
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 20, 2024 4 Comments
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Chapter 93: Eldest Brother, Master Has Been Kidnapped by Demons Again!

Moving Like the Stars (Part Four)

After administering the medicine, Tang Linzhi carried Qing Jiu with the intention of returning to Yanyu Pavilion. However, the darkness and her unfamiliarity with the route complicated their journey. Tang Linzhi had to rely on Qing Jiu, who struggled to maintain consciousness, to guide her. Despite the challenges, they eventually made it back to Yanyu Pavilion.

As soon as they arrived, Qing Jiu passed out.

This night was the busiest time at Yanyu Pavilion. The same woman who had guarded the door years ago recognized Tang Linzhi and Qing Jiu and quickly called for Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu led them to the back courtyard, where Qing Jiu soon vomited blood, her cheeks flushed and her breath faint.

Tang Linzhi guessed that the Gu poison had aggravated the hidden injuries Qing Jiu had sustained at Mingjian Manor. She worried that the medicine Mo Wen had given to suppress the Gu poison might not be effective, leaving her as frantic as a headless fly for a moment.

Although Liu Xiu had people search for a physician, who arrived and busied himself for a while, he was helpless and only prescribed two medicines: one to stop bleeding and another to regulate qi.

Having spent so much time with Mo Wen, Tang Linzhi had some medical knowledge herself. She inspected the prescription and scornfully exclaimed, “This is useless!”

Liu Xiu sighed, “If only Miss Mo Wen were here.”

Suddenly inspired, Tang Linzhi pulled a small bottle of pills from her pocket, selected one, and fed it to Qing Jiu, who was lying in bed.

After some time, Qing Jiu showed slight improvement. Holding the bottle of pills, Tang Linzhi sighed deeply.

Originally, these pills had been given to Yu’er by Mo Wen to strengthen her constitution after her recovery. On the day they parted across the river, Yu’er had handed them to Tang Linzhi, insisting that she keep them as a precaution.

Tang Linzhi was initially reluctant to take the pills, but Yu’er was persuasive, and eventually, Tang Linzhi accepted them. She remained puzzled about why Yu’er insisted she carry them instead of giving them directly to Qing Jiu. Yu’er had simply smiled and explained, “She wouldnโ€™t have accepted them.”

Thinking it over, Tang Linzhi realized that Yu’er knew she couldn’t be persuaded otherwise and chose to entrust the medicine to her instead of to Hua Lian or Qing Jiu. Fortunately, she had them now.

After administering the medicine, Tang Linzhi stayed by Qing Jiuโ€™s side.

Due to the events they had experienced together, the tension between Tang Linzhi and Liu Xiu when they were in the same room was not as intense as before. However, Tang Linzhi had little desire to chat; she briefly recounted the night’s events and then fell silent.

Liu Xiu called someone over, sent people out to track Hua Lian and Meiren Gu, and after giving her instructions, she reassured, “Don’t worry. As soon as the people from the Yanyu Pavilion come into contact with any traces of Hua Lian and Meiren Gu, they will send word back.”

Her voice was naturally soft and alluring. At this moment, it was even gentler, exuding tenderness and charm in the flickering candlelight.

Tang Linzhi lowered her gaze, looking at Qing Jiu, and responded indifferently, “Mhm.”

Liu Xiu glanced at them and commented, “You and Star Lord seem very close.”

The abrupt statement caught Tang Linzhi off guard. She turned to look at Liu Xiu, her face filled with confusion, “Huh?”

Liu Xiu explained, “I heard that the assassins of the Tang Sect are taught to be heartless, but you care for her quite deeply, unlike others.”

Tang Linzhi thought to herself, “Don’t I treat Yu’er and the others the same way?” However, she spoke aloud, “She and I are like sisters, of course…” She and Hua Lian were used to being teased by others, and people had asked similar questions before. The words came out naturally.

“No, I mean, she… she’s not my blood relative, but she’s more than that to me,” Tang Linzhi added, realizing her answer was somewhat off-topic.

