
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 06, 2024 3 Comments
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Chapter 118: She Wouldn't Treat Me This Way

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Thirteen)

In the deep of night, when all was quiet except for the incessant sounds of insects, Yang Chun moved like a phantom towards the door of Qing Jiu, his steps utterly soundless.

He quietly pushed open the door and crept inside. For some reason, a teapot had toppled over on the table, spilling tea all over the floor.

He carefully stepped over the spill and walked to the window. By the dim light filtering through the window, he could see the figure on the bed, still dressed, curled up with a sword held close, the mask still covering their face.

Yang Chun rubbed his hands together and muttered under his breath, “Miss Yuโ€™er said that you are Miss Qing Jiu and asked me to come and verify it!”

Reaching towards the strap near Qing Jiu’s ear, he intended to remove her mask and expose any secrets she might be hiding, putting an end to any pretense.

As he drew closer, he held his breath, excitement at uncovering the truth rising within him.

Suddenly, the figure on the bed opened her eyes, the Fenghou sword flashed from its sheath, and in an instant, a deep, cold gleam struck out towards Yang Chunโ€™s throat.

Known for his lightness skills, Yang Chun barely dodged the swift attack in a rather embarrassing manner. If his skills had been any weaker, that sword would have surely ended him.

Qing Jiu stood up, her right hand still gripping the sword.

Yang Chun quickly said, “Miss Zhi, I merely stepped out to relieve myself and accidentally entered the wrong room in my grogginess. Itโ€™s a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! I apologize for disturbing your sleep. I’ll return to my room immediately.”

Qing Jiu remained silent, her silver mask casting a cold glow in the dim light, her eyes unreadable.

Yang Chun, always sensitive to the moods of others, sensed the intense, deadly aura emanating from the person before him. In that moment, she resembled a god of death, filling him with deep unease.

The Fenghou Sword hummed softly, the noise grating on his nerves, making his legs weak as he glanced at the sword that seemed to emanate a red mist like blood.

Before he could look closer, Qing Jiu attacked again. Yang Chun leapt onto a cabinet, moved as swiftly as a fish, and escaped through the window.

He thought Qing Jiu wouldnโ€™t pursue, but suddenly there was a loud crash behind him. Looking back, he saw her following with her sword raised, determined to finish what she started, which sent him into a panic, his steps unhesitatingly fast.

Perhaps it was the swordโ€™s influence, but his legs felt weak, his agility greatly reduced, and in moments she caught up.

Feeling the hair on his head stand on end, he ducked just in time as the Fenghou Sword slashed past, cutting off a few strands of his hair.

He rolled with the momentum, landing in the courtyard, and ran towards the rooms where everyone else was staying, screaming for his life, โ€œBrother Qi, Brother Hua, Miss Yuโ€™er, save me!โ€ like a man about to be slaughtered.

Qing Jiuโ€™s attacks were relentless and precise; initially, Yang Chun managed to dodge, but soon he was using both hands and feet in a desperate attempt to escape.

As Qing Jiu lunges with another strike, a powerful gust breaks through the wall, heading straight for her. She meets it head-on with her sword.

It was an arrow from Tang Linzhi, known for her habit of sleeping on the beams and her exceptionally sharp hearing, who had detected the slightest disturbance.

As soon as Tang Linzhi appeared, she witnessed someone attempting to kill Yang Chun. She had been skeptical about this person really being Qing Jiu, but faced with this dire situation, she didn’t hesitate. With all her might, she unleashed an arrow with the force of a meteorite from the heavens.

The arrow was fierce, striking with tremendous power. Qing Jiu, wielding her sword with one hand, managed to deflect it slightly but couldnโ€™t completely avoid it. As the arrow grazed past her, the sharp wind it carried sliced through Qing Jiu’s chin, causing blood to seep out like a red thread.

Taking advantage of Qing Jiu’s momentary distraction with the arrow, Tang Linzhi dashed forward, grabbing Yang Chun and pulling him to safety. However, Qing Jiuโ€™s reaction was faster than Tang Linzhi anticipated. Even as she held onto Yang Chun, Qing Jiu was already there, her sword pointing threateningly at him.

Tang Linzhi’s brow twitched, and she cursed under her breath.

With her left hand, she parried with her bow-sword, Chini, blocking the Fenghou Sword. Although she could wield a blade with her left hand, it wasnโ€™t as dexterous as her right, and the sinister nature of the Fenghou sword was overwhelming. Under Qing Jiu’s fierce attack, Tang Linzhi found herself unable to hold her ground, kneeling on one knee.

