
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Jul 24, 2024 2 Comments
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Chapter 98: Shang Sheng

Moving Like the Stars (Part Nine)

The next day, Yuโ€™er woke up with a start from her dream and abruptly sat up. A sharp, stabbing pain flashed through her head, causing her to cover her forehead with her hand as she inhaled a breath of cold air. As she massaged her head, bits and pieces of last night’s drunken events surfaced in her mind. She paused, eyes widening in astonishment as she stared blankly into space.

She had said it…

A rush of blush spread from her ears as she bit her lip, a shy, embarrassed smile breaking across her face. Feeling too exposed and unreserved, she quickly flopped back and yanked the blanket over her head. Only her soft white hands, clutching the brocade quilt, peeked out.

After wrestling with her emotions, Yu’er finally calmed down, got up, and readied herself to find Qing Jiu. Qing Jiu’s room was empty, so she headed to the main hall, where she discovered Yan Li and three others sprawled across the table, their faces pale and lifeless.

These four had a hangover and had been lying in the hall all night. Their bones were stiff, and they caught some cold, feeling like thousands of drills were hammering in their heads.

โ€œThe after-effects of Miss Qing Jiu’s wine is too… too…โ€ Yang Chun groaned, unable to finish his thought.

Yu’er asked, “Where’s Qing Jiu?”

Yan Li kept rubbing her forehead, her voice hoarse, “She’s in the kitchen making hangover soup.”

After a pause, she looked at Yu’er and asked, “Yu’er, are you alright?”

Qing Jiu’s wine indeed had strong after-effects. Except for those with a terrifying alcohol tolerance like Qingjiu, ordinary people couldn’t handle it. It was Yu’er’s first time drinking, so Yan Li was worried about her health.

Yan Li’s mention made Yu’er’s head begin to throb again, but she was determined to endure it. She hadn’t drunk much, and most importantly, there was now an incredibly delightful matter in her heart that could suppress all discomfort.

Yu’er shook her head with a smile and said, “I’m going to find Qing Jiu.”

Her steps quickened as she turned towards the kitchen, almost rushing. She leaned against the doorway, watching Qing Jiu stir a pot with pale, slender hands – hands soft in the water making soup, yet capable of wielding a sword to pierce the heavens.

Yu’er had always admired these hands, and recalling how they had caressed her ears the previous night made her legs weak with a strangely shameful thrill.

Although Qing Jiu often playfully touched her face and ears, it had never felt quite like this.

Now that everything was out in the open, the person before her seemed even more captivating, unlocking all the doors to her heart, making her crave even more.

“What are you doing standing at the door? Come help,” Qing Jiu called without turning around, knowing who it was by the sound of the footsteps.

Yu’er entered the room, her heart racing with excitement that had been building all morning. Eager to find some calm, she longed to embrace Qing Jiu, to breathe in her familiar scent and soothe her restless mood.

As soon as Yu’er approached, Qing Jiu handed her a bowl of sobering soup and said, “Drink this.”

Yu’er obediently took the bowl and drank half of it, her eyes never leaving Qing Jiu, who looked no different from usual.

Qing Jiu asked with a smile, “Why do you keep staring at me?”

“Once you’re done, take these two bowls of hangover soup out to the hall.”

Qing Jiu picked up two bowls and walked out. Yu’er quickly finished her soup and followed with the remaining bowls. Moving along the corridor, she watched the snow-white tassels swaying from Qing Jiu’s hair, remembering their first meeting.

That day, she had also walked behind her like this, captivated by the tassels in her long hair. Back then, she could only look up, but now she had grown taller, making it much easier to see.

Yu’er bit her lip, unable to contain her overflowing sweet smile. Her affection for this person was so great that she didn’t even know where to place her hands and feet anymore.

After Yan Li and the others had their hangover soup, they began to feel a bit better. They had all gotten up quite late, and it was nearly noon now. In Qixian Palace during the New Year, there were no morning lessons, so Gong Shang had come a bit early to play the zither for Yuโ€™er.

Before Yu’er could find an opportunity to be alone with Qing Jiu, she was whisked away to treat her internal injuries. When she emerged in the evening, they all ate together once again.

As time passed, the feverish desire to be close to Qing Jiu, to be wrapped up in her, slowly settled down. After they had talked things through, Qing Jiu remained her usual calm self, not more affectionate than before but also not colder, as if nothing had ever happened.

From that day on, Qing Jiu treated her as usual, at most touching her face, stroking her head, or giving a kiss, but nothing more.

When sober, Yu’er didn’t experience the reckless impulse she felt while drunk. In Qing Jiu’s presence, she dared not be too bold or take the initiative, choosing instead to remain obedient and well-behaved.

Though their relationship had not progressed, Yu’er felt an unprecedented clarity and lightness in her heart. Previously, she had desperately suppressed her feelings, fearful that any overt display of affection might lead Qing Jiu to disdain her. Now, however, everything had changedโ€”the person she loved returned her feelings.

Even if they were not together now, they would be eventually.

