
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 02, 2024 3 Comments
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Chapter 112: Mutual Devotion

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Seven)

Hua Lian remained silent, which everyone took as an affirmation of their suspicions.

Tang Linzhi frowned and challenged him, โ€œAre you really going to become an accountant and never involve yourself in jianghu again?โ€

โ€œWhat accountant? I’m managing my family’s business!โ€ Hua Lian retorted sharply.

Tang Linzhi slammed her hand on the table, rising to her feet, โ€œHua Lian, let me ask you, are you going to avenge Qing Jiu or not?โ€

Hua Lianโ€™s expression darkened, his gaze fierce as he responded, โ€œOf course, I will!โ€

โ€œGood,โ€ Tang Linzhi said decisively. โ€œWe’ll head to Xuhuai Valley to pick up Mo Wen, then to Jile City to find Yan Li. Yanyu Pavilion sent a letter; theyโ€™ve got a lead on the bandits from back then and are gathering more information. Once we’re back, weโ€™ll take down their hideout!โ€

Yu’er frowned slightly, โ€œMo Wen… in Xuhuai Valley?โ€ No wonder Tang Linzhi was tasked with retrieving her.

Tang Linzhi coughed lightly, reassuring, โ€œItโ€™s nothing to worry about; she should be able to handle it.โ€

Yu’er and Qi Tianzhu exchanged a look, remaining silent.

Hua Lian pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, โ€œAh!โ€

Tang Linzhi turned to him sharply, โ€œWhatโ€™s with the sigh, Hua Lian? Why are you acting so indecisive? Are you still a man? Are you coming with us or not? Just say it!โ€

Hua Lian idly spun the tea lid between his fingers, taking a long while to respond.

Yu’er glanced at Jun Sixue, who understood the cue. She cleared her throat and stood up, bowing to Hua Lian, โ€œWe’ve just arrived in Hangzhou and have heard that the Broken Bridge at West Lake is a must-see. I’ve been longing to visit it for a long time. Since we have some free time now, I’d like to go and take a look, but I don’t know the way. Could you perhaps send someone to guide us, Second Young Master Hua?โ€

Hua Lian understood that Jun Sixue was kindly giving them space to talk privately. He nodded and called for a clever servant to come in and lead Jun Sixue to West Lake, โ€œI apologize for not being able to accompany you personally, Second Miss Jun.โ€

Jun Jimo muttered under his breath, โ€œDidnโ€™t we see it when we arrivedโ€ฆโ€

Jun Sixue kicked him discreetly and glared at both Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue, โ€œGet up and come with me.โ€

She then excused herself to the others, โ€œIโ€™ll take my leave first.โ€

With Jun Sixue leading Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue away, only the core members of the Seven Stars Lords remained in the room.

They all fell silent for a while.

It was Yu’er who finally broke the silence, โ€œHua Lian, is it because of Qing Jiu?โ€

After a pause, Hua Lian looked up at Yu’er and admitted, โ€œOur families have been friends for generations. I’ve never told you about it before.โ€

Qi Tianzhu added, โ€œNeither you nor Qing Jiu ever spoke of it, but weโ€™ve guessed as much over the years.โ€

The details of Qing Jiuโ€™s background were shrouded in mystery. Yu’er and Qi Tianzhu knew only that she might be from Hangzhou, trained under the Ghost Sect, and received guidance from the Four Sages in martial arts. Beyond that, they knew nothing. Those who understood a bit more, like Mo Wen, Tang Linzhi, and Yan Li, still didn’t have a clear picture.

Thus, when Qing Jiu was targeted and nearly killed in an ambush, everyone was caught off guard, clueless about the origins of such enmity.

Even now, with Lui Xiu uncovering much, they lacked conclusive evidence.

Hua Lian declared, โ€œLet me tell you about my history with her. You’ve been searching for so many years, and it’s time you knew.โ€

The three nodded, and Tang Linzhi quietly sat back down, ready to listen.

Hua Lian began, โ€œYears ago, there was a martial arts family in Hangzhou, renowned across jianghu, comparable in strength to the four major sects of the Jiangnan region before they retired from public life.โ€

Qi Tianzhu and Yu’er looked a bit confused, but Tang Linzhi had a moment of realization. โ€œAre you talking about the Lin family?โ€ The Lin family was exterminated twenty years ago; at that time, Qi Tianzhu had not yet entered the jianghu, and Yu’er was just a naive child. Only Tang Linzhi, who had joined the Tang Sect early on, had some knowledge of the forces in jianghu and had heard of the Lin family.

