been a happy occasion, and she could feel the genuine care from the Jun family, but still, a deep melancholy washed over her, and she closed her eyes in sorrow.

After the ceremony, Jun Lin took her to the banquet hall to meet the guests.

Upon seeing the face of the Third Miss of the Jun family, radiant and beautiful, everyone felt she indeed fitted the image of a Jun family daughter. They found her very familiar, and after pondering for a while, one of them exclaimed, “It’s our benefactor!”

Still puzzled, the guests gradually remembered: this Third Miss was the same young woman who had led heroes out of a walking corpse siege at Mingjian Manor. She was the talented disciple of Jie Qianchou, a young prodigy renowned for her brilliance.

Jun Lin raised a toast to the competition, “I Thank you all for your high regard for my Jiuxiao Manor and for joining us today to celebrate my daughterโ€™s return. She will surely need your continued support and care.”

“Such words are too generous, Manor Master Jun.”

The crowd was electrified to learn that this Third Miss Jun was the same benefactor from that day. Everyone was thrilled, raising their glasses to toast Yu’er, saying, “Third Miss, first for saving us on Huxiao Mountain, and second for your return to your ancestral roots, we raise this cup to you. Should you ever require anything, we are at your service!”

Yu’er responded with a modest smile, calmly and serenely returning the toast. The crowd, seeing her composure, applauded approvingly: “Well done!”

The banquet was a joy for both guests and hosts.

As the evening wore on and the banquet concluded, Yu’er hadn’t gotten far when someone called out to her on the corridor.

Turning, she saw a graceful young man in white approachingโ€”it was Zixia, whom she had not seen since leaving Qixian Palace several months ago.

“Miss Yu’er,” called Zixia.

“Zixia,” she responded.

Zixia, looking worried, softly asked, “Miss Yu’er, are you alright?”

“I am quite well, thank you. Why do you ask?” replied Yu’er.

Zixia hesitated, then said, “You seem unhappy.”

Yu’er touched her face and remarked, “I might be a bit tired, and it shows.”

Zixia wanted to say it was more than that. He had been watching her throughout the banquet. Something was different about Yu’er now; he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what, but she seemed isolated amidst the festivities, her entire being tinged with gray, her eyes hollow.

Even her speech felt distant, as if the lively, water-like clarity and gentleness of her voice had frozen over.

And her smile seemed to be just going through the motions. Zixia found it hard to reconcile that the cheerful, heartwarming girl he had blushed for at Huxiao Mountain last autumn seemed so changed in just half a year.

“Is Palace Master Gong Shang in good health?” Yu’er asked. This time, Qixian Palace had sent Zixia and his disciples in lieu of Gong Shang attending.

“My Master is in seclusion, so he couldn’t come to celebrate in person. Please don’t take offense,” Zixia explained.

Yu’er smiled lightly, “Why would I mind? I am just glad you could come.”

Yu’er looked out towards the corridor, seemingly checking the time, and then said, “It’s getting late; I should head back.”

“Ah, yes, of course…” stammered Zixia.

Yu’er turned and walked towards the southern pavilion, her smile fading as she moved away.

Zixia watched her go, sighing deeply in solitude.

Yu’er didn’t go to her room to rest but sat in the pavilion watching the night. The evening rain had stopped, and mist rose, shrouding everything in a blurry haze.

Qi Tianzhu came and found her there, asking softly, “You’ve been busy all day; why aren’t you resting?”

After a moment, Yu’er murmured softly, “Uncle Qi, they didnโ€™t come.”

Qi Tianzhu reassured her, “Perhaps they were held up by urgent matters, but such a significant event as your return to the Jun family surely weighs on their minds. Even if they couldn’t make it, their gifts are probably on the way. Go back and rest. Who knows, maybe when you open your eyes tomorrow, the gifts will have arrived.”

Qi Tianzhu helped Yu’er to her feet and escorted her back to her room. Standing outside, he shook his head and sighed sorrowfully before departing.

In the middle of the night, the moon washed the sky clean, its light gleaming on raindrops gathered on bamboo leaves, ready yet not falling.

Yu’er awoke suddenly from her sleep, sitting up drenched in sweat, clutching her chest as she gasped for air.

She glanced around the room, then hurriedly got out of bed without putting on her shoes, pushed the door open, and saw the familiar yet profoundly foreign scene before her. Unable to accept it, she shook her head in denial and staggered backward, fleeing into the night.

Frantically calling out, “Yan Li! Hua Lian!”

“Mo Wen! Linzhi!”

“Uncle Qi!”

“Qing Jiu! Qing Jiu!”

She repeated their names over and over, desperation creeping into her voice.

“Qing Jiu! Qing Jiu!”