Yu’er felt a new resolve in her heart. “I will catch up to her, and walk by her side.”

Two days later, Qing Jiu packed her things, mounted a horse provided by Qixian Palace, and set off for Hangzhou.

This was Qing Jiu’s unfailing ritual every year after the New Year. Although Yu’er had known this for a long time, her heart was filled with reluctance when the day finally came for Qing Jiu to leave.

Having only recently come to understand Qing Jiu’s feelings, Yu’er found it difficult to bear the separation. Now, they would be apart for many days.

Yan Li and a few others, along with Gong Shang, went to see Qing Jiu off outside the city. Yang Chun, with his hands tucked in his sleeves, seemed reluctant to part: “There are already so few of us, and now you’re leaving too. It’ll be even more quiet here. Why do you have to travel so far during the New Year?”

Qing Jiu responded, “Hangzhou isn’t that far from here. I’ll be back within a month.”

Yang Chun’s eyes suddenly brightened, “I haven’t been to Hangzhou for many years, and since we’re not busy, why not go together for fun?”

Qing Jiu, holding the reins, smiled without responding.

Tang Linzhi spoke up, “You just can’t sit still, always wanting to jump around everywhere.”

Gong Shang stepped forward, pulling a scroll from his wide sleeves and handing it to Qing Jiu: “I found this Guining Collection earlier. Your aunt always wanted it, but since we don’t know where her soul has gone, we didn’t dare to casually offer it to her. Now it’s the perfect opportunity. You can bring it to her.”

Qing Jiu accepted it with both hands, surprise evident in her eyes, “I heard my aunt mention that the ‘Guining Collection’ is a rare treasure of musical scores, with few copies left in the world. Burning this might please her, but destroying such a treasure would surely be regretted, Master…”

Gong Shang smiled slightly, “I know her personality. This is my handwritten copy.”

Relieved, Qing Jiu tucked the scroll into her sleeve, her expression much softened.

She then said to Yan Li, “If Hua Lian comes to Qixian Palace, tell him not to rush back to Hangzhou; have him wait here two days for me. If he goes straight back to Jiangnan, I might be a few days late to bring him back with me. Also, check on Mo Wen’s situation; she should be about done.”

Yan Li replied, “I understand. You should get going. If you delay any longer, it’ll be late. Take care of yourself on the road.”

Qing Jiu nodded to her. As she turned to leave, her eyes briefly met Yu’er’s, who stood silently at the very edge of the group.

With a gentle smile, Qing Jiu tugged on the reins, signaling her readiness to depart.

At the crossroads, she chose the western path.

Her horse slowly moved forward, its hooves leaving distinct prints in the snow.

Qi Tianzhu, noticing Yu’er’s unusual quietness, asked, “Girl, Qing Jiu is leaving, but why are you so silent today? Have you had a disagreement with her?”

No sooner had he spoken than Yuโ€™er moved swiftly, using her lightness skill to catch up with Qing Jiu in moments.

Though Qing Jiu’s gaze was fixed forward, her sharp ears picked up the approaching footsteps. A smile flickered across her lips, and she slowed her horse.

Yu’er reached her side and grabbed the reins, causing the spirited horse to snort and stop.

Looking up at Qing Jiu, Yu’er asked, “Don’t you have anything to tell me?”

Qing Jiu lowered her gaze to Yu’er, a playful smile on her lips, “Isn’t there something you want to tell me?”

Seeing the mischievous smile on Qing Jiu’s face made Yu’er’s heart itch, even her teeth tingled with the desire to bite her.

In that moment, Yu’er found the time enchanting, to have someone like her so close, her body tingling all over. Her eyes filled with Qing Jiu’s figure brought such joy, and everything seemed delightful.

Yu’er gestured for her to come closer, saying, “Qing Jiu, come here, I have something to say to you.”

Qing Jiu smiled knowingly. This was clearly the trick she used to tease her back in the city at the base of the Moonless Sectโ€™s Mountain. They both knew it well, but Qing Jiu still obediently leaned down. Yu’er immediately leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek.

They were a safe distance from the group, and with Qing Jiu’s body shielding Yu’er, the others assumed the two were merely whispering.

Qing Jiu touched her cheek, the cool, soft sensation of the kiss still lingering.

With a laugh, Qing Jiu teased, “You’re not like a little fish at all. You’re clearly a thieving little kitten.”

Yu’er’s smile was honey-sweet as she replied, “Be careful on your journey, watch your health.” Although Qing Jiu had reassured her that the poison would not act up soon and she would return before any danger arose, and despite Yan Li’s reminders, Yu’er couldn’t stop herself from repeatedly expressing her concern.

Qing Jiu responded with her own caution, “Listen to Brother Qi and Yan Li while you’re in the Qixian Palace. Take good care of your internal energy and don’t use it recklessly until your body has fully recovered. Don’t wander around before I return.”

Yu’er listened intently, replying, “I understand.”

Then, drawing a dagger from her sleeve, Yu’er caressed it before offering it to Qing Jiu, “I will miss you, every single day.”

