
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 18, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 90: Separate Ways

Moving Like the Stars (Part One)

As the group gathered together in peace, the walking corpses now disposed of, a sense of relief filled the air. They sat together, taking a well-earned rest.

Yang Chun, ever the chatterbox with a lively spirit, poured out his frustrations to Qing Jiu, animatedly recounting everything from the sights at the banquet hall to the sounds in the maple forest, and how they fought the walking corpses at Qixian Palace and led the group to escape the manor. His lively storytelling had everyoneโ€™s eyebrows dancing with amusement.

The group relaxed, finding his tale amusing and couldn’t help but chuckle. Hua Lian teased him, “You’re so shameless! How much suffering did you endure? You hid on the beam the entire time and didn’t even make a move.” Yang Chun just laughed, not taking any offense.

When Yang Chun mentioned how Yan Jianyu used the Qiushui Sword in a sneak attack on Yuโ€™er, Yuโ€™er remembered this divine sword and handed it to Qing Jiu to examine.

Qing Jiu took the sword, held it level, and glanced down at it. The sword emitted a resonant hum, โ€œThe Qiushui Sword.โ€

Though their conversation was quiet, the martial artists resting around, with their profound internal skills and sharp senses, could still hear them. Mention of the divine sword drew many curious and gleaming eyes their way.

Qing Jiu smiled indifferently and called out, “Manor Master Yan.”

Yan Beili walked over and made a slight bow with cupped fists, asking, “What insights do you have, Miss?” His tone was calm, his demeanor respectful, particularly because he saw how close Yuโ€™er was to Qing Jiu and how pivotal their group had been in resolving the crisis, earning his quiet admiration.

Qing Jiu handed back the Qiushui Sword with a smile. “Returning the Qiushui Sword to you. This time, make sure you recognize it properly.”

Yan Beili received the sword with both hands. At first, when he heard the disciples of the Qixian Palace say that this sword was not the Fenghou Sword, he couldn’t be certain. Now, as he took the divine sword and examined it, someone who recognized the Fenghou Sword exclaimed in surprise, “It really isn’t the Fenghou Sword!”

“The Qiushui Sword and the Fenghou Sword are about eighty percent similar. It’s understandable for Manor Master Yan to make that mistake,” someone in the crowd remarked.

Even though everyone realized it wasnโ€™t the Fenghou Sword, the Qiushui Sword was still a divine weapon and a rare sight. They admired it from a distance, their eyes brimming with fascination.

Upon recognizing that the sword was not the Fenghou and had inadvertently caused such a great disaster, Yan Beili couldnโ€™t help but let out a long sigh.

As daylight broke, the sky turned a hazy gray. Winter arrived early in the northern part of Huxiao Mountain, heralding the first snowfall.

The sight of the crystal-clear, pure white snowflakes brought a burst of joy to everyone,” they exclaimed.

Yu’er stretched out her hand to catch a snowflake. Qing Jiu approached and said with a smile, “Let’s go.”

The group then stood, ready to depart. Concerns about the walking corpses, jianghu disputes, the divine swords, and the remnants from Miaojiang, as well as how the various sects would handle these issues, were no longer their priority. They had witnessed enough drama and had their fill of excitement. It was time to leave.

Their arrival had been casual, and they left without much attachment.

Preferring peace and having already endured significant hardships, Qixian Palace and Wuwei Palace were cautious about further complications. They chose to prioritize the safety of their disciples by returning to their respective sects first and dealing with other matters later. As a result, they had already said their goodbyes to Yan Beili and were the first to depart from the mountain.

Jie Qianchou, disheartened by the incident with Jue Mingzi, also bid farewell to the group. Knowing that Yu’er wanted to stay with Qing Jiu and the others, he left her with some parting words. After cremating Jue Mingzi, he took the ashes and headed straight back to Xiaoqing Mountain.

Qi Tianzhu was saying goodbye to his sect. Up ahead, Yang Chun stood on a maple tree, looking back and urging, “Hurry up! If the snow gets heavier, the mountain path will be difficult to walk.” Hao Yun, standing under the tree with his zhanmadao over his shoulder, leaned lazily against the trunk, sipping wine from his gourd.

As Yu’er was about to leave, Jun Lin and Yan Beili called out simultaneously, “Miss Yu’er.” Yu’er turned to look at them. Both men exchanged glances, each hesitant about revealing the truth in such a moment, unsure what to say. Finally, it was Jun Lin who broke the silence with an elegant smile, saying earnestly, “Miss Yu’er, thank you for helping my two nieces escape danger. When you are free, please honor Jiuxiao Manor with a visit so we can properly thank you. I hope you won’t decline.”