โ€œMiss Zhi!โ€ In the nick of time, a sword energy flew in, allowing Qing Jiu to leap back and evade, giving Tang Linzhi a moment’s respite.

Upon hearing the commotion, Yu’er put on her robe, grabbed her Qiushui Sword, and rushed out. She arrived to find Qing Jiu and Tang Linzhi locked in combat and called out to them, hastily intervening.

Qi Tianzhu and Hua Lian, along with others, were alerted by the noise and came out from the side rooms. Yang Chun, looking utterly wronged, clung to Hua Lian and lamented, โ€œIf you had come out any later, you wouldnโ€™t have seen me alive.โ€

Standing at a distance, Qing Jiu did not continue her relentless pursuit. She seemed like someone who had just been pulled from water, gasping for breath. Despite the heat of the day, she hadnโ€™t sweated, but now cold sweat poured down, drenching her long hair at the temples.

Yang Chun, looking at the Fenghou Sword and its wielder, swallowed hard, feeling a chill down his spine. He felt safer behind the larger frame of Qi Tianzhu and quietly moved behind him, muttering, โ€œShe really wants to kill me.โ€

Yuโ€™erโ€™s sword was unsheathed and ready. Tang Linzhi switched to holding her blade in her right hand, poised as if ready to fight again. Qi Tianzhu raised his iron staff and slammed it on the ground, while the others took up arms, ready to defend against any further attacks.

The recent clash had wreaked havoc in the courtyard, with sword energies crisscrossing and mulberry trees bearing the brunt of the destruction, their leaves scattered everywhere.

Yuโ€™er called out once more, โ€œMiss Zhi…โ€ hoping to mediate.

With a swift motion, Qing Jiu swung her sword to the left, slicing a stone table beside her clean in half, as easily as if it were tofu. She turned to the group and warned, โ€œIf any of you overstep your bounds again, you’ll end up like this table. Don’t blame me for being impolite when the time comes.โ€

Her voice was hoarse, like someone who had just awakened from a deep sleep, uttering each word with a fierce tone.

Yuโ€™er called out again, โ€œMiss Zhi Huan!โ€

The person ignored her completely and turned around, walking towards the guest room.

Confused about the events that had just unfolded, everyone watched as the person walked away, leaving behind a scene of devastation. They gathered around Yang Chun, asking him to recount what had happened.

Yang Chun recounted the events. Meanwhile, Tang Linzhi, wiping the blood from a cut on her hand, mockingly said, โ€œEven the great Two Sleeves of Spring Breez’ has his clumsy moments.โ€

Yang Chun defensively replied, โ€œI moved in and out without making a sound. She must have been sleeping with her eyes open to have noticed me so quickly.โ€

Yuโ€™er stood quietly to the side, twirling her prayer beads, remaining silent. Hua Lian stepped forward and asked, โ€œWhat’s wrong?โ€

The night wind whispered through the air, and the moon cast a mournful glow.

Yuโ€™er said, โ€œI suspect she is Qing Jiu. Everything in me tells me itโ€™s her, but she wonโ€™t admit it or show her true face. In the end, it’s just a feeling, and without verification, it’s just a guess.โ€


Without concrete evidence, even the smallest change could shake her belief.

Yuโ€™er looked down, her voice low, โ€œI feel if it were really her, she wouldnโ€™t treat me… treat us this way.โ€ Her words were calm but carried a burden of unspoken grievances.

The next day, the group continued on their journey. As they moved, Kui Shan looked back several times, noticing that the distance between Yuโ€™er and the others had grown compared to previous days, puzzled by this change. He turned to Qing Jiu and remarked, โ€œBenefactor, they are not following as closely as before. Could it be that they were frightened by your actions yesterday?โ€

Qing Jiu glanced back subtly, sweeping her gaze over them, and pursed her lips before murmuring softly, โ€œIt’s better this way.โ€

The group arrived at Wujin City. Due to the events of the previous night, Yuโ€™er and the others maintained their distance, following from afar.

On the day they entered the city gate, Qing Jiu noticed three people waiting to the side under the archway. The leader among them wore a purple robe and a scholar’s headdress, exuding an imposing and dignified aura, with a stately appearance.

Qing Jiu reined in her horse. Kui Shan asked, โ€œBenefactor, whatโ€™s wrong?โ€

In a low voice, Qing Jiu replied, โ€œThe sect leader of the Wenwu Sect, Ye Sheng.โ€

Kui Shan wondered, โ€œWhy is he here?โ€ The timing of his appearance, just as they were dealing with important matters, suggested he might have heard some rumor or whisper.