“Uncle Qi! Where are you all?”

Yu’er’s cries of distress stirred the manor’s household. The servants came out and saw their Third Miss in just her undergarments, barefoot and distraught.

Some immediately ran to inform Jun Lin, while others went in search of Qi Tianzhu.

The servants brought clothes for Yu’er to wear and tried to stop her, but she paid no attention.

Until Qi Tianzhu hurriedly threw on a robe, slipped into his shoes, and ran out to her, exclaiming, “Girl, whatโ€™s wrong?”

Yu’er clutched at his robe, staring intensely at him, โ€œItโ€™s not a dream, itโ€™s not a dream.”

Seeing her in a state of shock but smiling upon seeing him, Qi Tianzhu realized she had a nightmare. He took a robe from a servant and draped it over her, soothingly patting her back, “Uncle Qi is here, it’s okay now, it’s all okay.”

Yu’er relaxed, her legs giving way, and she collapsed into Qi Tianzhu’s arms.

Qi Tianzhu carried her back to her room. On the way, they encountered Jun Lin and the two Jun sisters, who had also hurried out in their robes.

“What happened here?” Jun Lin asked.

Qi Tianzhu and Jun Lin exchanged looks. Without further questions, they both escorted Yu’er back to her room.

Jun Lin waited outside. Qi Tianzhu laid Yu’er on her bed as she clung to his sleeve, whispering, “Uncle Qi, I had a dream.”

“A nightmare?” Qi Tianzhu asked.

Looking distantly into space, Yu’er said, “When I woke up, I thought all the days with Qing Jiu and the others were just a dream. Maybe Iโ€™m still in that horse stable, chained up, just unwilling to accept it, so I dreamed all thisโ€”that Qing Jiu and Linzhi saved me, that I traveled the world with them, that I returned to the Jun family. Itโ€™s as if all these were figments of my imagination, and Iโ€™m still dreaming.”

Her eyes downcast, she continued, “Or maybe the past was the dream. Maybe I’ve always been in the Jun family. The difficult struggle for survival, those vicious mountain bandits, and traveling around with Qing Jiu and the othersโ€”all could have been just a dream. I can’t distinguish what’s real from what’s an illusionโ€ฆ”

Qi Tianzhu tapped her forehead playfully, smiling, “Then am I real or fake?”

Yu’er, lying on her side and holding onto Qi Tianzhu’s sleeve, let a tear escape and trickle down onto the bed as she smiled, “Because I saw Uncle Qi, I know itโ€™s not a dream.”

Qi Tianzhu sat on the floor by the bed and chuckled, “Youโ€™re usually so clever, girl, but today youโ€™re acting silly. Take a look at that prayer bead…”

He then pulled out the dagger ‘Du’e’ and waved it in front of Yu’er, “How could these be fake? If it were a dream, how would these things exist? Silly girl.”

The prayer bead was still wrapped around Yu’er’s hand, but in her panicked awakening from sleep, she had not thought to consider it, her distress amplifying her usual forgetfulness tenfold.

Yu’er pressed the prayer bead against her chest and said, “Uncle Qi, please tell me about our past.”

“Alright,” Qi Tianzhu agreed.

“Let me think… We first met in the prison of the Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses, didnโ€™t we?”


Qi Tianzhu smiled, “Back then, you knocked out a bandit, stole the keys, and even planned to rescue others by yourself. I thought to myself, what a fearless girl…”

He continued softly until Yu’er fell asleep, then quietly slipped out of the room.

Jun Lin had been waiting outside the entire time. People of jianghu aren’t typically bound by strict decorum, but there are still distinctions to be maintained between men and women, and no man should stay in a womanโ€™s room late into the night. However, knowing the deep father-daughter-like bond between Qi Tianzhu and Yu’er, Jun Lin had allowed him inside to comfort her while he himself waited outside.

When Qi Tianzhu emerged, Jun Lin bowed deeply, a gesture of profound gratitude.

Qi Tianzhu hurriedly helped him up and said, “Manor Master Jun, thereโ€™s no need for such formalities.”

Jun Lin looked towards the room, sighing deeply, his gratitude unspoken but understood. Qi Tianzhu had once been a father himself, so he immediately understood what Jun Lin was thanking him for.

It was for the companionship and salvation that he couldn’t provide over the years.

The night air was cold and bleak. Qi Tianzhu sighed deeply. He had saved Yu’er, but who could now save him?

He brought his hands together in front of his forehead, praying, “I pray for the compassion of Buddha to deliver us from our suffering.”

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1 month ago

> He had saved Yuโ€™er, but who could now save him?
Believe in it, the future will change and it will be better QT
Thanks for the chapter!