
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 21, 2024 3 Comments
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Chapter 94: Chasing Clouds and Moon, When Will It End?

Moving Like the Stars (Part Five)

Qing Jiu stepped forward, greeting Yan Beili and Jun Lin casually as she approached.

Jun Sixue spotted Qing Jiu and Tang Linzhi standing safely nearby and couldn’t help but frown deeply, saying, โ€œYou were supposed to protect her! Knowing now how little you’re capable of, I wish… I wish Iโ€™d never let Yu’er go with you!โ€

Unaware of the hidden implications about Yu’erโ€™s identity in Jun Sixue’s words, Tang Linzhi found the blunt criticism both perplexing and irritating. She responded sharply, โ€œYu’er is one of us, what does it have to do with you? Even if you are from Jiuxiao Manor, it’s none of your business!โ€

Jun Sixue countered, โ€œHow can it not be our business? She is myโ€”โ€

Jun Lin interjected, โ€œSixue, is this really the time for such disputes?โ€ Leaving Sixue momentarily silenced.

When Jun Lin looked towards Qing Jiu and observed her again, he noticed that whether it was her bearing, appearance, martial arts, or conduct, she was unlike an ordinary family’s young lady. He mused, โ€œMiss Qing Jiu, Brother Yan and I have heard that Yu’er has been kidnapped by Ren Qingkuang. Ren Qingkuang is notoriously arrogant and eccentric, and over the years, his temperament has only become wilder. Given that he has now abducted Yu’er, there is no doubt that he intends to harm her. Brother Yan and I have come specifically to intervene and assist Yu’er.โ€

โ€œTo be honest, Yu’er holds a special significance for both Jiuxiao and Mingjian Manor. We absolutely cannot allow her to suffer even the slightest injury! Just now, Sixue was merely speaking out of deep concern and lost her composure. Please forgive her.โ€

Tang Linzhi and Yang Chun were silently amazed at the honor Yu’er commanded, realizing that such a grand mobilization from both manors was just to rescue one person.

However, Qing Jiu knew that Jun Lin was planning a confrontation with Yu’er, yet she kept her knowledge hidden, smiling lightly, โ€œManor Master Jun is being too formal. Right now, rescuing her is of more important.โ€

Jun Lin nodded and then instructed Yun Wangran, โ€œUncle Shi, please take command.โ€ Although Yan Beili was not particularly fond of Jun Lin, the latter always maintained a cordial relationship with the people from Mingjian Villa. Yun Wangran, known as Yun Zheyue’s second uncle, was treated with great respect by Jun Lin. Being the eldest in the group, he naturally took the lead.

Without hesitation, Yun Wangran began directing Jun Ruyu and others to lead the powerful disciples of both manors up the four main paths of Fengming Mountain, securing the mountain base to seal it off.

Yun Wangran led the people from the front up the mountain to confront the main force of the Moonless Sect. At this moment, his eyes blazed with determination, his voice cold and commanding, โ€œIf that bastard Ren Qingkuang has hurt her, this old man will tear him to shreds! The Moonless Sect shall not bully the Yun family any longer!โ€ The group ascended with the ferocity of a tiger.

When Yun Wangran looked to find Qing Jiu and the other two, they had already vanished without a trace. He assumed the three of them had blended into the other teams. Since they were not from the two manors, it was not easy to command them, so he did not pay much heed.

In fact, Qing Jiu, Tang Linzhi, and Yang Chun had stealthily entered Fengming Mountain ahead of the others. Their exceptional lightness skills made them virtually invisible as they moved through the woods, avoiding the Moonless Sect’s guards with ease.

Qing Jiu had guessed that Ren Qingkuang would separate Yu’er and Yan Li. Once inside, they split up: Yang Chun and Tang Linzhi went to free Yan Li and Qi Tianzhu, while Qing Jiu went to find Yu’er.

The Moonless Sect was situated halfway up Fengming Mountain, built along the mountain, with half of it integrated into the strange rocks. Unlike the magnificence and grandeur of Mingjian Manor, it had a unique stern and wondrous beauty.

On the back of the mountain where the Moonless Sect was located, there was a remarkable feature known as the Butian Que, which was a forbidden area within the sect. No one was allowed to enter without the summons of the sect leader.

Butian Que was essentially a hollowed-out mountain cave with a narrow entrance but expansive inside. The ceiling of the cave was over one hundred meters high, and across it was a gap about ten meters wide, as if a celestial axe had split the cave in two.

Light streamed through this gap, illuminating the cave and allowing snowflakes to drift down, accumulating on the floor.