Yu’er considered their nomadic lifestyle, moving unpredictably from east to west, and knew that even if she agreed, there was no telling when they might visit, potentially leaving him waiting in vain. Yet, seeing Jun Linโ€™s earnest expression, she couldnโ€™t bear to refuse outright.

Yu’er hesitated, unsure how to respond. Qing Jiu stepped in, saying, “Thank you for the invitation, Manor Master Jun. We will definitely visit one day.”

When Yu’er looked at Qing Jiu, she smiled back at her.

As Qi Tianzhu and Master Kongming finished their farewells, they approached, and it was time to leave. Suddenly, someone called out loudly, “Miss Yu’er, wait!”

They turned to see the speaker cup his hands and say to them, “Miss, you and your companions saved me from a difficult situation. I will always remember this kindness and virtue and will never forget it. If there is anything in the future, just give the word.”

Hearing this, others came forward, their spirits rising as they declared, “Indeed! You saved our lives, Miss Yu’er. In the future, if Miss needs anything, even if it means going through mountains of swords and seas of fire, we will get it done for Miss!”

Seeing the genuine warmth from the crowd, Yu’er couldnโ€™t help but smile faintly, a smile that outshone thousands of blooming flowers.

Those who witnessed her smile were captivated, feeling as if they were in the presence of a celestial being. Knowing her and gaining her favor was seen as the result of several lifetimes of good fortune. They wondered who in the world could possibly be worthy of her.

Yu’er bowed slightly to the crowd and said, “My friends, until we meet again.” Despite the dangers they had faced, she felt the journey had been worthwhile.

The group of seven then turned and began their descent from the mountain.

An onlooker stared at their retreating figures, struck by a sudden realization, and murmured, “The seven… could these seven be the famed Northern Dipper Star Lords?”

At his words, others realized the resemblance to the legendary Seven Stars, slapping their thighs in recognition, exclaiming, “Indeed, it must be them!”

But by the time they called out, “Miss, please wait!” the group had already moved too far away.

After descending from Huxiao Mountain, Qing Jiu and the others parted ways with Hao Yun, who, after surviving the ordeal with Yu’er, decided to go his separate ways, saying, “Our paths will cross again if fate allows.”

Hao Yun had always been accustomed to coming and going alone. Although the group had fought alongside him and developed mutual admiration, they respected his independent nature and simply waved goodbye.

As the group entered the bustling city of Rong City, life in the city carried on, oblivious to the events that had transpired on Huxiao Mountain.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by Zhu Ji from the Yanyu Pavilion.

Yang Chun jumped in front of him, pointing and accusing, “Look at you! I was wondering why I hadn’t seen you these past few days; you had already sensed trouble and fled to the city.”

Zhu Ji squinted and smiled, replying, “My martial arts skills are not as refined as yours, and my lightness skills are certainly not as peerless as Brother Yang’s. With no strength to defend myself, the only way to stay safe was to stay far away.”

Yang Chun crossed his arms, scoffing, “Making excuses.”

Qing Jiu asked, “Has there been any news from the Yanyu Pavilion?”

Zhu Ji responded, “Star Lord Si Ming, your foresight is truly divine. Just yesterday, a carrier pigeon arrived with good news.”

“Oh? What good news?” Qing Jiu inquired.

Zhu Ji lowered his voice, “We’ve located the whereabouts of the Meiren Gu.”

After descending the mountain, Qixian Palace and Wuwei Palace didnโ€™t leave immediately. They had arranged to meet with Qing Jiu and her companions at the foot of the mountain, so they found an inn to rest and prepare the carriages. It was there that they encountered the group and led them back to the inn.

At the inn, members from both Qixian Palace and Wuwei Palace gathered in a corner. Gong Shang and Jian Mobei shared a table, while their disciples discussed the recent martial arts competition and the overwhelming forces of Wu Chang and others at another table. They felt that if not for the interventions of Qing Jiu and Yu’er at Mingjian Manor, many heroes might have fallen.

Upon seeing Qing Jiu and her companions arrive, everyone quickly came over to greet them.

This time, the two sects had specifically waited for them to descend the mountain not only to express their thanks but also to discuss two important matters. First, Wei Ranโ€™s leg injury had not yet healed and required Mo Wenโ€™s continued treatment. Second, Yu’erโ€™s internal injuries needed Gong Shangโ€™s mystical sound healing. Both issues were urgent and could not be delayed.