Tang Linzhi’s mind was still in a mess because of Meiren Gu’s words. She frowned, “Youโ€™re not far off, actually. No matter where one serves as an assassin, one must not have attachments. My master also taught me that without attachments, there is no pain. It’s just a pityโ€ฆ”

Tang Linzhi gave a self-deprecating smile, “Iโ€™m probably not cut out to be an assassin. I don’t know the way, and I can’t be heartless and righteous. Youโ€™re right, I wouldnโ€™t make the top thirty; my skills arenโ€™t good enough. Later onโ€ฆ later onโ€ฆ”

Outside, the snow was falling heavily and the cold wind howled, yet inside, the room was warm and cozy, completely insulated from the chill.

Qing Jiu’s face was still pale, but thankfully the fever had subsided.

Liu Xiu listened intently, completely absorbed in the story, and couldn’t resist asking a question, โ€œAnd then what happened?โ€

Tang Linzhi paused, momentarily lost in thought, โ€œI had always been alone in the world, without a home, wandering by myself. But after meeting them, I no longer wanted to be alone. When I got hurt, there was someone to take care of me. If I made enemies, it didn’t matter if I couldn’t beat them; I had brothers and sisters who would help me seek revenge. During the New Year, we would light the fire together, cook meals, drink, and ride horses togetherโ€ฆโ€

Her voice trailed off, and Tang Linzhi propped her forehead with her hand, realizing she had said too much.

After being brought back to the Tang Sect by her master when she was young, she had walked through a path of blood and violence. She thought she had hardened her heart, but upon meeting this group of companions, she realized there was still softness within her. She wasn’t just drifting alone without any ties; she had once fantasized about having loving parents and caring siblings around her.

When she actually found such companionship, she treasured it deeply, though she never spoke of it.

Tang Linzhi was always awkward around Liu Xiu. Although she no longer looked down on her, she could never find the right way to interact with her. Yet today, perhaps influenced by Meiren Gu, she found herself opening up more than usual.

She blamed herself considerably for letting Meiren Gu escape. With Qing Jiu suffering from the Gu poison, she couldnโ€™t treat her like Mo Wen would have. With Hua Lian in grief, she felt useless, even her attempts at comfort were clumsy.

Tang Linzhi murmured softly, โ€œMaybe you donโ€™t understandโ€ฆโ€

Liu Xiu pulled her head into her embrace from behind, saying softly, “No, I do understand.โ€

Liu Xiuโ€™s voice softened further, โ€œIn a world of rivers and lakes where deceit is common and everyone is out for themselves, finding true companionshipโ€”a friendship that surpasses allโ€”is hard to find. I truly envy you.โ€

Lost in her own thoughts, Tang Linzhi only snapped back to reality when she realized something was wrong and abruptly pulled away from Liu Xiu, stepping back with a flush of embarrassment, โ€œWh-what are you doing!โ€

Liu Xiu suggested, โ€œYou should go to sleep. You’ve been busy all day and need to rest well. I’ll keep watch here.โ€

Tang Linzhi was about to refuse, but since Liu Xiu showed no signs of leaving, staying in the room felt uncomfortable. After a moment of indecision, she said, โ€œTake good care of her. Call me if anything happens.โ€

Tang Linzhi closed the door behind her and retired to the adjacent guest room for some rest. Meanwhile, Liu Xiu looked at her empty arms, chuckled, and shook her head. She then gracefully sat down by the bedside to watch over Qing Jiu.

Three days later, when Qing Jiu awoke, moonlight filtered through a half-closed window, illuminating the snow piled up outside.

She pressed a hand to her chest and turned to look outside, her ink-black hair cascading over her slender shoulders, accentuating the paleness of her face. In her hand, she held a note.

The message was from Hua Lian. He was pursuing Meiren Gu southward and had not yet crossed the river. He had someone send back the message while resting in a small town.