Walking further in from this gap, stood an altar with candles that had been burning for a long time, illuminating a crystal ice coffin in the center. Yu’er knelt beside it, gazing upon the face of the person lying in the crystal ice coffin. She lowered her eyes, feeling lost in her heart.

She had been captured and held here for several days now, moving from initial panic to a current state of grief, anger, and helplessness, her mind was filled with chaotic thoughts. There was no time for her to ponder and slowly accept what was happening because Ren Qingkuang came every day, and she needed to spare some mental energy to deal with him.

When Ren Qingkuang first captured her, she didn’t understand what he wanted to do. She assumed it was simply a grudge from the time she had embarrassed him at the martial arts competition. It was only after she noticed he wasnโ€™t trying to kill her that she felt more certain about her assumption.

Little did she know, he would lock her in this mountain cave and have her keep vigil for the woman in the crystal ice coffin, her so-called โ€˜mother.โ€™

The so-called debts of gratitude and revenge that Ren Qingkuang spoke of, along with the truth of her origins, seemed ludicrous to her. She had a father who had died before she was born, and a mother who had suffered at the hands of bandits until her death. These were her realities. How could his words so easily overturn everything she knew about her past? It was absurd.

She found it hard to accept, and with Yan Li and Qi Tianzhu also trapped here, her primary focus was on rescuing them and leaving this place, paying no heed to his claims.

Over the past few days, having witnessed Ren Qingkuangโ€™s madness, she believed his mad words even less. What kind of normal person would speak daily to a dead person as if they were alive, tenderly combs their hair, shows affection, yet treats his subordinates with stern harshness? What sane person would choose to sleep in the same coffin as a corpse every night?

She watched day and night, utterly astonished.

A figure draped in a fur cloak approached from outside the cave, her fair skin and moist black eyes catching the dim light. Her footsteps were silent as she neared Yu’er and spoke, โ€œNow that your adoptive father has no intention of killing you, why must you ambush him and bring suffering upon yourself?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s you.โ€ Yu’er recognized her as the young mistress of the Moonless Sect. Ever since she had given her the jade pendant and the Moonless Sect had assisted them at the Tomb of Cheng King, Yu’er had felt grateful. However, after witnessing Ren Qingkuang’s actions, she became reluctant to have any further involvement with the Moonless Sect.

Naturally, she also wanted to keep a respectful distance from this person.

This was the first time Ning Gu had the opportunity to see Yu’er since she was captured: โ€œItโ€™s me, little Yu’er. I have a name, Ning Gu.โ€ Her voice was like Qing Jiu, carrying a hint of coldness even when speaking softly, only her tone was sharper, as if she naturally possessed a commanding presence.

Yu’er did not respond immediately. When Ning Gu came closer, Yu’er took the jade pendant from her waist and handed it back, saying, โ€œIโ€™m returning this to you.โ€

Ning Gu looked down at her and said, โ€œYou can keep it.โ€

Yu’er replied, โ€œI appreciate Young Mistressโ€™ kindness. However, I cannot accept this token from the Moonless Sect. I never wanted to accept it in the first place, and only kept it because there wasnโ€™t a chance to return it. But because of it, I did receive the Moonless Sect’s assistance once. If there’s a chance in the future, I will repay Young Mistressโ€™ kindness at the Tomb of the Cheng King.โ€

Seeing Yu’er’s eagerness to sever ties, Ning Gu didn’t say anything and took back the jade pendant.

Ning Gu slowly walked to the front of the ice crystal coffin, placing her hand on it, and looking at the woman inside, she said, โ€œYou really do look like her, even your temperaments are the same.โ€

Yu’er remained silent. She didn’t trust Ren Qingkuang’s words, but she couldnโ€™t shake off the nagging thought in her mind.

The reason was simple. Some facts were starkly evident before her eyesโ€”the woman lying in the crystal ice coffin looked so much like her! To the point where no one would believe they were unrelated.

How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

Ning Gu continued, โ€œIn the past years, my adoptive father had been keeping her body frozen to preserve it. Last year, we finally managed to secure this ice crystal coffin from the Tomb of King Cheng to keep her body intact. This coffin keeps the body from decaying and the face looking alive. Look, doesn’t she appear as if she’s alive?โ€

Yu’er thought to herself, “No wonder there’s a chill in the air. Ren Qingkuang truly is mad to the extreme, and it’s almost admirable in a tragic way.”

