
The Dragon

The Dragon By Oct 21, 2023 6 Comments
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Previous: Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Defying Heaven’s Wrath

This man’s cultivation is not weak, and his booming voice carries far and wide across the wilderness.

In the wilderness, besides the Zuo family and Gu Fuyou and others, there are other cultivators, some who have just finished their training, some waiting outside, and others who have just arrived to enter the Xian Luo for training.

The Xian Luo gate does not have a fixed schedule for opening. Sometimes it’s open for decades, and other times, only a few months.

This time, after the Four Immortals Sect’s divination, it was announced to the press world that Xian Luo would remain open for a year, which allowed people to arrive without haste.

Many were drawn to a man’s outburst and turned their attention to him.

Zuo Tianlang, hearing the shouts, pulled on his reins and glanced downward, asking his subordinates, “Who dares to insult me?”

A person flew up on his sword and replied, “It’s the siblings from the Xiao family.”

Zuo Tianlang snorted coldly. ‘The Xiao family? They’re nothing more than minor city lords under Bailu City’s jurisdiction, not even qualified to be dogs to my Zuo family. That Xiao Yuan could serve as my shield, taking that hit, was her good fortune. You handle this. If Xiao Zhongting knows when to stop, I won’t pursue the matter. But if he dares to continue insulting my Zuo family, you know what to do.


The man flew to Xiao Zhongting, stood with his arms folded on his flying sword, without landing, and spoke from atop his sword, “Xiao Zhongting, your sister’s act of saving the young master will be rewarded. The Xu Ling Sect will send 100,000 spirit stones, a thousand spirit pearls, a hundred artifacts, and a hundred bottles of spirit pills as a token of gratitude.”

Xiao Zhongting, gravely injured and kneeling on the ground with bloodshot eyes, retorted, “Even if you offer countless treasures, what use are they? Can they restore my sister’s future? Can they heal her completely?”

“What do you want?”

“What do I want? Ha! Zuo Tianlang ruined my sister’s future, and you ask me what I want? I want him to apologize to her. Would he? I want the Xu Ling Sect to provide justice. Would they?”

The man, with a condescending look, responded, “Xiao Zhongting, the young master is willing to let this go, don’t push your luck. Your sister, or even your entire Xiao family, means nothing in front of the Zuo family. Continue this ruckus, disturb the peace, slander the Zuo family, and you won’t be able to bear the consequences.”

He then tossed a pill bottle, “This medicine can ease your sister’s injuries. Take it and be wise.”

After exerting both soft and hard tactics, the man assumed Xiao Zhongting would get the hint and started to fly away.

Seething with anger, Xiao Zhongting grabbed the pill bottle and threw it at the man with all his might, roaring, “Who wants your Zuo family’s pills? They’re filthy!”

Although the man dodged, Xiao Zhongting’s action felt like a slap to his face, darkening his expression.

Xiao Zhongting continued, “Is there no justice in Nanzhou anymore, allowing you to be tyrants, treating people as less than human?”

The man took off a golden whip from his waist, and with a swift motion, lashed it across Xiao Zhongting’s chest, sending him flying back, blood spurting from his mouth.

Coldly, the man said, “In Nanzhou, the Zuo family is the sky, the Zuo family is justice! What are you, to dare make trouble here? If you’re unwilling to accept our gracious offer, then the destruction of the Xiao family is just a matter of time!”


The person struck again, hitting Xiao Zhongting on the shoulder. With severe injuries, Xiao Zhongting couldn’t dodge and could only defend painfully.

The man whipped Xiao Zhongting again, expertly targeting areas to inflict pain while carefully avoiding causing any lethal harm.

Gu Fuyou, frowning, was about to step forward when someone suddenly grabbed her arm.

Turning around, her eyes lit up immediately. “Si Miao! Gu Huaiyou!”

It was Si Miao holding Gu Fuyou, with Gu Huaiyou standing beside her. Both of them seemed unharmed, and there was another man beside them.

This man had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, standing tall with a long sword in hand—a handsome man one would not easily forget.