When Tang Linzhi brought in some porridge, Qing Jiu was still in the same position, gazing out the window. Tang Linzhi commented, โ€œThe snow has been falling on and off for quite a few days now. Everything outside is blanketed in white, and people are saying that this year is expected to be auspicious, promising peace and clarity in all matters.โ€

Qing Jiu grabbed a handful of snow from the windowsill, looked down at it and said, โ€œThis snow will melt away without a trace when spring arrives next year. What does it matter whether it’s auspicious snow or ominous snow?โ€

Tang Linzhi paused, โ€œQing Jiuโ€ฆโ€

Qing Jiu let out a soft sigh, โ€œI used to complain about living too long; now, I complain itโ€™s too short. Life is so unpredictable, and often disappointing.โ€

Tang Linzhi sat down on the edge of the bed, holding the bowl in her hands. After contemplating for a while, she said, โ€œDon’t let the words of that evil demon affect you. He was trying to unsettle you with his lies to catch you off guard for a surprise attack. Once Hua Lian captures him, Mo Wen and I will take turns interrogating him. Weโ€™re prepared to employ all eighty-one tortures if necessary; rest assured, he will talk. Even if thereโ€™s a slim chance he doesnโ€™t, Mo Wenโ€™s expertise with those Gu insects will surely find a way. Stay strong. Yu’er and Yan Li are waiting for our return.โ€

Qing Jiu didnโ€™t respond. Tang Linzhi stirred the spoon in the porridge bowl, feeling frustrated at her inability to offer comforting words.

The room fell silent for a moment before Qing Jiu offered a faint smile, โ€œYouโ€™re right, thereโ€™s always a way.โ€

Tang Linzhi breathed a sigh of relief, saw the letter in her hand, and said, โ€œSee? I told you not to worry about him. He even had the sense to send a message back, so he hasn’t lost his mind.โ€

Qing Jiu chuckled, then shook her head somberly, โ€œWith his lightness skill and Meiren Guโ€™s injured arm, he would have caught him by now if not for Meiren Gu messing with his mind. The message he should have sent back today would be ‘Meiren Gu is dead.โ€™โ€

Tang Linzhi replied, โ€œSo he didnโ€™t catch him, so what? Itโ€™s not the first time Meiren Gu has escaped. As long as heโ€™s alive, he can be caught. As for Hua Lian, though he may be frivolous, he is still quite capable. Like you said, with Meiren Guโ€™s broken arm and internal injuries, after seven days, he should be at the end of his strength. Even if Hua Lian can’t capture him immediately, he won’t get himself into any trouble.โ€

Tang Linzhi tested the temperature of the porridge and handed it to Qing Jiu, โ€œLiu Xiu has already notified the people nearby to assist Hua Lian. Once your body recovers, we’ll go together. It’s not like he can grow wings and fly away.โ€

After thinking it over, Qing Jiu nodded. She inwardly sighed, realizing that she had been too anxious and worried, forgetting that Hua Lian was no longer that reckless and hot-headed young man. He had long since become a capable individual.

Looking again at the snow, she couldnโ€™t help but sigh over how things change while people remain the same.

Qing Jiu took a spoonful of the porridge to her mouth and frowned, โ€œYou made this porridge?โ€

โ€œJust eat it,โ€ Tang Linzhi crossed her arms.

Qing Jiu responded, โ€œIโ€™m still recovering from a serious illness; I should eat something lightโ€ฆโ€

โ€œThen make it yourself.โ€

โ€œForget it.โ€

After spending two more days at Yanyu Pavilion, Qing Jiu’s spirit had significantly recovered. Despite the intense flare-up of the Gu poison, which also aggravated her underlying injuries, the effectiveness of the three pills Mo Wen had prepared for Yu’er, which Tang Linzhi administered to Qing Jiu, was remarkably apparent.

Qing Jiu knew she had internal injuries, so she found it strange that she had recovered so quickly. When she asked Tang Linzhi about it, Tang Linzhi appeared quite troubled.

Yu’er had instructed her beforehand not to tell Qing Jiu. Now faced with Qing Jiu’s direct questions, Tang Linzhi was uncertain whether to divulge the secret.