Ning Gu looked at Yu’er and said, “My adoptive father has been madly obsessed with her for sixteen years without change. He especially dislikes being disturbed when he’s with her. His anger can be terrifyingโ€”you’d best not provoke him. As long as he stays calm, you’ll be safe until her Memorial Day.”

Yu’er frowned. When she was first captured, she listened to Ren Qingkuangโ€™s nonsensical ramblings about his past and learned of the entanglements between three families, which sowed seeds of doubt about her own life. She also worried about Yan Li and Qi Tianzhu, who were trapped here as well. With these concerns mingling in her mind, she felt restless and anxious, unable to settle down and plan. During one of Ren Qingkuang’s restful moments in the coffin, she had attempted to launch a surprise attack.

The result was as expected. She didn’t harm Ren Qingkuang, but instead, she was sent flying by his palm strike, adding new injuries to her old ones.

As she calmed down and reflected, she realized that she had been too reckless. She had just started learning martial arts, so how could she compete with a grandmaster like Ren Qingkuang? If Ren Qingkuang dared to let her stay by his side, he wouldn’t be afraid of her sudden sneak attacks.

According to Ning Gu, Ren Qingkuang didnโ€™t want to kill her, at least not until the Memorial Day of the woman in the ice crystal coffin. It was only this that had spared her life.

However, if she did nothing, it would be no different from waiting for death. It would only be a matter of dying sooner or later.

As Yu’er sat pondering how to escape, she realized she held no trump card strong enough to oppose Ren Qingkuang. Feeling frustrated and depressed, a soft object suddenly fell and covered her head.

Looking up, Yu’er saw that Ning Gu had taken off her cloak and draped it over her head. Ning Gu crouched in front of Yu’er and pulled out a small bottle: “This is a medicinal pill for internal injuries, take one daily. Please donโ€™t act recklessly anymore.”

Yu’er looked at her in confusion, but Ning Gu didn’t say anything else. She stood up and left as silently as she had arrived.

Yu’er frowned, although she pocketed the medicinal pill, she did not take it. She still couldn’t trust this person.

That evening, Ren Qingkuang came to lie in the ice crystal coffin as usual. Seeing the cloak draped over Yu’er, he asked, “Did Gu’er come by?”

Yu’er simply replied, “Yes.”

Ren Qingkuang nodded without further comment.

Yu’er thought to herself, “Although Ren Qingkuang is unpredictable and erratic in his behavior, most of the time, he doesn’t make things difficult for me. Instead, he shows a bit of kindness. If I make small requests, he even agrees to them. It’s because my face resembles the woman in the coffin. But I wonder how long this kindness will last.”

Three days passed in this manner. Ning Gu visited again, noticing Yu’er’s still pale face and deducing that she hadnโ€™t taken the medicine. She could see that Yu’er didn’t trust her, but she didnโ€™t comment on it, only saying, “Although your two friends are imprisoned, they hold no grudges or enmity towards my adoptive father. He hasn’t mistreated them, and their injuries are gradually healing. However, if you don’t see them soon, I’m afraid you might fall ill first from the worry.”

Yu’er’s heart skipped a beat at Ning Guโ€™s words, which struck a nerve.

For her, death wasn’t scary. What was truly frightening was the separation of life and death. The most precious thing in this world to her was the bond she shared with her companions.

Though shaken, Yu’er responded, “Whether I’m well or not, in the end, I can’t escape Ren Qingkuang’s hands.”

Ning Gu smiled and said, “You are resolute in your heart, but by showing a facade of having no choice but to compromise, you’re just like her.”

Yu’er knew who she was referring to but didn’t respond.

Their conversation ended there, and Ning Gu soon left.

Within Butian Que, Yu’er could only gaze out through a large gap to see the sky. The weather in the past few days had improved significantly, no longer constantly gloomy.

Yu’er walked to the gap and looked up. A beam of sunlight illuminated her face, carrying the crisp scent of winter snow. Squinting her eyes, she gazed toward the cave entrance.

The guards stood straight, their breaths long and steady. Although the guards had changed several times, each of them was highly skilled. With her current condition, she couldn’t defeat them.

Yu’er looked up at the sky again, estimating that it was around noon by now, a time when the maidservants usually brought her meal.

After waiting for a long time, no one came. Instead, she heard some unusual sounds.

Ever since consuming the thousand-year-old python gallbladder, Yu’er’s hearing and vision had significantly improved, far surpassing those of an ordinary person. She listened intently and indeed, there was an unusual sound growing louderโ€”it was the sound of people fighting.

Yu’er frowned, the back mountain was some distance from the Moonless Sect’s main hall, yet the noise was reaching here, indicating that the disturbance at the front was far from ordinary.