Gu Fuyou felt he looked familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere. But she couldn’t recall where. Judging by his attire, he must be a disciple of Xuan Miao sect. “This Senior Brother is…?”

Gu Huaiyou introduced, “This is the chief disciple of San Qing Elder, Liu Guizhen. Brother Liu.”

Gu Fuyou greeted, “Senior Brother Liu.”

Liu Guizhen, with a stern face, simply nodded in acknowledgment.

The three had already noticed Zhong Michu and called out almost simultaneously, “Senior Sister Zhong.” They couldn’t help but appraise her simple attire.

Gu Huaiyou and Si Miao knew that Zhong Michu had come because Gu Fuyou had summoned her. Beyond their gratitude, there was a hint of sympathy in their eyes.

Zhong Michu gave them a slight nod, her expression calm.

Gu Fuyou had the intention to intervene in the current situation. Si Miao, perceiving this, advised, “Ah Man, it’s better if you don’t get involved in this.”

Gu Fuyou glanced at Xiao Zhongting, who ignored the whipping, grabbed the whip fiercely, and dragged down the person on the sword forcefully.

The subordinates of Zuo Tianlang were not to be trifled with. Enraged, they went for the kill, intending to beat Xiao Zhongting to death.

Gu Fuyou frowned, “That man’s sister is gravely injured, likely because of Zuo Tianlang. They show no remorse and now they want to beat a man to death. The Zuo family is a major power in this region; how do they expect people to respect them with such behavior?”

“It’s not just ‘likely’,” Si Miao clarified. “That woman was injured by Zuo Tianlang himself.”

“What happened?”

Si Miao and Gu Huaiyou then recounted everything that happened after they got separated.

That day, both of them, along with Liu Guizhen, who was trying to protect his fellow disciples but couldn’t escape in time, were swallowed by the earth monster.

Working together, they devised a plan.

Si Miao burned the herbs she had on her, causing the Dizang to sneeze. The powerful force was too much for Si Miao and Gu Huaiyou to withstand, so Liu Guizhen created a barrier to protect them.

They were ejected from the Dizang’s body, unscathed.

But the chaos didn’t end there. Zuo Tianlang was determined to capture the Dizang, creating chaos. Many cultivators were caught in the middle, unable to escape.

While searching for Gu Fuyou, the three of them also got involved in the chaos.

Not long after, the Dizang became still, and everyone thought it was finally over.

Unexpectedly, as it exhausted its energy, its body started emitting a toxic gas and began to swell. Zuo Tianlang ordered his men to cut it into pieces for easy transport.

Just as they exerted force on its belly, the Dizang suddenly exploded.

The explosion was immensely powerful, shaking the heavens and earth. The cultivators couldn’t dodge in time, and Zuo Tianlang, who was close, couldn’t avoid it either.

Facing the blast directly would mean certain death or severe injury at the very least.

In the face of danger, Zuo Tianlang, keeping his composure, shouted, “Beard Slave, grab someone to shield me!”

The closest one was Xiao Yuan. Beard Slave, who was more skilled, took advantage of Xiao Yuan’s preoccupation with dodging the explosion and caught her off guard. With a swift move, he bound her and dragged her to Zuo Tianlang, using both of them as a shield.

Both, one in the early stages of the Golden Core and the other at the peak, used their Golden Core strength to resist the blast wave.

From behind, Zuo Tianlang emerged unscathed, while Beard Slave was blood-soaked, barely retaining his consciousness. Similarly, Xiao Yuan was covered in blood and had passed out, her Golden Core shattered from the impact.

For cultivators, after forming the Golden Core, spiritual power accumulates in the Dantian. It’s as crucial as the heart is to blood.

If the Golden Core shatters, the chances of repair are slim, and if it can’t be repaired, the cultivator’s path is essentially destroyed.

The Xiao siblings were both extremely talented, growing up together, close and without resentment, cultivating hard for over three hundred years, both reaching the Golden Core Stage.