Her words were sweeter and more lingering than any candied fruit she had ever tasted, prompting Qing Jiu to unconsciously lick her lips.

Yu’er handed the dagger to Qing Jiu, “Take this with you.”

Qing Jiu noticed the handle felt unusual. Upon closer inspection, she saw a strand of hair wound around it.

Qing Jiu paused, suddenly recalling the incident in the cave when the poison had flared up, mistaking Yu’er for an enemy and accidentally cutting off a strand of her hair, which she had playfully mentioned later, never imagining that the hair would end up in her own hands.

Qing Jiu chuckled softly, her fingers tenderly caressing the strand of hair on the dagger’s handle, whispering, “A lock of hair entwined.”

Blushing a delicate pink, Yu’er’s cheeks resembled peach blossoms against snow, her skin tender and pale.

Qing Jiu said, “You’ve given me such a precious gift. Shouldn’t I return the favor?” With a tender gesture, she placed the dagger close to her heart, then unfastened Si Ming from her waist and handed it to Yu’er.

Clutching Si Ming, Yu’er’s eyes sparkled with unmasked joy.

Qing Jiu affectionately pinched Yu’erโ€™s cheek, calling her, โ€œSilly little Yuโ€™er.”

“Go back now,” Qing Jiu urged, giving the reins a gentle tug. The horse began to trot, carrying her swiftly into the distance until she vanished from sight.

Yu’er remained motionless until Qing Jiu disappeared, then turned and walked back to the group. They all headed toward the city together.

Lagging behind with Gong Shang, Yu’er pondered for a moment before her curiosity got the better of her. โ€œPalace Master Gong Shang, do you know Qing Jiu’s family?โ€

Gong Shang didnโ€™t shy away from the question, replying, โ€œHer aunt was a disciple in my palace, from the same generation as myself.โ€

“Why do you call Qing Jiu ‘Zigui’?” Yu’er inquired. She had heard Gong Shang address Qing Jiu as such several times in the Qixian Palace.

Gong Shang paused for a moment, then turned the question around, โ€œHasnโ€™t Qing Jiu ever spoken to you about her family?โ€

Yu’er shook her head; Qing Jiu had never discussed her family matters. Although she felt she was gradually getting to know Qing Jiu, some aspects of her remained shrouded in mystery. As her feelings deepened, Yu’er found herself longing to understand Qing Jiu more deeply.

Gong Shang sighed and said, โ€œLet her tell you about those things when sheโ€™s ready.โ€

Yu’er slightly lowered her head. Noticing her downcast look, Gong Shang offered consolation, โ€œIt’s evident that Zigui cherishes you all deeply. You don’t know how much she has changed from when I first met her years ago. If you had seen her prickly hedgehog-like temperament back then, you would understand how much she cares for you now.โ€

At Gong Shangโ€™s description, Yu’er perked up and chuckled, โ€œA hedgehog?โ€

Gong Shang laughed and shook his head, โ€œYes, a hedgehog, one that could prick anyone who got too close.โ€

As Gong Shang recounted tales of Qing Jiuโ€™s childhood, they had unknowingly returned to Qixian Palace. Everyone felt the courtyard noticeably emptier, although only one person had left.

After staying three more days in the palace, it began to snow heavily, the flakes growing larger, hinting at an approaching blizzard.

On this particular day, at noon, Yu’er and the others were in the courtyard, sipping warm wine and enjoying the snow, when they suddenly heard a commotion from the front. The noise gradually escalated into the sounds of a fight, as if an argument had erupted. Curious about who might be causing trouble at Qixian Palace, they decided to help if needed.

The group followed the noise and found Gong Shang already at the scene of the disturbance. The fight had ceased, but the Qixian Palace disciples still formed a tense circle, with swords drawn and bows at the ready.

As Yu’er and her companions approached, they noticed a few drops of blood on the snow and saw two disciples receiving treatment for minor injuries.

Gong Shang demanded coldly, โ€œI don’t understand why the Shadow Marquis of Tang Sect would trespass on the Qixian Palace and injure my disciples. What is the meaning of this?โ€

Shadow Marquis?!

Yu’erโ€™s thoughts raced, and her gaze shifted to the central figure surrounded by the disciples.

The man was dressed entirely in deep black, similar to those worn by Tang Linzhi, with a noticeable streak of white in his tied-up hair and a dusting of white in his beard. He looked distinguished and capable, though his posture was relaxed and his eyes appeared nonchalant.

Was this man Tang Biao, the Shadow Marquis of the Tang Clan and Tang Linzhi’s master?

As Yu’er’s thoughts raced, Tang Biao had already noticed them. His eyes flicked to Tang Linzhi and he bellowed, โ€œYou little brat, so you were hiding here all along, making your old man search high and low!โ€

His voice boomed like thunder, causing everyoneโ€™s ears to ache.

Tang Linzhi, startled, exclaimed, โ€œMaster?!โ€

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1 month ago

Ohh i thought tang linzhi was the shadow marquis, but yay now we get fun master shenanigans!

Little sheep
Little sheep
1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter