
Transmigrated as The Cannon Fodder Bride of The Villainess

transmigrated as the cannon fodder bride of the villainess By Oct 22, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 24: Holding Tight

Luo Jinxiao let out a breath and hurried to catch up.

โ€œIt seems thereโ€™s no way around this demonic barrier,โ€ Qu Weiyin said, her eyes narrowed as she looked towards the unexplored fork in the path ahead.

Luo Jinxiao felt a surge of nervousness. She took a few steps forward, drawing closer to Qu Weiyin, and peered over her shoulder into the pitch-black passage. โ€œJunior Shishu, what could this demonic barrier be?โ€

“It’s big and powerful,” Qu Weiyin shook her head.

โ€œStay close behind me. If you carelessly stick your head out and get bitten, donโ€™t expect me to save you.โ€ Qu Weiyinโ€™s words were meant to frighten, but her expression remained calm as she stepped forward.

Upon entering the new fork, they immediately sensed its danger. Not only was the path narrower, but it also carried a damp, foul odor that made one nauseous. The walls were slimy, and a closer look revealed that the substance was some kind of viscous liquid left behind by something that had passed through.

Luo Jinxiao tried her best to walk in the center of the path, attempting to distance herself from the slime.

Both of them held their breath in unison, concealing their presence for fear of alerting whatever lurked within. Several times, Luo Jinxiao stepped on something round and soft. Unable to resist, she lowered her head to look and came face to face with a smooth skull.

Clear teeth marks were still visible on the skull.

“Be careful, it’s coming,” Qu Weiyin suddenly spoke. She reached out, grabbed Luo Jinxiao by the collar, and pushed her against the wall. At that moment, a massive creature zipped past Qu Weiyin, barely a hair’s breadth away.

Qu Weiyin seemed unbothered, pressing Luo Jinxiao against the wall and staying flat herself until the creature passed.

Fortunately, it hadnโ€™t noticed them. Its long body snaked along the ground, quickly disappearing. A thin layer of viscous liquid marked its path.

Luo Jinxiao felt her stomach churn.

โ€œWhat was that?โ€ Luo Jinxiao asked, her voice trembling as she turned to Qu Weiyin. However, the light in the cave was so faint that she could only make out Qu Weiyinโ€™s eyes with the help of some glowing plants.

โ€œA giant python,โ€ Qu Weiyin said softly. “There are many more in here, but theyโ€™re not a problem.”

Hearing that it was just a giant python, Luo Jinxiaoโ€™s heart settled slightly. But before she could fully relax, Qu Weiyin continued, โ€œAt the end of this cave, thereโ€™s a Zhulong.โ€

Just a Zhulongโ€ฆ Luo Jinxiao nodded, then her eyes widened in realization, her jaw dropping. โ€œA Zhulong?โ€

The Zhulong, a legendary ancient dragon, was said to be red, legless, with a human face and a body stretching a thousand miles. Ancient texts described it as: โ€œWhen its eyes are closed, there is darkness; when its eyes are open, there is light. It does not eat, sleep, or breathe, and wind and rain are its messengers. It illuminates the Nine Hells, and thus it is called the Zhulong.โ€

“How do you know this, Junior Shishu?” Luo Jinxiao asked.

โ€œIโ€™ve been here before,โ€ Qu Weiyin said simply.

โ€œIf youโ€™ve been here before, doesnโ€™t that mean we can get out?โ€

Qu Weiyin shook her head.

Only now did Luo Jinxiao remember that in her past life, Qu Weiyin had indeed been here. Back then, empowered by demonic energy, she hadn’t found the divine artifact but had easily killed the Zhulong. Now, with her cultivation weakened, she struggled even against a small Qiongqi, let alone a Zhulong that had lived for who knows how many years.

Although Luo Jinxiao had doubts, she didnโ€™t dare to ask any more questions.

โ€œLetโ€™s go,โ€ Qu Weiyin said.

The cave was incredibly silent, the only sound their echoing footsteps. Occasionally, slime-dripping pythons slithered past, but they were blind. As long as they remained silent, they wouldnโ€™t be detected, making their journey relatively easy.

However, Luo Jinxiao couldnโ€™t help but notice the increasing number of bones beneath their feet.

โ€œCountless people have come seeking treasure throughout the ages,โ€ Qu Weiyin said, stepping over a skull. Judging by its color, it was relatively fresh.

Luo Jinxiao couldnโ€™t bear to look any longer.