Qing Jiu frowned, her gaze sweeping behind her, her voice growing even more somber, โ€œWe have guests.โ€

Ye Sheng gazed into the distance, seeing the figures approaching from the city gate. His eyes lit up, and he straightened his sleeves.

Liu Xiu had been worried about any complications arising with the last member of their group, Qin Feng, and had already written to Ye Sheng. The letter indicated that this person was being sought by the Jun family, with two of the Jun sisters personally involved in the search, hoping for some flexibility from the sect leader.

Since Wenwu Sect had good relations with Jiuxiao Manor, and the Jun family had come, Ye Sheng was naturally inclined to show them hospitality.

Although it wasnโ€™t Jun Lin, the Master of Jiuxiao Manor, who had come, and there was no need for Ye Sheng to personally welcome them, he still appeared here, full of enthusiasm.

Qing Jiu’s gaze fell upon him, her eyes gradually narrowing.

Yu’er and the others arrived on horseback. They didn’t notice Ye Sheng at first, but instead, their attention was drawn to Qing Jiu and Kui Shan, who had stopped beside the archway.

Ye Sheng approached the horses and bowed halfway to the group, โ€œSecond Miss Jun, Young Mistress, I’ve been awaiting your arrival for a long time.โ€

It was only then that Yuโ€™er and the others realized Ye Sheng was there. They quickly dismounted and returned the gesture, โ€œSect Leader Ye, please forgive us, we were distracted and did not expect Sect Leader Ye to personally come to greet us.โ€

Seeing Yuโ€™er up close, Ye Sheng was even more struck by her beauty.

Since the banquet at the Jun family, where he had met her once six years ago, she had grown even more radiant and delicate.

Ye Sheng said, โ€œAs it is the Young Mistress and Second Miss Junโ€™s first visit to Wujin City, I must ensure you are properly welcomed. I was worried that my subordinates might not serve you well. Young Mistress Liu Xiu has already informed me about your visit by letter. I am aware of your intentions, and we will need to discuss this matter. You must be weary from your journey, I have arranged a feast to welcome and refresh you.โ€

Yuโ€™er glanced at the retreating figure, noticing her gently urging her horse away. Kui Shan gave them a look and then followed her.

Turning back to Ye Sheng with a smile, Yu’er said, โ€œSect Leader Ye, our visit isnโ€™t solely for this matter. I have personal matters to attend to and itโ€™s inconvenient for me to go to Wenwu Sect. My Second Sister will take my place and extend a couple more drinks in apology on my behalf.โ€



Yu’er signaled with her eyes, and only Tang Linzhi and Yang Chun followed her, departing in the direction Qing Jiu had taken. Jun Sixue and the others remained behind.

Jun Sixue bowed to Ye Sheng, โ€œSect Leader Ye, we apologize for the inconvenience.โ€

Ye Sheng, looking somewhat disappointed, smiled at Jun Sixue and gestured to the side, โ€œPlease.โ€

Qing Jiu and Kui Shan found an inn to stay at. When Yuโ€™er and the other two caught up, they observed the inn and then looked across the street where another inn faced it directly.

It was unusual for two inns to face each other directly on the same street. The inn on this side had the characters โ€˜Eternal as Heaven and Earthโ€™ inscribed on its signboard, while the inn on the other side had the characters โ€˜Enduring as the Sea and Rocks.โ€™

Yang Chun pointed at the signs and laughed, โ€œShould there be a banner saying โ€˜True lovers will eventually be unitedโ€™?โ€

Yuโ€™er entered the โ€˜Eternal as Heaven and Earthโ€™ inn, choosing not to press too closely and to probe the other person. Sometimes being too close can obscure the truth, as the saying goes, the bystander is often clearer-headed.

She wasnโ€™t worried about losing them; as long as she kept an eye on Qin Feng, she would eventually encounter her.

Qing Jiu entered the inn named โ€˜Eternal as Heaven and Earth.โ€™ Kui Shan followed behind and said, โ€œBenefactor, theyโ€™ve gone to stay at the inn across the street.โ€

After a long silence, Qing Jiu finally responded in a low voice, โ€œHmm.โ€

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1 month ago
what anxiety
thanks for translate :)
The Meralda
The Meralda
1 month ago
Reply to  KarinBlackbird

I know, right?! Do you think she’s been tainted by the Fenghou Sword and that’s why she couldn’t stop attacking Yan Chun?

Last edited 1 month ago by The Meralda
1 month ago

I think she’s doing this to keep them safe somehow, knowing she’s going to get corrupted by the sword and maybe turn evil??? Or maybe she struck a deal with the sword, her life in exchange for revenge, and she knows it is useless to maintain ties when in a situation like that. Thanks for the translation!