
Jianghu Demolition Squad

Jianghu By Aug 08, 2024 1 Comment
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Chapter 121: Chaotic Battle

Like a Fish Transforming into a Dragon (Part Sixteen)

Qing Jiu took a step forward, and from the ground on both sides, six figures emerged, their bodies halfway out of the ground. These six had dug countless deep pits earlier, filling them with poisonous spikes and covering them with a thin layer of fragile soil. In the dim light, it was nearly impossible to detect anything wrong from the outside. One misstep and anyone would fall, suffering either death or severe injury.

These six had also been lying in wait within these deep pits. As Qing Jiu passed by, they suddenly attacked, launching six chains tipped with iron claws aimed at her limbs, head, and torso, attempting to catch her off guard.

Unfazed, Qing Jiu stood her ground. With a sweeping motion, her Fenghou Sword carved a full circle, severing the six steel chains in a single stroke. Her sword’s blood-red energy sliced through the air like the judge’s pen in the hands of King Yama, the god of death. Although the six men wore armor, the sword energy still tore their flesh and inflicted fatal internal injuries, killing them instantly.

Qing Jiu executed a graceful sword flourish before bringing her sword down in a powerful cleave. This strike, fueled by both her internal energy and the divine might of the Fenghou Sword, created a wave of energy so powerful that it ripped open the ground on the path ahead. Even the smaller branches of the surrounding locust trees snapped under the force, the energy pulsing deeper into the forest, causing leaves to rustle wildly.

The traps dug by the six men were now blatantly exposed before Qing Jiu.

Deep within the forest, Jun Zhen gripped a tree trunk so tightly his knuckles turned white, “Impossible! In this world, only the Four Sages possess such internal energy. How could her power rival the Four Sages!”

When Yu’er and Hua Lian arrived, they were stunned by her display of power, realizing that she had held back during their earlier encounter. If she had fought like this before, they might not have been able to stop her.

Both had reached a transcendental level of lightness skill. When Qing Jiu chased after the people of Xuanji Tower, they had already reached the place where Qi Tianzhu was and learned of Ye Wushuang’s death from the two elders of Wenwu Sect. However, they had no time to linger and only instructed Jun Jimo and Jun Suyue to keep an eye on the spy from Wenwu Sect before chasing after Qing Jiu.

Qing Jiu advanced towards Qin Feng with her sword raised. Suddenly, numerous crossbow bolts shot out from the forest, faster and fiercer than ordinary arrows, forcing Qing Jiu to stop.

A thunderous roar echoed through the woods, resembling the bellow of a giant beast. The trees on both sides fell sideways, the ground trembled, and the clanging sound of metal striking metal approached from afar, as if some primordial giant beast was stepping closer.

Qing Jiu’s expression hardened as she saw someone burst from the woods. Describing him as merely a person would be an understatement.

This figure was extraordinary, seemingly of giant descent, massive and imposing like a small mountain. Next to him, Qing Jiu, with her slender frame, only reached up to his waist. His back was broad, his palms as large as fans, making even Qi Tianzhu appear frail by comparison.

This giant was none other than Xin Chou, the man Feixu had referred to. He wore impenetrable armor, encasing his entire body, his hands and feet shackled by thick heavy chains, holding a pair of massive hammers, each likely weighing over a hundred pounds. Despite the cumbersome armor, his movements were incredibly swift, and in an instant, he was upon Qing Jiu.

With a low shout, he swung a hammer at Qing Jiu, the impact echoing like a muffled thunderclap.

Xin Chouโ€™s presence was formidable, a single swipe of his hand seemed capable of crushing a person into dust. Yuโ€™er, seeing this and fearing for Qing Jiu’s safety, quickly drew her sword to assist.

Meanwhile, the forest continued to hum with arrows, seemingly unafraid of hitting Xin Chou. His armor, nearly as thick as a thumb, was impervious to swords and arrows, which felt like mere tickles to him.

Hua Lian flicked his robe and leapt into the woods with a cold laugh, “Xuanji Tower, Master Hua has been searching for you for six years. You wouldn’t take the path to heaven, so now you’ll have to face the gates of hell!”

Like a whirlwind, Hua Lian swept into the forest. Before the ambushers could defend themselves, he had already reached one of them, striking him down and evading his crossbow before unleashing a barrage of arrows into the forest.

Hua Lian, unfamiliar with handling the crossbow, failed to hit anyone, but the sudden attack startled the hidden assailants, causing them to panic and reveal their positions as they sought cover.

Hua Lian discarded the crossbow and attacked those people. His strikes were swift and lethal, killing two more in quick succession. Fueled by a surge of adrenaline and reminded of the evil deeds of the Xuanji Tower, he wished he could annihilate them all right then to quell the fury in his heart, hence he struck without mercy.

