
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 22, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 95: Schemes

Moving Like the Stars (Part Six)

As they exited the mountain cave, a figure stood beside a pile of snow. Yu’er immediately became alert, “Qing Jiu, someone’s there.” As her eyes adjusted, she recognized Ning Gu.

Qing Jiu approached Ning Gu, showing no intent to fight, instead merely offering a subdued, “Thank you.”

Yu’er observed Ning Gu, whose expression remained calm, her cloak dusted with a considerable layer of snow, suggesting she had been standing there for a long time. Likely, she had heard the commotion inside Butian Que but had chosen not to enter. Now, she stood there calmly, still not obstructing the two of them.

Yu’er listened in confusion as Qing Jiu remarked, “The Young Mistress is a reasonable person.”

After entering the Moonless Sect’s territory, Qing Jiu had thoroughly searched every potential hiding spot, yet found no trace of Yu’er. She captured several members of the Moonless Sect and interrogated them, but they remained defiant, refusing to divulge any information even under the threat of death.

As the forces from Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor initiated their attack, they forced the mad serpent Ren Qingkuang out of hiding. From her concealed position in the shadows, Qing Jiu watched Yun Wangran as he confronted Ren Qingkuang.

Although Yan Beili and Jun Lin had not yet ascended the mountain from the northeast paths, Ren Qingkuang was aware of their presence. Choosing not to engage in a prolonged battle, he used his deep knowledge of the terrain and the sacrifice of his followers to slip past Yun Wangran and escape towards a more secluded area, eluding the disciples of Mingjian Manor.

As Ren Qingkuang vanished from the main battleground, Qing Jiu discreetly trailed him. Following a winding path to the rear of the mountain, she observed him entering a cave.

Guards stood outside the cave. When Qing Jiu quietly approached, she noticed a person standing on a tree. As she drew near, that person also spotted her.

Relying on her memory, Qing Jiu recognized this person as the Young Mistress of the Moonless Sect. She immediately drew out Liangyi and coldly observed her.

Ning Gu, leaning against the tree trunk, glanced back at Qing Jiu, showing a moment of surprise and appraisal before turning her attention back to the cave, indifferently exposing her back to Qing Jiu. She said, “She’s inside. Arenโ€™t you going to save her?”

After observing Ning Gu for a moment and detecting no hostility, Qing Jiu decisively furrowed her brows as she moved past her, launching an attack on the two guards outside the cave.

Qing Jiu didn’t have time to ponder this person’s intentions, whether it was to prevent the Moonless Sect from falling at the hands of the two great manors or if she wanted to borrow her sword to kill someone. For her, as long as she could save Yu’er, whatever this person was scheming was irrelevant.

Qing Jiu said, “Young Mistressโ€”or rather, Sect Leader, now that you hold that title. Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor came to Fengming Mountain to rescue Yu’er, possibly motivated by past grudges. Yu’er is now safe, and Ren Qingkuang has sealed himself in this cave with a mechanism. The two major manors have no further cause for conflict. Now that you control the Moonless Sect, if you wish to prevent its destruction, it would be wise to order your followers to cease their resistance.”

Ning Gu replied, “Thank you for the advice.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Qing Jiu was about to leave with Yu’er. After walking a few steps, Yu’er couldn’t help but turn around and ask Ning Gu, “Ning Gu, why did you help me?”

Initially, she was suspicious of Ning Gu, but now her suspicion had somewhat wavered. However, she remained deeply puzzled about why someone who should have been an enemy, and with whom she had only a few encounters, had consistently helped her at every turn.

Ning Gu watched the collapsing cave, “I don’t like owing favors. I’m merely returning a kindness.”

Yu’er responded, “I never really helped you,” recalling two instancesโ€”one in the village and one at Mingjian Manorโ€”where Ning Gu could have escaped on her own. What she had done couldn’t be considered a favor. Moreover, upon further reflection, she found Ning Gu’s words somewhat amusing. If she didn’t like owing favors, how could she allow her adoptive father to be killed without any reaction? Thus, Yu’er didn’t quite believe her words.

Ning Gu softly added, “It’s not about returning your kindness.”