In terms of innate talent, Xiao Yuan was more insightful than Xiao Zhongting. Xiao Zhongting adored and cherished his sister, always giving her the best spiritual pills and medicines, hoping she’d achieve great success in her cultivation journey.

They came here for training and experience, but who would have expected such a catastrophe?

They came for experience this time but didn’t expect such a disaster.

Xiao Yuan’s path in cultivation could be considered ruined. How could Xiao Zhongting not feel hatred and resentment?

After hearing this, Gu Fuyou’s eyes were filled with disdain. “How could Zuo Tianlang become more and more shameless?”

Si Miao commented, “No matter how shameless, it’s the Zuo family’s internal affair. Ah Man, we shouldn’t get involved. We don’t want to cause trouble for Elder Gu.”

In Nanzhou, apart from Xiaoyao City and Xuan Miao Sect, other cities either fell completely under the Zuo family’s influence, willingly submitted, or succumbed to their power, all considered subjects under the Xu Ling Sect.

So, no matter how much the Xiao family protested, it remains an internal matter of the Xu Ling Sect. Outsiders shouldn’t intervene, especially when those outsiders belong to Xiaoyao City.

The positions of Xiaoyao City and the Xuan Miao Sect in Nanzhou have always been delicate. Imagine the Xu Ling Sect ruling Nanzhou, they’d never be content with gaps in their own territory.

However, Xiaoyao City and Xuan Miao Sect share a strong alliance, and the leaders of both are no fools, making them untouchable for the time being.

Nevertheless, the Xu Ling Sect isn’t content. If either Xuan Miao Sect or Xiaoyao City were to make a mistake, the sect wouldn’t easily forgive them.

Hence, Si Miao advised Gu Fuyou not to intervene.

When Zuo Tianlang’s subordinate used his whip, he infused it with spiritual power. With each strike, flesh tore and clothes were ripped apart.

Xiao Zhongting, covered in bloody marks, initially managed to fight back, but later, drained of spiritual power, he could only bear the beatings, although he continued to curse the attacker without ceasing.

If this Xiao Zhongting were an internal cultivator, his physical body wouldn’t be able to withstand such a beating. At this rate, he’d be beaten to death.

Although there were other cultivators present, none dared to step forward and intervene because they feared the Xu Ling Sect.

Gu Fuyou, unable to restrain herself, was about to intervene.

However, a streak of sword light beat her to it, cutting the attacker’s golden whip in half.

Zhong Michu stated, “He’s about to die.”

The attacker didn’t want to cause a huge scene initially, but was so insulted by Xiao Zhongting he couldn’t back down. Seeing someone intervene, he took the opportunity provided by Zhong Michu to retreat.

Throwing away the broken whip, he cursed at Xiao Zhongting, “Fool who doesn’t know the difference between life and death,” and left on his flying sword.

Xiao Zhongting, in a daze, managed to get up and thanked Zhong Michu, “Thank you, miss.”

With unsteady steps, he returned to Xiao Yuan’s side.

Unwilling to swallow his pride and accept the Xu Ling Sect’s medicinal pills, he faced a dilemma as Xiao Yuan lay gravely injured and in critical condition; her life was at risk without treatment. Moreover, his depleted spiritual power and sustained wounds made it challenging to transfer enough energy to alleviate her injuries.

He was in a real bind.

Gu Fuyou set Ah Fu down and opened her bundle, saying to Si Miao, “They’ve left. It’s fine to help him now.”

Zhong Michu had already approached. With a surprised expression from Xiao Zhongting, she held Xiao Zhanyi’s hand, transferring her spiritual energy to her.

Gu Huaiyou took off his cloak and handed it to the barely clothed Xiao Zhongting, saying warmly, “Brother Xiao, if you don’t mind…”

Choked with emotion, Xiao Zhongting replied in a hoarse voice, “Thank you.”

Si Miao sighed and also came over, telling Zhong Michu, “Senior sister, her Golden Core is shattered. She can only absorb a fraction of the spiritual energy you’re giving her. It’s more effective to heal her wounds before transferring spiritual energy.”

