
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 16, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 133: Do With Me as You Please

Between Buddha and Demon (Part Eleven)

Not long after everyone settled in Xuhuai Valley, the chill of Hanlu set in. Yu’er, with newfound boldness, informed Jun Sixue that she and Qing Jiu had consummated their relationship and that once Qing Jiu recovered, they would return to Jiuxiao Manor to seek her father’s approval.

Jun Sixue was stunned into silence for a long while, realizing that since the deed was done, any objections she might have had were now moot.

This development became known to everyone, and although it struck them as odd, it also brought them joy. Carrying this strange mix of feelings, only Hua Lian, Mo Wen, and Yu’er were aware of the grim reality that Qing Jiu only had a few months left to live, while the others remained unaware.

Unable to share his worries with the others, Hua Lian’s anxiety grew, finding solace only in studying the medical scrolls with Mo Wen, hoping for a miracle.

One day, Hua Lian, holding a medical scroll, asked Mo Wen, โ€œMo Wen, what do you think about this method?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s too strong. The Gu poison is in her heart meridian. If the medicine takes effect before the Gu is neutralized, it will kill her first.โ€

โ€œWhat about this one?โ€

โ€œThis medicinal herb is extinct.โ€

Frustrated, Hua Lian slammed the scroll down on the table, knocking other scrolls off the corner, and exclaimed, โ€œWhy is everything impossible? The heavens are cruel, leaving her with no options!โ€

โ€œStop making things worse,โ€ Mo Wen said as she bent down to pick up the scrolls. An old, thread-bound scroll fell apart, revealing a corner of a parchment scroll hidden within.

Mo Wen, curious, pulled it out with a finger, revealing that it was only half a page.

She studied it intently, her eyes scanning the faded script, she frowned in thought. Silence stretched between them as she pondered its meaning.

Seeing her holding the parchment, Hua Lian approached and asked, โ€œWhatโ€™s that?โ€

Mo Wen quickly tucked it away behind her back, out of Hua Lianโ€™s view, and said, โ€œIโ€™ve found a lead. I need to discuss it with Qing Jiu.โ€

Hua Lian’s eyes widened, his face lighting up with hope, โ€œYou found something? Really? Iโ€™ll come with you!โ€ forgetting to inquire further about the object in Mo Wenโ€™s hand.

When they went to see Qing Jiu, they found her sitting on the porch with Yu’er lying on her lap, seemingly asleep.

It wasn’t clear what had happened before, but Qing Jiu’s left hand and Yu’er’s right hand were bound together with Buddhist prayer beads.

Seeing them approach, Qing Jiu asked, โ€œWhatโ€™s going on?โ€

As Qing Jiu spoke, Yu’er also opened her eyes and sat up.

After Mo Wen explained their discovery, she added, โ€œI need to go to Miaojiang to seek the Gu Emperor, but… but there might not be enough timeโ€ฆโ€

Qing Jiu felt Yu’erโ€™s grip tighten. She placed her other hand over their clasped hands and asked, โ€œSince youโ€™ve come to discuss this with me, you must have a way to buy some time, right?โ€

Mo Wen nodded. Both Qing Jiu and Yu’er could see the difficulty in her eyes, realizing that the method would not be easy.

Mo Wen continued, “If I use golden needles to seal the acupoints, I can suppress the Gu poison and extend your life by a few months, butโ€ฆโ€

Hua Lian asked, โ€œBut what?โ€

Mo Wen bit her lip and muttered, โ€œBut it requires at least two people to perform the gold needle technique. Right now in Xuhuai Valley, only my shishu knows how to do it.โ€

If it were other disciples, it would be fine; they could be deceived or persuaded to help. But   situation would be different. She would inevitably have to meet with Mo Wen. By then, forget about assistance; it would be merciful if she didnโ€™t stab Mo Wen with seven or eight holes.

Hua Lian tapped his forehead with his fan and lamented, โ€œWhat are we to do? In all of Xuhuai Valley, why does no one else know how to perform this particular technique, and only she does?โ€

Mo Wen said, โ€œIn the past, my master also knew… Itโ€™s not easy to learn. Others might know some of it, but theyโ€™re not as skilled as my shishu, and they canโ€™t keep up with my pace.โ€

Yu’er, frowning in thought, said, โ€œValley Master Bai isnโ€™t heartless. Thereโ€™s always room for change. How about this: Iโ€™ll visit Valley Master Bai tonight and gauge her stance.โ€

Mo Wen looked at Qing Jiu, then shook her head and said to Yu’er, โ€œWe canโ€™t delay too long. Yu’er, you invite my shishu over tonight, and I… I will talk to her personally.โ€

Yu’er was surprised. Hua Lian stared, saying, โ€œArenโ€™t you afraid of your shishu?โ€

Mo Wen nervously rubbed her hands together, stealing a glance at Hua Lian before saying, “Sooner or later, we’ll have to meet.”