As Butian Que collapsed with a roar, Yu’er couldn’t hear her clearly and was led away by Qing Jiu.

Ning Gu remained in front of Butian Que, murmuring to herself, “She is safe, and Ren Qingkuang is dead. You should be at peace now. In the end, though, I chose to let Ren Qingkuang be buried here with you forever, instead of sending you back to Jiuxiao Manor. Consider it a small selfish wish of mine. I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

Sixteen years ago, on a day just like today, with fine snow floating gently from a clear sky, a beautiful woman with a slightly bulging belly discovered her in the snow and changed her life forever. She wasnโ€™t originally a favored child of heaven, but that woman had changed her life forever.

She was dressed in fine clothes and enjoyed the best food, rising above the common people in an instant.

Ning Gu believed that the debt of gratitude she owed had always been to Yun Zheyue, not Ren Qingkuang. Had Ren Qingkuang encountered her first, he wouldn’t have given her a second glance, let alone adopt her as his daughter and heir. It was only because Yun Zheyue had taken her in first.

She did not carry the blood of those Ren Qingkuang despised, yet she still received Yun Zheyueโ€™s care and affection, prompting Ren Qingkuang to regard her with new respect.

Adoptive father, adoptive motherโ€”such roles satisfied him in a twisted and crazed manner amidst these complicated relationships.

After the significant disturbance at Butian Que, it wasn’t long before several elders of the Moonless Sect arrived to inspect the scene. They found Ning Gu standing in front of the collapsed Butian Que, with two guards lying in the snow, their flowing blood melting the accumulated snow.

The elders were visibly shocked and approached, asking, “Young Mistress, what has happened? Where is the Sect Leader?”

Turning around, her eyes moist and on the brink of tears, Ning Gu indignantly said, “A thief sneaked into the cave, trying to take advantage of the chaos to assassinate my adoptive father. He sent me back to the main hall to summon more people, but by the time I managed to escape Butian Que, my adopted father had already triggered the mechanism, dying together with those thieves.”

The elders were furious, shouting, “It’s the forces from Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor! Jun Lin and Yan Beili have ascended the mountain. How dare they harm our Sect Leader? If we don’t avenge this, we’re not worthy of being called human!”

However, Ning Gu shook her head, “It wasn’t the people from the two major manors.”

The elders frowned in disbelief, “They have openly attacked Fengming Mountain. Arenโ€™t you aware, Young Mistress? If not them, who else could overpower the Sect Leader?”

“It was Xuanji Tower,” Ning Gu declared.

“Xuanji Tower? We have no grievances with them. Why would they oppose the Moonless Sect!”

“Why do you think Xuanji Tower would suddenly inform my adoptive father of that girlโ€™s whereabouts?” Ning Gu challenged.

“Xuanji Tower is all-knowing; they must have known of the girl’s ties to Mingjian Manor and Jiuxiao Manor. She had recently saved a group of heroes at Mingjian Manor. When my adoptive father abducted her, it was inevitable that he would become a target. Despite this, everyone knows the kind of man my adoptive father wasโ€”he wouldn’t have cared. True to his nature, he brought the girl back to the Moonless Sect and confined her in Butian Que, which led us to this situation.”

“With both manors ascending the mountain together, Xuanji Tower took the opportunity to strike. They killed my adoptive father and turned the Moonless Sect against the two manors, reaping benefits from their conflict. Had I not been here to witness it, the main hall of the Moonless Sect would be littered with corpses today.”

The elders exchanged looks, speechless for a moment. Finally, one elder bowed deeply, “With the Sect Leader gone, the Moonless Sect now follows the Young Mistressโ€™โ€”no, the Sect Leaderโ€™s commands. At this moment, our forces are still engaged with the two manors; what should we do, Sect Leader?”

Although the elders were Ren Qingkuangโ€™s confidants, Ning Gu’s decisive and ruthless nature deterred them from underestimating her due to her youth. With Ren Qingkuang dead and an urgent need to repel the enemy, they were prepared to let Ning Gu take charge.