Zhong Michu looked up at her but continued to transfer her energy.

Gu Huaiyou asked, “Do you have a solution?”

Si Miao hesitated, “I have a way, but I lack the necessary herbs. It’s quite troublesome.”

It’s tough to cook without ingredients.

Gu Fuyou had already opened her bundle, cheerfully handing it over, “I have them.”

Si Miao glanced at her and the herbs she held, taking a sharp breath, feeling almost dizzy, “Oh Heavens, Gu Huaiyou, I see your little sister holding a treasure trove of rare spiritual plants.”

Gu Huaiyou was equally shocked, “Really? Ah Man, where did you get these? Did you rob the Wanyao Pavilion?”

The Wanyao Pavilion is the biggest spiritual plant trading market in Nanzhou. Only there could one find so many rare spiritual plants at once.

Gu Fuyou replied, “I picked them in the forest.”

Si Miao grabbed her, saying through gritted teeth, “Tell the truth.”

Gu Fuyou laughed, “Why would I lie? Come on, save her first.”

Si Miao released her, then started selecting from the bundle. Seeing these spiritual plants, she couldn’t help but cherish each one. It took her quite a while to pick two suitable ones.

She turned one into a fragrant essence and introduced it through Xiao Yuan’s  nostrils, and the other into a liquid which she fed into her mouth, guiding them until absorbed.

Si Miao said, “Senior Sister, please transfer more spiritual energy to her. That should stabilize her injuries.”

Zhong Michu did as instructed, continuing the energy transfer.

The girl’s complexion improved, and upon opening her eyes, she exclaimed, “Brother.”

Tears welled up in Xiao Zhongting’s eyes as he took her hand, “I’m here.”

Xiao Yuan, realizing her current state, showed a sorrowful expression and wiped away her brother’s tears, saying, “Brother, a man shouldn’t shed tears so easily.”

Xiao Zhongting, choked with sobs, said, “It’s me… I’m useless. I couldn’t protect you.”

Xiao Yuan sobbed back, “How could you blame yourself? It’s just my ill fate.”

Xiao Zhongting held her tightly, and the siblings wept together.

Seeing this, everyone felt heartbroken and prepared to take their leave.

Si Miao selected another rare spiritual plant from Gu Fuyou’s bundle and handed it to Xiao Zhongting. “This is the Insect Heart Grass. It can be refined into the a Resurrection Pill. It may not repair her Golden Core, but it should help…”

Xiao Zhongting, with both hands, gratefully accepted it and, along with Xiao Yuan, attempted to kneel in thanks.

Considering they were all peers, and Xiao Zhongting and Xiao Zhanyi were even older than Zhong Michu and Gu Fuyou, the group quickly moved to prevent the siblings from kneeling and helped them up.

With reddened eyes, Xiao Zhongting faced everyone and bowed deeply, expressing gratitude, “Thank you, Second Young Master Gu, thank you, Third Miss Gu, thank you, Miss, thank all of you.”

Subsequently, the siblings bid everyone farewell, supporting each other as they left.

Once the pride of the heavens, now fallen from grace.

Their departing figures were melancholic. The onlookers couldn’t bear to watch for too long. With a sigh, they headed back to Xuan Miao Sect.

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7 months ago

What a despicable, hateful human being Young master Zio is, he literally is the incarnation of everything that’s wrong with the world.
I hope Xiao Yuan heals back, it would be so unfair for her future to end there, I think this will also encourage Gu Fuyou to make her weapon, seeing how unfair it is for someone to bully others just cause they’re stronger or their family background is more powerful

7 months ago

author and translator did an amazing job of making even the reader feel powerless. a great world building chapter. Setting the scene for a future boss fight? I sure hope so.

6 months ago

Screee let wait for karma to bite that bastard and gnaw his toes off!

4 months ago

300 hundred years down the drain. 😭. Poor girl

1 month ago

Ohhhh Zuo family.. when I catch y’all!! :((

9 days ago