โ€œWeโ€™re here,โ€ Qu Weiyin said, reaching out to gently grab Luo Jinxiaoโ€™s arm. Her hand was ice-cold, sending shivers down Luo Jinxiaoโ€™s spine.

Seemingly aware of this, Qu Weiyin quickly withdrew her hand.

“Up ahead is where the Zhulong lives. The exit is beneath it and itโ€™s only big enough for one person. I’ll distract it while you escape through the exit. After that, you’re on your own,” Qu Weiyin explained.

Luo Jinxiao immediately grabbed her arm. โ€œWhat about you, Junior Shishu?โ€

Qu Weiyin frowned and pulled away, glancing at her before speaking. โ€œDid you think Iโ€™d sacrifice myself for you? Donโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ve always been selfish. Without you, I have other ways to deal with this. It saves me the trouble of carrying dead weight.โ€

Luo Jinxiao was speechless, feeling once again that she was being disliked.

โ€œDonโ€™t waste time talking. Donโ€™t look back, no matter what. This Zhulong has been trapped in this Godโ€™s Burial Ground for millennia, corrupted by demonic energy. With your cultivation, if it finds you, thereโ€™s nowhere to hide.โ€

Qu Weiyin rarely spoke this much. Once finished, she pushed Luo Jinxiao aside with a palm strike. Luo Jinxiao stumbled a couple of steps before scrambling to a corner, hiding behind a rock.

Before she could look back, the cave suddenly lit up. Zhulong had opened its eyes, which shone like two huge lamps, glaring brightly.

Just as the legends described, Luo Jinxiao thought, covering her head and trembling with fear.

Qu Weiyin merely squinted at the light, her expression unchanged. With a flick of her right hand, the Crescent Star Sword appeared in her palm, its golden light rivaling the Zhulongโ€™s gaze.

The end of the cave turned out to be a massive cavern. Or perhaps it wasn’t a cavern at all, as the walls were adorned with colorful murals, though worn with age. The ceiling was so high it was almost invisible, creating a vast, open space.

The Zhulongโ€™s breaths echoed through the expansive yet enclosed space, deafening in their intensity.

Qu Weiyin suddenly shot into the air. A golden beam shot from the tip of her sword, striking the Zhulongโ€™s left eye. The Zhulong roared, throwing its massive head back as its body thrashed violently. Rocks tumbled from the ceiling as if the entire structure was about to collapse.

The Zhulong reared its head, a fiery glow igniting above it like a banner. Its massive, humanoid face shot towards Qu Weiyin with incredible speed.

Qu Weiyin created a barrier with a wave of her hand, then turned and fled. Zhulong’s head chased her, spewing flames that seemed intent on incinerating her.

Its body was indeed incredibly long, like a giant coiled rope. As its head moved, the coils behind it unfurled. It took a long moment for a small opening to be revealed.

A stone slab, presumably left by someone long ago, covered the opening. Luo Jinxiao glanced back at Qu Weiyin, steeled her nerves, and after a short run, leaped into the darkness.

Meanwhile, Qu Weiyin lengthened her stride, taking three steps as she ran. Though not utilizing her spiritual energy, her speed was considerable. She patiently led the Zhulong on, and whenever its flames were about to lick at her heels, sheโ€™d casually erect a barrier to deflect them.

Seeing that it couldnโ€™t catch her, the Zhulong flew into a rage. Its massive body slammed against the cave walls, shaking the very earth. Qu Weiyin stumbled, nearly losing her footing.

In a flash, she spun around, the Crescent Star Sword in her hand transforming into a beam of golden light that shot towards the Zhulongโ€™s head. The Zhulong abruptly recoiled, attempting to incinerate the divine sword with its flames. However, the Crescent Star Sword was impervious to fire. In the blink of an eye, a gash appeared on the Zhulongโ€™s face, blood gushing out.

This thoroughly enraged the Zhulong. It whipped its head upwards with such force that the cave wall, unable to withstand the impact, crumbled. A large section collapsed, blocking Qu Weiyinโ€™s path. Not good, she thought, quickly pressing herself against the wall to avoid the flames erupting from the Zhulongโ€™s mouth.

Flames roared within the confined space, waves of intense heat washing over her. Qu Weiyin cursed under her breath, raising her hand to cast a protective barrier. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

The next moment, a powerful force pulled her into a dark opening to the side. Caught off guard, she was swept into someoneโ€™s arms, held protectively against their chest.

“Shh, Junior Shishu, don’t make a sound,” the person whispered in her ear, covering her mouth and nose with their hand.

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red flower
red flower
6 hours ago

thank you for the chapter