“The two manors initially came here motivated by old grudges and to rescue the girl. I have already released the girl, and my adoptive father has died in Butian Que. They no longer have any reason to target the Moonless Sect. Pass down the order to our forces to stop fighting and not to resist any further. In the future, if we encounter anyone from Xuanji Tower, show no mercy!”

The elders were shocked and skeptical, โ€œSect Leader, while it is right to eliminate Xuanji Tower, how can we justify stopping our resistance against the attack from the two manors? Yun Wangran, Yan Beili, and Jun Lin have arrived with significant force. If we stop resisting, aren’t we just surrendering to fate?”

Ning Gu responded, “The two major manors are virtuous and righteous. They have always acted with integrity in jianghu and won’t harm those who offer no resistance without reason, as it would tarnish their reputation.”


“Do as I say!”

“Yesโ€ฆ” The elders quickly departed to spread Ning Guโ€™s commands throughout the altar.

Ning Gu raised her finger and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Her expression quickly reverted to its usual stateโ€”calm and unperturbed, showing no trace of emotion.

Suddenly, a voice emerged from the snowy ground, saying, “The Xuanji Tower kindly provided information, but the Moonless Sect has turned against them. Sect Leader Ning is truly heartless. Aren’t you afraid that I will spread the word about your indifference?”

Ning Gu turned around to face the speaker and saw two figures standing atop a snowdrift. The man on the left, with his hands clasped behind his back, had hair as white as snow and a striking vermilion mark between his eyebrows. His companion, clad in night-travel clothes with his face covered, only revealed graying temples and sharp eyes.

Ning Gu responded, “Tower Master, didn’t you say you always enjoyed helping others? Why are you now causing trouble for someone?”

The white-haired man chuckled, “The Tower Master’s discomfort is the joy of his enemies, and in that way, it assists his enemies.”

Ning Gu glanced at him sideways, her eyes flashing with a fierce, cold light. She said, “You are welcome to try.”

The man sighed, shaking his head, “I thought that after this incident, Xuanji Tower and the Moonless Sect might become friends. It turns out the Sect Leader turned around and betrayed Xuanji Tower.”

Ning Gu coldly laughed, “Unfortunately, the Moonless Sect is not anyone’s pawn to command.”

As she spoke, an unknown person suddenly appeared behind her, bowing and addressing her as “Sect Leader.”

The man, calm and unruffled, asked, “What does the Sect Leader mean by this?”

Ning Gu gestured towards the two men, “You want to watch the show? After stirring up trouble for the Moonless Sect, you still want to stay out of it? That’s not possible.” Suddenly, the people behind Ning Gu drew their weapons and charged at the two men.

The two men leaped back, retreating several meters in the blink of an eye with agile movements. The man in black was strong, but the white-haired man was stronger.

Ning Gu raised her hand, signaling, “No need to chase.”

By the time she spoke, the two had already left a considerable distance.

Racing across the snow, their movements as swift and agile as falcons, the white-haired man looked back and laughed, “This woman is even harder to control than Ren Qingkuang.”

The man in black replied, “Women are always more cunning than men; did you expect her to be easier to deal with than Ren Qingkuang?”

The white-haired man said, “Whether she obeys or not doesn’t matter; we’ve already confirmed what we needed to know.”

He glanced at his companion, then asked, “The people from Jiuxiao Manor are right on the front mountain. Don’t you want to take a look?” The man in black didnโ€™t respond, and with a knowing smile, the white-haired man stopped talking. Together, they slipped into the forest and vanished within moments.

Meanwhile, Qing Jiu, accompanied by Yu’er, was returning to the front of the mountain when, halfway there, they encountered Yang Chun and four others who had been tracking them.

Yang Chun and Tang Linzhi had recently rescued Yan Li and Qi Tianzhu. Although both had sustained some internal injuries, they were not severe. Along the way, they heard about Qing Jiu and the others’ mission to capture Meiren Gu. Knowing that Qing Jiu had been poisoned by the Gu and had been traveling for days, their concern deepened. It was only when they saw Qing Jiu and Yu’er safe and sound that they finally felt relieved.

Yang Chun said, “Manor Master Jun and the others are still searching for Yu’er. Should we go and let them know?”