Furthermore, Qing Jiu and her group had another taskโ€”to find Meiren Gu. According to the message from Yanyu Pavilion, the Meiren Gu was still hiding in Suzhou, right under the noses of the Yanyu Pavilion. As the saying goes, โ€˜The most dangerous place is the safest place.โ€™ No wonder the Yanyu Pavilion had not found any trace of him.

Now, three matters were pressing at once, making it hard to prioritize.

Wei Ranโ€™s leg injury meant he could not travel long distances, so it wasnโ€™t possible for the people of Wuwei Palace to accompany Qing Jiu and her group to Jiangnan.

After some discussion, Mo Wen decided to accompany Wei Ran back to Wuwei Palace. Wuwei Palace is located north of Huxiao Mountain, on the northernmost edge of the Central Plains, and it would take no more than three days to reach from Huxiao Mountain. However, since Qing Jiu and the others were heading south to Jiangnan, the two destinations would inevitably become even farther apart. Traveling to Wuwei Palace and then returning to Jiangnan would take at least several months.

Yan Li knew Mo Wen was taking on this task because of her, and although they had been companions for many years and seldom expressed thanks, she couldnโ€™t help but say solemnly, “Mo Wen, thank you.”

“Then, in the future, can I drink an extra cup…” Mo Wen began, hinting at a request for more alcohol.

Before she could finish, Yan Li understood her intention and firmly refused, “No, you cannot.”

Mo Wen was taken aback, and while Jian Mobei and the others didnโ€™t understand their exchange, Qing Jiu and her companions did, and they burst out laughing, dispelling the somewhat solemn atmosphere that had lingered.

After resting for a day, the people of Wuwei Palace prepared to leave for their return journey. They needed to inform their sect about the situation with Wu Chang, as jianghu was undergoing changes, and to begin Wei Ran’s treatment.

Qing Jiu and her companions came to see them off. Mo Wen called Yu’er over and rummaged through her belongings, eventually producing a bottle of pills. Handing it to her, she said, “This medicine can counteract all poisons. Whether it’s internal or external injuries, taking it wonโ€™t heal you completely but will certainly mitigate the symptoms.” These pills were what Mo Wen had been wanting to prepare. Yu’er had managed to gather the last of the necessary herbs for her, and despite the rush, she had only managed to refine three pills the day before.

“There are three pills inside. Keep them safe. After your internal injuries heal, take one to fully recover. Don’t forget, wait for me to come back and check on you,” Mo Wen instructed.

Yu’er accepted the bottle, finding Mo Wen even more long-winded than Yang Chun, but her heart warmed immensely, and she greatly appreciated hearing these words.

Mo Wen then turned to Qing Jiu, “While I’m away, remember to carry your medicine with you every day, just in case. I’ve calculated the days, and if we’re quick, I should be able to make it back after the New Year, in time for your Gu outbreak.”

Qing Jiu chuckled and said, “You should be careful when you’re alone. Don’t let anyone kidnap you.”

Mo Wen retorted, “I’m not Linzhi.”

Tang Linzhi crossed her arms and coldly interjected, “What did you say?”

Mo Wen quickly retreated back into the carriage. Jian Mobei reassured Qing Jiu, “Miss, rest assured, Wuwei Palace will take good care of Miss Mo Wen. It’s just unfortunate that everyone is preoccupied with important matters this time; otherwise, we would have insisted on hosting you all at Wuwei Palace.”

After Jiang Ying returned Yi Suan to Tang Linzhi, she pulled Yan Li aside to say goodbye. โ€œSenior Sister, are you sure you don’t want to come back to the Wuwei Palace with us just for a visit?”

Yan Li shook her head. Her heart yearned for her sect, but she felt too ashamed to return, so she chose not to go back with Jiang Ying and the others.

Jiang Ying leaned in and hugged her tightly. She had always known her senior sister’s personality, so she didn’t try to persuade her further. She only said, “Senior Sister, no matter what, you will always be my senior sister. When Senior Brother’s legs are healed, he and I will come to see you together.”

Yan Li responded, “Alright.”

After the group parted ways, Qing Jiu and her companions also got ready. Qixian Palace was located in Yangzhou, which meant that for a good part of their journey, they would be traveling the same path towards Jiangnan, so the remaining members set off together towards the south.

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2 months ago

they are splitting apart ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ what are they going to do without their healer!!!
Thanks for the chapter.