As Yu’er approached the cave’s entrance, the two guards immediately raised their hands to stop her, the noises now quite near. Given their internal energy, they should have heard it too. Yu’er asked, “It’s so noisy in the front. What happened?”

The two men remained expressionless, not answering her question. They seemed indifferent to what was happening in the front, like two motionless stone statues guarding the entrance.

Yu’er sighed and returned to the cave, still intently listening to the noises outside.

Suddenly, she heard the howling of the cold wind and the rustling of footsteps. Someone was approaching quickly from outside, and before Yu’er could react fully, the person was already near the cave entrance.

With such high martial arts skill, Yu’er instinctively thought of Ren Qingkuang. Indeed, the two guards called out, “Sect Leader!”

A bad premonition surged through Yu’er as Ren Qingkuang entered the cave, striding towards her. A wave of blood scent hit her, and with her heightened senses, she detected it instantly and instinctively stepped back.

Ren Qingkuang laughed loudly, “They’ve come faster than I expected. I was planning to keep you a couple more days, but it seems they couldn’t wait.”

Yu’er didnโ€™t know who ‘they’ referred to, but she sensed the murderous intent in Ren Qingkuang, realizing he was about to make his move.

Yu’er’s hand was already positioned cautiously near her waist when she suddenly noticed Ren Qingkuang’s shoulder moving slightly. Her eyes narrowed, and her right hand swiftly drew out her weapon, thrusting it forward.

However, the disparity in their skills was too great. Just like a few months ago on the martial arts stage, it took Ren Qingkuang only a moment to close the distance between them, but this time, no one was there to stop him.

In one swift motion, Ren Qingkuang grabbed Yu’erโ€™s wrist and neck. His hands clamped down like iron, preventing Yu’er from even loosening her grip on her weapon.

In the next instant, Ren Qingkuang lifted her onto the sacrificial altar and slammed her down onto the ice crystal coffin. Yu’er felt a sharp pain in her back and groaned.

Still clutching her neck, Ren Qingkuangโ€™s grip made her slender neck seem as fragile as if it might break with just a touch.

Looking at the person in the coffin, Ren Qingkuang’s eyes were filled with sorrow and affection. He said, “Back then, without her by your side, you were unwilling to stay with me forever.”

Ren Qingkuang’s eyes were bloodshot, yet his mouth curved into a chilling, bloodthirsty smile. “I know how much you loved her, and you must want her to be by your side every day. I will send her to you right now, so you won’t think of running away from me again. We will be together forever.”

Yu’er’s eyelids twitched as Ren Qingkuang grasped her wrist, forcefully twisting the weapon in her hand to aim it at her chest. Despite her desperate struggles, she couldn’t break free.

With death pressing against her chest, a multitude of thoughts flashed through her mind, yet what she grasped onto was a single thread of regret.

I havenโ€™t even had the chance to express my feelings to her.

Yu’er murmured weakly, “Don’t.”

Ren Qingkuang’s body shook violently, and his actions halted as he stared at Yu’er’s face, a face he found all too familiar. During this brief pause, two screams echoed from outside the cave. Ren Qingkuang turned his head sharply, his expression even more ruthless than before.

A figure darted into the cave, flashing past the light streaming through the gap in the Butian Que.

The figure leaped, her foot sweeping through the air as she shot two long swords towards Ren Qingkuang with unstoppable force. She held another sword in her hand, its cold light gleaming as it followed closely behind.

Ren Qingkuang pushed Yu’er aside and tore off his cape, swirling it forward with a twist, his spinning force catching the swords within the fabric.

Ren Qingkuang transformed the cloak into a soft whip to meet the oncoming sword. With its length and flexibility, the whip was unpredictable and difficult to counter, allowing him to even the odds against his assailant and prevent them from gaining the upper hand.

Yu’er, both shocked and relieved, couldn’t help but cry out, “Qing Jiu…” But realizing that Qing Jiu was fiercely engaged in battle with Ren Qingkuang, she quickly silenced herself, fearful of distracting her.

As a martial arts grandmaster, Ren Qingkuang’s skills were at the pinnacle, second only to those of the previous generation, such as Jie Qianchou. His exceptional skills were not merely for show.

Qing Jiu, in her duel with him, was visibly struggling.

Ren Qingkuangโ€™s whip entangled Qing Jiuโ€™s sword with such force that she nearly lost her grip.

As her weapon was about to be wrenched away, Qing Jiu sent a surge of energy through her sword. At the moment it was pulled away, Ren Qingkuang’s cape-turned-whip was shredded by the bladeโ€™s energy.