Qing Jiu replied, “They came all this way for Yu’er and put in so much effort. We naturally have to see them and thank them in person.”

Earlier, when Qing Jiu mentioned that Jiuxiao Manor and Mingjian Manor had arrived, Yu’er had shown great interest but felt emotionally unprepared to face the people from those manors. She wasn’t ready to meet them yet.

However, noticing a flicker of emotion across Yu’er’s face, Qing Jiu sensed her reluctance and smoothly changed the subject. She said to Yang Chun, “But now isnโ€™t the time; theyโ€™ve been injured and need a moment to recover. Yang Chun, please go inform Manor Master Jun and Manor Master Yan that Yu’er has been rescued but is also injured. She had to descend the mountain ahead of us and couldn’t thank them in person. Please convey our apologies.”

Yang Chun pointed to himself, asking in surprise, “Ah, I’m going?”

“Should I go?” Qing Jiu retorted.

Quickly waving his hands, Yang Chun laughed, “I’ll go, I’ll go!” And with that, he dashed off towards the Moonless Sectโ€™s main hall.

Meanwhile, Qing Jiu and her party descended the mountain and checked into an inn.

Yu’er’s old injuries hadn’t healed, and she was still suffering from Ren Qingkuang’s torment. Qing Jiu wanted to take her back to Qixian Palace for treatment as soon as possible, but one thing after another had kept them busy, barely giving them a moment to breathe. Knowing that everyone needed rest, she decided not to rush to Yangzhou immediately.

Although Mo Wen was not around, Yu’er had learned to prepare some basic medicines for treating internal and external injuries. After taking everyoneโ€™s pulse, including Yan Li’s, she wrote down a prescription. Qi Tianzhu then went to gather the necessary ingredients.

Yu’er busied herself preparing the medicine, moving in and out of the room. Yan Li and the others had already retired to rest, while Qing Jiu sat watching Yu’er work with a smile.

Yu’er returned from taking Tang Linzhi’s pulse and walked straight up to Qing Jiu, extending her hand.

Thinking Yu’er needed something from her, Qing Jiu tilted her head, puzzled.

Yu’er pursed her lips and firmly grasped Qing Jiuโ€™s wrist, checking her pulse.

She had heard from Tang Linzhi about Qing Jiu’s Gu poison acting up early, causing her to fall unconscious for three days before waking up. Without even catching her breath, she had rushed to Fengming Mountain.

With a hoarse voice, Yu’er said, โ€œI always bring trouble but can never resolve it myself, leaving you to suffer.”

Qing Jiu smiled and responded, โ€œWhat trouble? To me, these challenges are nothing at all, Yu’er.”

As Yu’er continued to hold Qing Jiuโ€™s pulse, sitting very close, Qing Jiu leaned forward slightly to examine Yu’er’s neck. The marks left by Ren Qingkuangโ€™s grip were still visible on her fair skin, the bruises stark and red, not yet faded.

Qing Jiu said, “I was afraid that Yu’er would think I didn’t come fast enough.”

As Qing Jiu’s cool fingertips gently touched the bruises, Yu’er felt a subtle electric current surge toward her heart. The sensation was fleeting, and before Yu’er could react, a numbing and tingling feeling spread from her heart, making her entire body feel strangely indescribable.

Yu’er involuntarily shivered and pulled back slightly.

Qing Jiu paused, asking, “Does it hurt?”

Yu’er was about to say no but felt awkward explaining her discomfort to Qing Jiu, so she just nodded slightly, her cheeks flushing.

Qing Jiu said, โ€œLinzhi has some medicine for treating external injuries. I’ll go get it and apply it for you.”

Just as Qing Jiu was about to get up, Yu’er placed a hand on her shoulder, pressing her back down.

As Qing Jiu made to rise, Yu’er placed a hand on her shoulder, gently pressing her back down.

Qing Jiu chuckled, “What’s wrong?”

Yu’er spoke earnestly, “Wait a while, I’ll go find her myself. Your injuries are what matter right now.” Qing Jiu’s internal energy was a bit short and not as long and deep as before. Perhaps her old wounds had not healed, or perhaps she had suffered new injuries in her confrontation with Ren Qingkuang, or both. Regardless, Yu’er would not allow her to neglect it.