Hua Lian continued, โ€œThe truly powerful often hide in plain sight. After the Lin family retired, they learned the art of business from my father and no longer involved themselves in the affairs of jianghu, focusing solely on commerce. Qing Jiu and I knew each other from a young age and were like siblings.โ€

Hua Lian gazed out the window, his eyes narrowing as he recalled the past, โ€œWhen she was six years old, she snuck out to hunt with us and encountered a man on the verge of death, surrounded by mountain bandits. She had always been clever and kind-hearted, so she called us to rescue him and bring him back to the Lin family for treatment. That manโ€ฆโ€

“His name was Qianqiu, and he was a vile, despicable man!

Hua Lian took a deep breath, his right hand’s veins bulging as he clenched the teacup so tightly that it shattered. The broken porcelain sliced his hand, and blood mixed with the tea dripped down. He let out a cold laugh, โ€œBut he played the part of a human so well, deceiving everyone. The Lin family treated him sincerely and took him as a son-in-law. Hah, what a treacherous heart! This beast entered the Lin household solely to investigate whether the Fenghou Sword was there! I donโ€™t know if he was the mastermind or merely an accomplice, but during a wedding banquet, he secretly orchestrated a plan that drew in all the lowlifes from the jianghu who coveted the Fenghou Sword.”

Hua Lian pointed outside: “It happened right there, on West Lake, where the Lin family met their tragic end.”

Hua Lian continued, “My father was supposed to attend the wedding banquet but fell ill, and my eldest brother stayed home to care for him. Because of this, they escaped disaster. I had gone up the mountain with my master to learn martial arts at the beginning of the year, so I was also spared. However, my mother and younger sister were not so fortunate. When I heard the news and came down from the mountain, I was told that no one from the Lin family had survived. At the time, we thought it was the Lin familyโ€™s enemies who had struck, leading to the tragedy.”

Yu’er’s expression darkened, her tea long since cold, causing ripples as she slowly set the cup down on the table, “What happened after that?”

Hua Lian threw the broken pieces of the cup to the ground and said somberly, “I was betrothed to a girl named Xun’er. During that period, my father was preoccupied with secretly investigating the culprits and searching for any survivors. I was immersed in martial arts, focused solely on revenge, and kept postponing our wedding. Six years later, news reached me up the mountain: She had fallen victim to Meiren Gu.”

At this point, Hua Lian angrily slammed his fist on the table, gritting his teeth. “With the Lin family destroyed and no one left to safeguard Hangzhou, if Uncle Lin had been alive, he would never have allowed that demon, Meiren Gu, to wreak havoc in Hangzhou!”

“I originally wanted to hold a proper funeral for her, but when I returned, I learned that her remains were incomplete. I didn’t return to the mountain and instead stayed in Hangzhou, determined to find Meiren Gu and seek revenge. It was then that I encountered Qing Jiu, who had returned to Hangzhou. Six years had passed, and she was fourteen. When I saw her at the Lin family’s old estate, her demeanor was grim and her actions ruthless, like a wolf. I hardly recognized her until she recognized me and stopped.”

Hua Lian smiled bitterly, “You donโ€™t know how shocked I was at that time. The Lin family had suddenly been wiped out; my mother and sister had been killed unjustly, and my father had exhausted himself in pursuit of the culprits, his health was deteriorating. Xun’er’s death was another blow. When I realized Qing Jiu was alive, I thought the mystery from back then could be solved, and my father’s worries would be put to rest, which would surely improve his health. I was so caught up in my joy that I hadn’t considered how an eighteen-year-old girl had managed to escape the massacre alone and survive on her own.”

“I brought her back to the Hua family, and as expected, my father, almost crazily obsessed, demanded that Qing Jiu recount everything about the Lin family’s demise, over and over, to confirm the details.”

“That very night, Qing Jiu left. When my father came to his senses, he thought he had frightened her, making her relive the horrors of that day. He sent people to look for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Not long after, he passed away, regretting not being able to properly protect her to his last breath. He instructed my eldest brother and me to find her and protect the last remaining bloodline of the Lin family. Thinking back now, Qing Jiu probably didn’t trust us at the time, which is why she left that night. And laterโ€ฆโ€ Hua Lian looked at Tang Linzhi, โ€œYou know what happened next.โ€

Hua Lian said, “I followed her for two reasons: to seek revenge and to ensure her safety, helping her avenge her family. Now, one of those goals has been fulfilled, but the second… I can never achieve.”

Hua Lian closed his eyes, exhaling deeply, “I have all this martial skill, yet I couldn’t protect my loved ones or my family, and now I can’t even protect my friends. My heart feels empty and lost. How can I travel with you in this state?”