After hesitating and mumbling a few vague responses, Qing Jiu sensed there was more to the story but chose not to press further.

That day, they received news from Yanyu Pavilion that their people had caught up with Hua Lian and were now assisting him in pursuing Meiren Gu.

Tang Linzhi joked, โ€œAt this rate, by the time we catch up, Meiren Gu will be nothing but a pile of bones.โ€

As they were about to leave to find Hua Lian, they had just entered the main hall when a girl from the Yanyu Pavilion hurried in with a man in a green robe, looking extremely disheveled. As soon as he saw them, he started crying and rushed towards them.

It was Yang Chun.

Qing Jiu glanced at him, and Yang Chun froze in place, not daring to come closer. Qing Jiu asked, โ€œWerenโ€™t you supposed to go with Yu’er to Qixian Palace? What are you doing here?โ€

Yang Chun sobbed, โ€œMiss Qing Jiu, itโ€™s terrible! Miss Yu’er has been kidnapped by the Moonless Sect!โ€

Silence fell awkwardly among the three, with Qing Jiu slowly furrowing her brow.

Tang Linzhi exclaimed, โ€œThe Moonless Sect has no grievances with Yu’er. How dare they openly abduct someone from the Qixian Palace!โ€

Given the equal strengths of Qixian Palace and the Moonless Sect, and considering it occurred on their own territory, it seemed utterly reckless for the Moonless Sect to commit such an act.

Yang Chun, looking around nervously, grabbed a bottle of wine from the table and guzzled it down.

At that moment, Liu Xiu was coming to see off Tang Linzhi and Qing Jiu and saw Yang Chun there, unaware of what had transpired.

Tang Linzhi continued, โ€œWhat about Gong Shang? Yan Li and Brother Qi? How could they fail to protect her?โ€ She couldnโ€™t believe it; with Yu’er within the safety of Qixian Palace and protected by Yan Li and Qi Tianzhu, it seemed impossible for the Moonless Sect to have kidnapped her.

Liu Xiu asked, โ€œWhat happened?โ€

Tang Linzhi snatched the wine jug from Yang Chunโ€™s hand, demanding, โ€œIโ€™m asking you!โ€

Yang Chun wiped his mouth, took a deep breath to calm himself, and explained, โ€œRen Qingkuang personally led the Moonless Sect to ambush us on the road. We hadnโ€™t even made it back to Qixian Palace. We were outnumbered, and Gong Shang, Yan Li, and Brother Qi were all injuredโ€ฆโ€

โ€œRen Qingkuang probably didn’t want to make a mortal enemy of the Qixian Palace, so he let the Qixian Palace people go and only took Miss Yu’er, Miss Yan Li, and Brother Qi.โ€

Unable to contain her anger, Tang Linzhi slammed her hand down, shattering the legs of the table, and demanded, โ€œHow did you escape? Did they send you to deliver a message?โ€

Yang Chun replied, โ€œHow could that be! I canโ€™t fight them, but I can still run.โ€

He turned around and tugged at his robe, showing them several slash marks, โ€œLook at this. Those people from the Moonless Sect are crazy. If I hadn’t run fast enough, who knows which dark dungeon I’d be in right now.โ€

Qing Jiu spoke in a cold voice, โ€œWhen we left, there was no one following us. How could Ren Qingkuang have known that Yu’er was with Gong Shang heading back to Qixian Palace? Yu’er canโ€™t travel long distances due to her internal injuries, so Gong Shang would have taken shortcuts. How could Ren Qingkuang have known their route and set up an ambush ahead of them?โ€

Tang Linzhi added, โ€œThe Moonless Sect doesnโ€™t have the capability to receive information that quickly and accuratelyโ€ฆโ€

At this point, Tang Linzhi frowned and glanced at Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu, being a perceptive person, understood what Tang Linzhi was implying without her saying anything.

There are only a few places in the world where information travels fastest: Yanyu Pavilion, Xuanji Tower, and the Beggarโ€™s Sect. For the Moonless Sect to act so promptly and accurately, someone must have been feeding them information about Yu’erโ€™s group.