You can avoid the inevitable only for so long.

That evening, Yu’er went to seek out Bai Sang. Mo Wen was restless in her room, sitting and standing in turns, drinking water every few moments.

As soon as she heard footsteps outside, Mo Wen sprang to her feet.

The door swung open, and Bai Sang stepped inside, followed by Yu’er.

Upon seeing Mo Wen, Bai Sang’s expression darkened immediately. She turned to Yu’er and asked, โ€œYoung Mistress, is this the person you wanted me to meet?!โ€

Yu’er replied, โ€œValley Master Bai Sang, please calm your anger. There’s a reason behind this. Please have a calm and peaceful conversation with her.โ€

Bai Sang’s usually graceful and gentle face was now frosty, and Yu’er thought that if Bai Sang had a sword at hand, she might have drawn it against Mo Wen.

Mo Wen, trembling, called out, โ€œShishuโ€ฆโ€

Bai Sang immediately retorted, โ€œWho is your Shishu!โ€ Her voice was usually gentle, but it carried an authoritative force when she was angry.

Mo Wen fumbled with her hands, looking down but glancing up at Bai Sang, hesitated for a long time before saying, โ€œAh, Ah Sang?โ€

Yu’er blinked in surprise. Bai Sang, as if a cat whose tail had been stepped on, flushed red from her face to her neck, slammed the table, and shouted, โ€œWhat did you call me!โ€

Startled by the outburst, Mo Wen instinctively stepped back, bumping into a scrollshelf behind her: โ€œI… you didnโ€™t want me to call you Shishuโ€ฆโ€

Bai Sang waved her sleeve dismissively with a cold snort, โ€œWretch, you sneaked into Xuhuai Valley, broke into the secret archive, escaped from prison, and you dare to hide here. Did you really think I wouldnโ€™t dare to kill you!โ€

As Mo Wenโ€™s hands touched the scrolls behind her, she steadied herself, then stepped forward, โ€œIt doesn’t matter if you want to kill me. But I have a friend who is dying. Iโ€™ve found a lead that requires me to meet the Gu Emperor in Miaojiang. Butโ€ฆ but she wonโ€™t last that long. I need to use the gold needle technique to seal her acupoints and extend her life, and in all of Xuhuai Valley, only you have mastered it.โ€

Bai Sang frowned, โ€œYouโ€™re going to meet the Gu Emperor?โ€

โ€œValley Master Bai.โ€

Bai Sang turned around as Yu’er bowed to her, saying, โ€œValley Master Bai, Yu’er also begs you. This person once eliminated the outlaws controlling the walking corpses in Mingjian Manor, saving many lives. Valley Master Bai is merciful. Please lend a helping hand for the sake of this favor. Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor will be forever grateful.โ€

Seeing her plea, Bai Sang seemed troubled. Mo Wen stepped forward, causing Bai Sang to step back, โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€

Mo Wen took a dagger named ‘Yi Suan’ from her waist, offering it to Bai Sang, โ€œThis is a dagger reforged from Qing Huan, capable of breaking gold and driving away evil spirits. One cut can end my life. Take it. Once I save her, my life is yours to deal with. I wonโ€™t hide anymore.โ€

Mo Wen thrust the dagger into Bai Sangโ€™s hands. Bai Sang stared at it expressionlessly, contemplating for a long while, then said, โ€œFine, Iโ€™ll save her.โ€

Mo Wen, relieved, couldn’t help but call out again, โ€œShishu.โ€

Bai Sang gave her a sidelong glance, and she immediately fell silent. Bai Sang said, โ€œThis is merely to repay the Young Mistress and that personโ€™s kindness. Once this is over, I will settle accounts with you.โ€

True to her word, the next morning Bai Sang arrived with a medical kit, and she and Mo Wen entered Qing Jiuโ€™s room.

To avoid disturbance, everyone waited outside.

Hua Lian, fanning himself, expressed his amazement, โ€œMo Wen is so clumsy with words. How did she manage to convince Valley Master Bai?โ€

Tang Linzhi, who had been hiding on the roof the previous day, heard most of their conversation, โ€œItโ€™s just a matter of settling accounts after the fall.โ€

Yang Chun wrinkled his nose and said, “She hasnโ€™t completely forgiven her, has she? I thought Valley Master Bai had softened her heart since she spared Mo Wen a few times before. Who knows, she might just forgive her completely this time. Ah, but with just the two of them in that room, do you think Master Bai might change her mind and actually Mo Wenโ€ฆ”

Hua Lian replied, “Valley Master Bai isnโ€™t that kind of person. Right, Yu’er?”