After hearing about the Lin family, each of the three felt a deep anger. Once Hua Lian had finished speaking, they all sighed heavily.

Qi Tianzhu said, “Brother Hua, you shouldn’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault. If we’re talking about failing to protect someone, which one of us six hasn’t experienced that?”

Tang Linzhi leaned across the tea table and gently patted Hua Lian on the shoulder, her voice much softer, “It’s alright, Hua Lian.” She wasn’t upset with him anymore.

While they were talking, Hua Gui had arranged accommodations for everyone; they would temporarily stay at the Hua residence.

Jun Sixue and the others had not yet returned. Tang Linzhi and Qi Tianzhu rested in their rooms. As it was Yu’er’s first visit to the Hua family, paying respects to the head of the household was only proper. Thus, she accompanied Hua Lian to meet his eldest brother, Hua Yin.

The brothers bore a striking resemblance to each other. Yu’er had learned from Hua Lian that his elder brother was the wealthiest merchant in Hangzhou. Yet, upon meeting him, she perceived none of the shrewdness typical of a businessman; instead, he exuded the grace of a refined young masterโ€”a stark contrast to the dynamic Hua Lian.

As they left, Hua Lian walked ahead while Yu’er looked up into the sky, noting the early hour and that the storm had passed.

“Hua Lian,” Yu’er called out.

Hua Lian turned his head to look at her. After a moment, Yu’er asked, “Could you take me to see the old Lin Family estate?”

Hua Lian was silent for a moment, “There’s nothing left there.”

Yu’er nodded, “I know.”

Hua Lian sighed and turned towards a path, “Follow me.”

The Lin Family estate was just two streets away from the Hua estate, near West Lake. Observing its scale, one could imagine its past glory.

Yu’er followed Hua Lian into the Lin Family estate, and indeed, as he had said, nothing was left.

Broken walls, remnants of buildings, and overgrown weeds.

Hua Lian explained, “Back then, those people searched every corner of the Lin family’s estate for the Fenghou Sword. In the end, they set the place on fire.”

Yu’er walked to a camphor tree in the courtyard. The tree had survived the fire, its branches and leaves lush and thriving.

She had once heard Qing Jiu mention a custom in the Jiangnan region. When a family had a daughter, they would plant a camphor tree in the courtyard. By the time the daughter reached marriageable age, the tree would have matured. When she was to be married, the family would cut down the tree and make two chests, filling them with silk as part of her dowry, symbolizing “two lovers together forever.”

Now, the tree stood tall, but the people were no more.

Hua Lian turned his gaze to Yu’er, whose right hand, entwined with prayer beads, rested gently against the tree. From Hua Lianโ€™s perspective, her gaze appeared mournful.

A sudden realization flashed through Hua Lian’s mind, a possibility that he had not considered before. He studied Yu’er closely, growing more convinced of his suspicion, yet also finding it somewhat absurd.

It wasn’t until he saw Yu’er take out her Si Ming dagger, draw the blade, and carefully cut off a branch from the tree, storing it away, that his doubts were confirmed.

Hua Lian hesitated, wanting to speak but holding back, then finally mustering the courage to ask, โ€œLittle Yu’er, youโ€ฆโ€ He was very familiar with the Jiangnan custom of planting camphor trees and its symbolism.

Yu’er asked, โ€œHua Lian, who owns this house now?โ€

Hua Lian paused momentarily, then replied, โ€œAfter the Lin family was wiped out and the residence was burned down, rumors spread that it was haunted. No one dared to claim it, and the deed was reclaimed by the authorities.โ€

Yu’er looked at Hua Lian silently for a moment. Then, Hua Lian chuckled, โ€œAlright, I canโ€™t hide anything from you. Qing Jiu didnโ€™t want others to know, but the deed is now in my elder brotherโ€™s hands, officially under his name.โ€

Yu’er inquired, โ€œCan you give it to me?โ€

Hua Lian, puzzled, asked, โ€œWhat do you want with the deed?โ€

Yu’er, holding the camphor branch and lowering her eyelids slightly, spoke softly, โ€œI want to give her a home to return to.โ€

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1 month ago

Yu’er has so much faith in Qing Jiu… It’s so sweet of her to rebuild a house for Qing Jiu to come back to. Hope they can reunite soon, I need more fluff ๐Ÿ‘.
Thank you for the chapter!

1 month ago

Broski watch QJ be a cripple and they just retire like a certain other PDL’s novels’ style

5 days ago

That last sentence๐Ÿ˜ญ