For someone like Tang Linzhi, who couldn’t hide her thoughts, her gaze was more than obvious. She was suspecting the Yanyu Pavilion.

Liu Xiu couldn’t help but feel ashamed and angry. She coldly said, โ€œSince Yanyu Pavilion has acknowledged you eight as friends, it would never act against your interests. Although the women of Yanyu Pavilion may be described as โ€˜shamelessโ€™, when it comes to loyalty, they are unwavering!โ€

Tang Linzhi, her face flushing at the mention of โ€˜shamelessโ€™, which was clearly a pointed comment, felt wronged.

She had indeed instinctively suspected Yanyu Pavilion, not because she believed they were inherently deceitful, but because it was the only intelligence organization she had contact with and could think of in the moment.

Qing Jiu gently called out, โ€œLinzhi.โ€

Liu Xiu was furious, her cheeks becoming even redder. Tang Linzhi awkwardly pulled up the cloak wrapped around her neck, muffling her voice, โ€œYoung Mistress, I apologizeโ€ฆโ€

Liu Xiu turned to Qing Jiu and said, โ€œStar Lord, even if you donโ€™t mention it, Yanyu Pavilion will have to get involved. Give me a month; after the New Year, Yanyu Pavilion will certainly find out which force is acting in the shadows and will prove its innocence!โ€

Before Qing Jiu could respond, Liu Xiu huffed and left without giving Tang Linzhi another glance.

Tang Linzhi: โ€œโ€ฆโ€

Qing Jiu remarked, โ€œLast year, you angered her with a few words, and you still don’t understand her temperament. Yet, you do it again?โ€

Tang Linzhi responded, โ€œI already apologized.โ€ She noted mentally, how petty and resentful Liu Xiu could be.

Qing Jiu looked at her. Tang Linzhi: โ€œโ€ฆโ€

Yang Chun interjected, โ€œMiss Qing Jiu, what should we do now?โ€

Qing Jiu’s gaze shifted to him, like a bottomless cold pond, deep and without the slightest ripple, โ€œWe go to the Moonless Sect to demand our people back.โ€

Yang Chun shivered involuntarily. He had never seen Qing Jiu exude such a chilling aura before, one that seemed even more terrifying than any divine weapon he had encountered.

“With just the three of you, how can you succeed? It’s like trying to fight four hands with two fists?” Yang Chun protested, counting only Qing Jiu and her two companions, and not considering himself as part of the group. He looked around and then asked, “Why haven’t I seen Brother Hua Lian?”

Qing Jiu didn’t answer. At this moment, Liu Xiu had already left, likely to be upset for a while. Qing Jiu summoned the woman from the Yanyu Pavilion who had accompanied Yang Chun and asked her to convey two messages to Liu Xiu. The first was to inform Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor about the situation. The second was to let Hua Lian know that once he captured Meiren Gu, he should execute him immediately without seeking any information about the Gu poison from him.

Tang Linzhi listened in. She understood why Qing Jiu wanted to notify the two manorsโ€”both had clear debts of gratitude towards Yu’er and would surely come to her aid. As for the direct order to kill Meiren Gu, it was evident that Qing Jiu no longer harbored any hope of extracting useful information from him. Tang Linzhi quickly interjected, “Qing Jiu, perhaps Meiren Gu…”

Qing Jiu raised her hand, signaling that there was no need for her to continue. Tang Linzhi opened her mouth to speak but ultimately said nothing. Seeing Qing Jiuโ€™s resolute attitude, she realized that Meiren Gu indeed had no knowledge of how to cure the Gu.

Yang Chun looked at Qing Jiu, then at Tang Linzhi, curious but not daring to ask directly due to Qing Jiu’s formidable presence.

Once Qing Jiu finished giving her orders, she said, “Let’s go.”

“Where to?” asked Yang Chun.

“To Moonless Sect,” Qing Jiu declared.

