

Jianghu Demolition Squad: Chapter 10: One Against a Hundred

Jianghu By May 27, 2024 2 Comments

Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses(Part Ten) The bandits of Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses were infamous for their debauchery. The bandits, driven by their base desires, were known for their unrestrained and lewd language. Hearing them insult Qing Jiu like this, Yu’er felt a surge of anger in her chest, making her extremely uncomfortable. Ashamed and annoyed, her face turned red with…

Jianghu Demolition Squad: Chapter 9: A Weak Woman

Jianghu By May 26, 2024 1 Comment

Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses(Part Nine) Yu’er rose to her feet, observing Qing Jiu seated calmly at the table, exactly in the same spot as last night. “Qing Jiu.” Qi Tianzhu stepped out from behind the screen, an iron staff in hand, creating a gust of wind as he moved. “Miss Qing Jiu.” He motioned with his hands, inquiring whether Qing…

Jianghu Demolition Squad: Chapter 8: Pure Joy

Jianghu By May 25, 2024 2 Comments

Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses(Part Eight) Upon hearing these words, the two men instantly became alert, with one swiftly placing his hand on the hilt of his knife. Yu’er, recalling the voice-changing technique taught by Hua Lian, deepened her voice, “I’m new here. Shu Ye sent me out to get a jar of wine for him.” The voice that came out…

Jianghu Demolition Squad: Chapter 7: She is Fine

Jianghu By May 25, 2024 2 Comments

Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses(Part Seven) The night was cloaked in a silvery grey, with the torchlight struggling to reach far. As the monk vanished into the narrow path, his figure blurred and faded into the shadows. In the corridor, a woman struggled fiercely, her body twisting and turning under the oppressive weight of a scar-faced man. Her kicks and punches…

Jianghu Demolition Squad: Chapter 6: Hell

Jianghu By May 24, 2024 2 Comments

Fanyun Fuyu Thirteen Fortresses(Part Six) Trigger Warning: Rape. High above the Nine Heavens, the scorching sun blazed, yet not a whisper of warmth could be felt. Yu’er gripped the icy iron bars before her, her wrists once again shackled, a wooden tag with numbers hung from the chains, attached to the bottom of the iron cage like an animal confined…