Just as he was about to press his advantage, a blade whistled in from his left. Dodging with a twist of his body, he turned to face his attacker. In the dappled light and shadow, the assailant’s features were obscured, but the willow-leaf saber was all too familiarโ€”it was Feixu, whom he had crossed swords with at Mingjian Manor.

Hua Lian paused, realization dawning. “So, you’re with Xuanji Tower!”

Recalling a past where he had slashed Tang Linzhi and possibly ambushed Qing Jiu six years ago, he said icily, “Perfect, we can settle both old and new scores now!”

Hua Lian’s expression was solemn; he knew Feixu was formidable. Over these six years, he hadnโ€™t neglected his training, but his enemy had also improved. He couldnโ€™t afford to take this lightly.

Feixu drew a pair of swordsโ€”one long, one shortโ€”ready for a serious fight. Though he was here to stop Jun Zhen, failing to do so didn’t mean he could simply stand by!

In an instant, both men attacked simultaneously. Watching from the shadows, Jun Zhen saw Yu’er appear and launched his own attack, turning the skirmish chaotic. The hidden archers now fired less frequently, choosing their moments to strike stealthily at Qing Jiu and her companions.

Yu’er and Qing Jiu teamed up against Xin Chou. Yu’er utilized the fluid and deceptive Taixu Sword Art, skillfully luring the enemy deeper into their attacks. Meanwhile, Qing Jiu employed the fierce techniques of the Ghost Sect, achieving seamless coordination between attack and defense.

Xin Chou, overwhelmed by their coordinated assault, had his armor shredded by their divine swords. Despite his fearsome size and strength, swinging his hammers with earth-shattering force, and Qin Fengโ€™s reckless assaults, Qing Jiu and Yu’er initially struggled to gain the upper hand against them.

Suddenly, Jun Zhen joined the battle, shouting, “Xin Chou, force that woman on your left towards me!”

With a grunt, Xin Chou shifted, positioning himself so Qing Jiu faced him and Yu’er was at his back, as if a mountain lay between them.

Qing Jiu and Yu’er were momentarily stunned, considering the giant’s lack of strategy. If they attacked from both sides, how would he defend?

But before Yu’er could strike, Jun Zhen lunged with his sword.

Yu’er reacted swiftly, her sword spinning in defense. Anticipating the force behind the divine sword, Jun Zhen quickly withdrew.

Jun Zhen glared at Yu’er with venomous eyes, “Pay with your life for my son!”

From the outset, Jun Zhen’s attacks were lethal. As Yu’er deftly parried, she found herself wondering how she had come to owe a debt over his son’s life and what had sparked his enmity. Suddenly, it dawned on her that the sword techniques Jun Zhen was using were distinctively those of Jiuxiao Manor.

These techniques were not accessible to ordinary disciples, and his mastery was sublime, indicating that he had studied them for years, not merely stolen glimpses.

Yu’er questioned, “How do you know the sword techniques of the Jiuxiao Manor?”

Jun Zhen sneered, “I mastered these techniques before you were even born. Ha! Youโ€™re just like Yun Zheyue, that deceitful bitch. I should have shown no mercy back then, killed her with one stroke, and let you die in her womb. Then my son would never have fallen victim to you in King Chengโ€™s Tomb!”

Realization dawned on Yu’er; this man was Jun Zhen, her nominal second uncle, the root cause of her grandfather and eldest uncle’s deaths, the reason she had been forced to wander for over a decade!

She also remembered the father and the son she had killed on the suspension bridge in the Tomb of King Cheng, ironically fulfilling her family’s revenge in a twisted act of righteousness. Yu’er said calmly, “So it was you.”

Remembering the sequence of events, she added, “You truly deserve your fate for your crimes.”

Jun Zhen’s voice was icy as he demanded, “Give me your life!”

Yu’er was well-versed in the Jiuxiao Manor’s sword techniques, which Jun Zhen wielded. Although she hadn’t yet reached his level of proficiency, her knowledge was extensiveโ€”particularly in the Taixu Sword Art and the legendary Sword Saintโ€™s techniques. Her internal energy, passed down by Du Zhong, wasn’t fully integrated yet, but it closely approached Jun Zhenโ€™s level.

As the saying goes, โ€˜Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.’ Yu’er remembered the key points of the Jiuxiao Manor’s sword technique. Every time she used her sword to block, she made it difficult for Jun Zhen to execute his moves smoothly, subtly gaining the upper hand.

Jun Zhen recognized that part of her technique was that of the Sword Saint, his eyes burning with jealousy. “That old fool Yun Wangran really had some tricks, managing to find the Sword Saint and having him take you as a disciple. He really went to great lengths!” he accused.

Yu’er was not surprised that he recognized her sword technique. The two manors had good relations with the Sword Saint, and during Jun Zhen’s time at the Jiuxiao Manor, he had certainly seen Du Zhong and observed his swordsmanship.