Yang Chun, realizing that Qing Jiu intended for him to join them, quickly joked, “Then your little brother will wait here for your triumphant return โ€ฆ”

Before he could finish, Tang Linzhi had grabbed him by the collar and started dragging him out.

“Ah! Miss Tang, let go, let go! Your little brother’s fragile body can’t endure another round of torment from those madmen in the Moonless Cult!”

Tang Linzhi half dragged, half carried Yang Chun and tied him to a horse. The three magnificent horses, strong and splendid, were clearly of excellent stock.

Liu Xiu had instructed the people in the pavilion to prepare them upon learning the news.

Holding the reins, Yang Chun couldnโ€™t help but sigh, “The Young Pavilion Mistress is truly generous! These must be Ferghana horses.”

Tang Linzhi stroked the horse’s back and pursed her lips, lost in thought. “When I have time, I should properly apologize to herโ€ฆ” she mused, before mounting her horse.

Originally, Qing Jiu and Tang Linzhi had planned to rendezvous with Hua Lian. However, considering it took Yang Chun at least three or four days to rush from Yangzhou, and concerned for Yu’erโ€™s safety the longer she remained with the Moonless Sect, they decided not to wait. They headed straight for the Moonless Sect.

With the clouds cleared and the weather ideal for travel, Qing Jiu led the way, followed closely by Tang Linzhi and Yang Chun.

Yang Chun surreptitiously asked, “Miss Tang, did you and the others have a tough time fighting with Meiren Gu?”

Tang Linzhi replied, “Not really.”

Yang Chun raised an eyebrow and glanced at Qing Jiu, โ€œThen why does Miss Qing Jiu look so unhappy? It’s quite scary.”

Tang Linzhi lazily rolled her eyes at him. Yang Chun suddenly realized, โ€œIs it because Miss Yu’er and the others were captured? Actually, there’s no need to worry too much. Although I don’t know why Ren Qingkuang is causing trouble for Miss Yu’er, I noticed he held back when he acted and didn’t harm their lives. Even if he captured them, he won’t do anything to them anytime soon.”

Tang Linzhi responded, “You really are an optimist.”

Yang Chun laughed heartily, “That’s your little brother’s only strength.”

The Moonless Sect was located at the border between Central Plains and Jiangnan. Jiuxiao Manor was the closest, followed by Yanyu Pavilion, and Mingjian Manor was the furthest. However, when Qing Jiu and her companions arrived at the Moonless Sect, representatives from both Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor were already there; they were, in fact, the last to arrive.

Yang Chun had assumed that since Qing Jiu had good relations with Qixian Palace, they might borrow some manpower from them. To his surprise, however, the three bypassed Yangzhou without stopping. Observing Qing Jiu’s determined demeanor, as if they truly intended to confront the Moonless Sect with just the three of them, Yang Chun felt a mix of unease and uncertainty.

When they reached the base of Fengming Mountain, where the Moonless Sect was located, Yang Chun was surprised to see a large gathering of people. They were divided into two groups: On one side, members wore light armor, carried long swords on their backs, and held bows and arrows, exuding a formidable presence. At the very front were Yun Wangran and Yan Beili, with Yan Siguo standing behind them. The other group was dressed in light clothing, each wielding a light sword, their stances agile and graceful. At the forefront of this group stood Jun Lin, flanked by the Jun sisters on either side.

Yang Chun clicked his tongue in amazement, “My heavens, it looks like Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor have brought out all their forces. Are they planning to settle old scores with the Moonless Sect, preparing for a battle to the death?”

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1 month ago

Thanks for the translation

1 month ago

Finally caught up! Thank you translator for all of your hard work! +1 to the amount of times yuer has been kidnapped. Mega unlucky. Also tang linzhi and liu xiu are so cute, hope they’ll be able to reconcile

Last edited 1 month ago by Cherry
1 month ago

Tang Linzhi noticing things about Liu Xiu ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ also Yu’er plsss stop getting kidnapped lmaooo. Is she going to be chained, again???? Crazy. The group really be splitting up so much.

1 day ago

Yu’er can’t catch a break