The sword spun through the air and embedded itself in the rocky wall nearby. Before Qing Jiu could retrieve it, Ren Qingkuangโ€™s palms were already striking towards her, and she had no choice but to meet them head-on.

As their palms collided, their internal energies clashed. In an instant, the surrounding air surged, and gusts of wind raged. With the two of them at the center, broken stones on the ground flew up, and even the snow dozens of steps away was stirred up.

Qing Jiu possessed vast internal energy, but she had not fully mastered it, only able to utilize sixty to seventy percent effectively. This made her evenly matched with Ren Qingkuang. However, having recently recovered from the effects of the Gu and after days of travel, she was visibly pale.

Yu’er watched anxiously from the side. Desperate to help Qing Jiu but unable to approach due to the fierce energy clashes, she paced back and forth. Unintentionally, her foot kicked against the ice crystal coffin. Looking up at the person lying within, an idea flashed through her mind. She softened her voice and called out, “Qingkuang!”

Distraction is a fatal flaw in a duel, even a moment’s lapse could be deadly.

Ren Qingkuang, seasoned in the ways of jianghu, knew this all too well. Yet Yu’er’s call pierced through his focus like a sword.


There was a time when she simply called him โ€˜Qingkuang.โ€™ Yet, as circumstances changed, she began addressing him formally by his full name, Ren Qingkuang!

Caught in a wave of melancholy and distraction, Ren Qingkuangโ€™s defenses momentarily faltered. Qing Jiu, with her eyes sharpening, seized the fleeting opportunity. She struck with fierce determination, pushing Ren Qingkuang back.

The sudden attack disrupted Ren Qingkuang’s internal energy, causing him to cough up blood. Before he could regain his composure, Qing Jiu closed in rapidly, mirroring his every move. Gripping the dagger Si Ming, she plunged it into his chest with swift precision.

Stunned, Ren Qingkuang looked down at the dagger embedded in his chest, then threw his head back and laughed wildly. Launching a counterattack with a palm strike, he lashed out at Qing Jiu.

Qing Jiu swiftly stepped back, withdrawing the dagger. As she retreated, blood spurted from Ren Qingkuangโ€™s wound. Despite the severity of his injury, he appeared strangely indifferent, clutching at his chest as he turned towards the altar, his back to Qing Jiu, who remained vigilant behind him.

Yu’er had already descended from the altar and picked up the Liangyi Sword. She walked over to Qing Jiu’s side.

As they watched Ren Qingkuang, he walked and laughed, leaving a trail of fresh blood with each step.

Reaching the ice crystal coffin, Ren Qingkuang gazed obsessively at the person inside and said mournfully, “Chasing clouds and pursuing the moon, when was there ever rest? Half a life of foolish dreams, that is Qingkuang!”

“It is Qingkuang indeed…”

Using the last of his vital energy, Ren Qingkuang stomped heavily on a raised stone in front of the coffin, causing the cave to tremble violently.

With a severe chest wound, maintaining his last breath of vital energy just to stand, now as his energy dispersed, he suddenly could not support himself and knelt beside the crystal coffin. As his consciousness faded, he murmured, “You are ultimately mine, no one can take you from me.”

โ€œChasing clouds and pursuing the moon never rests, and a foolish dream half my life is but madness.โ€

Yu’er’s heart trembled as she gazed at Ren Qingkuang’s back. She couldn’t help but say, “He… is somewhat pitiable…”

It wasn’t that she found all of his actions pitiful. It was just that after witnessing his bitter, twisted, and deluded tragic love, she felt a certain empathy.

Qing Jiu responded, “He only brought it upon himself; there’s no helping him.”

The cave shook even more violently, and large boulders began to fall from the ceiling.

Qing Jiu said, “It seems Ren Qingkuang has triggered a mechanism to destroy the cave. We need to get out quickly.”


Qing Jiu wrapped her arm around Yu’er’s waist and, with a tap of her foot, they swiftly made their way out.

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1 month ago

Jesus no wonder yu ers mom didnt like him. He’s fucking nuts. I feel only the slightest but bad for him but like qing jiu said he brought it on himself.

1 month ago

Also, Translator is there a way we can support your work? I’d glady give money for all of your hard work so far on the novels you’ve done!

1 month ago

Wow this dude is so nuts! May he reincarnate with requitted love and healthy relationships in the next life so he doesn’t get so bent out of shape, learning that love is not to be forced on another :/
Thanks for the chapter!