Qing Jiu, overhearing Jun Zhen, was startled. Peering through a gap created by Xin Chouโ€™s raised arms, she recognized a sword move Yu’er executed, vaguely familiar in her memory.

Before she could reflect further, Qin Feng launched an attack from the side, aiming to grab the Fenghou Sword barehanded.

In that moment, as Qing Jiu saw his face, a surge of boundless hatred rose from the depths of her heart, followed by rage, resentment, and painโ€”intense negative emotions that tangled within her.

The Fenghou Sword’s malevolent influence intensified, mirroring the darkness in Qing Jiu’s soul and turning her eyes a blood red. The sword, infamous for its countless kills and deep malevolence, resonated with her inner turmoil.

As Qing Jiu realized she was deeply entangled in this malevolent influence, she found herself unable to escape. With a swing of the Fenghou Sword, her murderous intent deepened. The divine might of the blade was terrifyingly amplified, severing Qin Fengโ€™s hands with a single, ruthless stroke.

The images of her family’s deaths haunted her mind, amplifying her grief. She shouted bitterly, “Do you think this sword is some precious treasure?”

The Fenghou Sword resonated with her emotions, its clang louder and sharper than before, sending a piercing sound that radiated outward. Everyone present felt a jolt through their chests, their blood roiling with sudden fear.

Xin Chou dropped his hammers and staggered back, covering his ears and kneeling before Qing Jiu, pleading, “Master, please, no more screams…”

Without Xin Chou’s intervention, it was a simple matter for Qing Jiu to kill the injured Qin Feng. With a single stroke, she ended his life. As she gazed upon his fallen corpse, the malevolence in her heart dissipated slightly, restoring a measure of clarity. She turned her attention to Yu’er, who was engaged in combat with Jun Zhen in the distance.

The ringing of the Fenghou Sword had affected them both, but Yu’er, holding the Qiushui Sword, seemed to have been protected by it, thus suffering less impact.

Without the protection of a divine sword, Jun Zhen was visibly shaken. Yu’er, seizing the opportunity, inflicted two deep wounds on him, gradually overpowering him.

As Jun Zhen weakened, Yu’er severed his long sword with one strike, then thrust another sword strike like thunder into Jun Zhen’s chest.

This should have been a fatal wound, but Jun Zhen rallied with a burst of energy, lunging at Yu’er with his last breath, grasping her waist in a death grip.

Jun Zhen shouted, “Xin Chou! Strike now!”

Xin Chou shook his head, stammering, “Chou… Chou doesn’t dare…”

Jun Zhen barked, “Do you want to go back and have the tower master punish you?”

Xin Chou trembled and whimpered, blocking Qing Jiu, who was coming to assist.

Qing Jiuโ€™s expression hardened, and as the Fenghou Sword continued to hum, she leapt forward, slashing at Xin Chouโ€™s head. Xin Chou hastily raised his arms to defend himself, but the chains on his wrists were no match for the sword, which sliced through them instantly.

Out of the corner of her eye, Qing Jiu saw Yu’er strike Jun Zhen twice more. As Jun Zhen clung to her, refusing to let go, Qing Jiu heard him shout into the woods, “Do it!”

Alerted by the rustling of leaves, Qing Jiu sensed something was wrong. A crossbow bolt whizzed from the woods. With no way to evade in time and Yu’er trapped by Jun Zhen, Qing Jiu threw the Fenghou Sword at the incoming bolt.

Unexpectedly, the sword was so sharp it sliced the bolt in half, but the bolt’s momentum continued, altering its course slightly due to Qing Jiu’s strike, and it hit Yu’er’s shoulder.

Yu’er grunted in pain. As the second bolt was fired, Jun Zhen succumbed to his injuries and died. Yu’er kicked his body away, staggered to the side to dodge another arrow, and fell to her knees.

Meanwhile, Xin Chou, no longer obstructing Qing Jiu, stared blankly at his broken chains. As Qing Jiu swung at him, he waved his hands pleadingly, “Chou… Chou won’t fight anymore, won’t fight anymore โ€ฆ”

“Master, spare my life…”

Hearing him address her as ‘master’, Qing Jiu was puzzled but saw that he had no intention of attacking further and temporarily spared him.

With Jun Zhen’s death, a hail of crossbow bolts rained down from the ambush in the forest.

Seeing Yu’er kneeling on the ground with a pale complexion, Qing Jiu realized the arrow was poisoned. She quickly rushed over and embraced her. With her arms occupied, Qing Jiu couldn’t block the arrows and found herself struggling just to dodge them.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of arrows clanging against Xin Chou’s armor. Struck by an idea, she cautiously called out to Xin Chou, “Block them.”

Xin Chou responded obediently, “Oh,” and moved in front of them, shielding them tightly, and not a single arrow got through.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the translation