Yu’er looked towards the room, remaining silent. When Hua Lian asked her, she casually mentioned, “Valley Master Bai did set a condition yesterday.”

Hua Lian, puzzled, asked, “What condition?”

“If Mo Wen goes to Miaojiang, she wants to accompany her.”

Yang Chun, with his hands tucked in his sleeves, asked, “What, does Valley Master Bai think Mo Wen might run away?”

Yan Li mused, “In the past, Xuhuai Valley helped the Gu Emperor of Miaojiang quell a rebellion. Xuhuai Valley has some standing with the Gu Emperor, so if Valley Master Bai accompanies Mo Wen, it will likely make the journey much smoother. Itโ€™s a beneficial arrangement.”

Yu’er frowned and added, “But yesterday, when Mo Wen mentioned going to find the Gu Emperor, Valley Master Baiโ€™s expression turned strange. And Mo Wen, I donโ€™t know what sheโ€™s thinking, she was a bit odd yesterday too.”

Yu’er lowered her voice and said, “Yan Li, she suddenly wants to go to Miaojiang, and I’m always uneasy about it. Miaojiang is known for its Gu poisons, and she is a living Gu herself. I feel like it might cause trouble. Do you know anything about Mo Wenโ€™s situation?” The scenes from the Tomb of King Cheng were still vivid in her memory.

Yan Li shook her head, “I donโ€™t know much. Qing Jiu might know more. If Mo Wen wonโ€™t talk, you could ask Qing Jiu. But donโ€™t worry too much about the trip to Miaojiang. Weโ€™ll go together, and we wonโ€™t let anything happen to Mo Wen.”

Yu’er nodded, then suddenly heard Qing Jiu groaning in pain from inside the room. Instinctively, she rushed forward, intending to enter.

Yan Li quickly caught her arm and shook her head.

Yu’er came back to her senses, standing still outside the room, but the sounds of pain tugged at her heart, cold sweat beading on her forehead.

Over an hour later, Bai Sang emerged from the room, drenched in sweat and visibly exhausted. Seeing everyone gathered at the door, she announced, “Iโ€™ve sealed her acupoints, but her body has suffered a lot. Even with the gold needle technique, it can only extend her life by two months at most.”

Although everyone wished the extension could be longer, they were relieved that it was at least two more months.

Mo Wen then came out and said, “It’s done. Yu’er, go in and check on her.”

Yu’er entered the room and approached the bed. Qing Jiuโ€™s breathing was still shaky, her eyelids heavy. Recognizing Yu’er, she closed her eyes.

“How do you feel?” Yu’er asked gently.

“My body feels very heavy,” Qing Jiu responded.

“You can’t move as freely as before since your internal energy is sealed,” Yu’er spoke softly.

Qing Jiu let out a light chuckle, “Iโ€™m so weak now, you could easily bully me.”

Hearing the tiredness in her voice, Yu’er carefully tucked the blanket around her and tenderly kissed her forehead, “I wonโ€™t bully you, I just want to care for you. Are you sleepy? Go to sleep, Iโ€™ll stay right here with you.”

Qing Jiu murmured a quiet acknowledgment and soon fell asleep, the strain finally easing.

By noon, when Qing Jiu woke up, everyone had already packed their bags and came to bid farewell to Qing Jiu and Yu’er.

They were eager to save time, they planned to leave for Miaojiang that day.

While Yu’er stayed with Qing Jiu, Xin Chou remained in Xuhuai Valley to protect them, and the rest set out for Miaojiang.

Given the gravity of Qing Jiuโ€™s condition, Yu’er couldnโ€™t bear the thought of not being there, especially after their recent intimacy made it even harder to part. Leaving Qing Jiu in her powerless state in Xuhuai Valley while she traveled to Miaojiang felt unimaginable, so she chose to stay by her side.

Everyone understood this decision. Seeing how inseparable the two were, if the group went to Miaojiang and found nothing, it would be a wasted trip, and Yu’er and Qing Jiu would miss out on their final peaceful moments together. Therefore, they couldn’t bear to separate the two of them. But to be on the safe side, the more people, the more strength. Everyone packed their bags and set off together.

Translation note:

Hanlu period – Begins at October 8 and ends around October 23.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter!!