Yu’er took out a medicine bottle, a medicine given to her by Mo Wen, which Tang Linzhi had returned to her during her visit. She poured out a pill and handed it to Qing Jiu, insisting, “Take this first.”

Qing Jiu took the pill, examined it briefly, and queried, “Is this one of the three pills Mo Wen gave you?”

Yu’er did not respond, which Qing Jiu took as confirmation.

A thought flashed through Qing Jiu’s mind, and she smiled, saying, “This medicine may not be effective for me. If I take it, it will just be a waste.”

Yu’er was focused on Qing Jiu’s injury and didn’t consider the intention behind her words, directly saying, “It will be effective.”

Qing Jiu inwardly laughed and thought, “Indeed.” She had guessed that when they were at the Yanyu Pavilion, the reason her injury had healed so quickly was because Tang Linzhi had fed her this pill.

Waving Yu’er closer, Qing Jiu said, “Yu’er, come here. I have something to tell you.”

“Hmm?” Seeing her mysterious demeanor, Yu’er couldn’t help but lean in closer.

With a swift motion, Qing Jiu stretched out her hand, skillfully prying open Yu’erโ€™s mouth and feeding her the medicinal pill. They were close, and Qing Jiu’s action was so quick that Yu’er, who never guarded against her, was easily overpowered.

Startled for a moment, Yu’er felt an involuntary irritation.

However, she was still nursing the internal injuries caused by the resonance of the Qin Guiโ€™s music, and her emotions needed to be steady. Although the music from the Gong Shang had soothed her considerably during their journey, the continuous days immersed in anxiety within the Moonless Sect had exacerbated her condition. Although she hadnโ€™t collapsed yet, she was nearing her limit. Now, with her emotions suddenly stirred, her mind buzzed, her vision darkened, and she fell forward, losing consciousness.

When she woke up again, there was a rhythmic sound of grinding medicine by her ear. She turned her head to look, her vision shifting from blurry to clear, and the person also became more real.

โ€œYouโ€™re awake. Are you hungry?โ€ the voice asked.

Yu’er looked at the ceiling, momentarily too listless to speak.

Qing Jiu came over and sat on the bed, smiling, “What, are you angry that I fed you the medicine?”

“I’m not,” Yu’er replied.

Qing Jiu spoke softly, “Yu’er, I’m very familiar with the internal injuries caused by the zither sound of the Qixian Palace. If you had been trapped in the enemy camp alone, you might have kept a calm mind. However, with Yan Li and Brother Qi also captured, your concern for them must have weighed heavily on you. During this time, did these worries exacerbate your internal injuries?”

“Don’t be in a hurry to deny it. Ren Qingkuang also hurt you. Your body is not made of iron. If you hadn’t reached your limit, how could you have fainted? Before considering our injuries, you should pay more attention to your own body. Yu’er, don’t make me worry about you.”

Yu’er looked at her and responded softly, “I worry about you too.”

Their eyes met. Gazing into Qing Jiuโ€™s dark, gentle eyes, Yu’er felt a stir in her heart. She opened her mouth to speak, nearly revealing her deepest thoughts.

But she caught herself at the last second, a cold sweat breaking out as she reminded herself internallyโ€”

It’s not the right time. Not yet.

Yu’er then said, “I’ve taken the pill, and I feel much better already. If you don’t believe me, you can check my internal energy. Why donโ€™t you take the remaining pill?”

Qing Jiu laughed, “Mo Wen went to great lengths to refine this medicine, so don’t waste it. My injuries arenโ€™t serious; theyโ€™ll heal naturally in a few days. Don’t you believe me? I take good care of myself. If youโ€™re still worried, just bring some medicine back tomorrow and brew it for me.”

Yu’er knew she couldn’t persuade her and muttered softly, “Even if I brew the medicine, you wonโ€™t drink it all obediently.”

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1 month ago

our QJ is so cute, but Yu’er is even cuter!!
They’re too good!! The Xuanji Pavilion and Miao gang, current villains, I hope their pavilion burns and the evil people have justice served!
Thanks for the translation!