
The Dragon

The Dragon By Nov 18, 2023 26 Comments
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Previous: Chapter 62

Chapter 63

The End of Winter, Unknown Year

Gu Fuyou felt as if she had been in a long, melancholic dream, her mind blank, her body sinking endlessly in a boundless black sea, with no bottom in sight.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning until she felt a sudden, forceful pull, like falling from an great height in an instant, experiencing weightlessness, pressure, and the sensation of impact all at once.

She abruptly opened her eyes, her silent heart pounding. She gasped for air like a dying patient, her heart racing, struggling to learn how to breathe again, then broke into a violent cough.

She rolled over, her head throbbing, it took her a moment to regain her senses. She remembered she was on the Zhuling Platform, supposed to dissolved into a pool of blood. Where was this place? Could it be the underworld?

She realized she had been lying on the ground and lifted her hand to inspect it, then clenched itโ€”it felt real, not like a dream, and she was not a wandering ghost. She rose unsteadily to her feet, staggering at first, then steadied herself and looked around to see various human-shaped ice sculptures.

The place felt strangely familiar to her. The wall in front of her was made of solid ice, reflecting images. She saw her own reflection in the ice, stopped dead, slowly approached the icy surface, touched her face on it, her little finger brushing over the red at the corner of her eyes.

She quickly walked to the other side and pushed open the door made of cold ice. Stepping outside and looking back, she recognized this place โ€” Ruizhu Palace.

The path ahead seemed endless, the mountain walls still covered in solid ice. She walked briskly forward, continuously moving, and finally stepped out of the cave.

Standing midway up the mountain, she saw the mountainside covered in countless black scorched stones, the sky filled with dark clouds, and heavy rain pouring down, dimming the world. She stood gazing at the sky and earth for a long time, then stepped into the rain, looked up, and began to laugh crazily, pointing at the sky and shouting loudly, “Heaven wonโ€™t take me, Gu Fuyou! The Xu Ling Sect will never know peace!”

Thunder and lightning flashed, but they could not drown out her fierce declaration.

Time flew by, seven hundred years in the mortal world.

Cities, towns, rivers, and mountains all changed with time, let alone people. Just as the saying goes, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, signifying great changes.

A figure stood at the edge of the Zhuling Platform, wearing a dark green feathered long dress, her hair like flowing clouds, adorned with blood-colored agate beads and dangling green feathers, fluttering in the wind. Below the Zhuling Platform was an open, endless sky, the cold and strong wind lifting her skirt, revealing her bare feet, adorned only with a silver chain around her ankles.

She held a green feather fan in her hand, lightly resting it on her chin, elbow propped up, gazing down at the sky beneath the Zhuling Execution Platform, and chuckled softly, “In the mountains, no calendar exists, the end of winter goes unnoticed. Who would have thought, in the blink of an eye, more than seven hundred years have passed outside, everything has changed, yet only this Zhuling Platform remains the same, truly annoying…”

Shortly after, she sensed a disturbance in the wind. Then, someone hurriedly approached from behind, apologizing with a smile, “I was busy with sect affairs and made you wait, my apologies, my apologies.”

She turned around, her lips unconsciously curling up. The man approaching had deep-set eyes, a long beard, and wore elegant dark robes, smiling warmly. His face was so familiar, unforgettable in her lifetime. She said, “Today is the Sect Leaderโ€™s birthday, coinciding with the Xu Ling Sectโ€™s Pill refining conference, a celebration for the whole sect. As the Sect Leader, you have to entertain guests from outside, I appreciate you taking the time to see me. But I wonder, what brings the Sect Leader to see me?”

Zuo Yuezhi smiled, “Elder, you once saved my great-granddaughter’s life. I’m deeply grateful and wanted to express my gratitude in person. Please join the feast later and allow me the honor of offering you a drink.”

Zuo Yuezhi waved his hand, and a person following him presented a storage ring. Zuo Yuezhi said, “Here are some spiritual stones and magical artifacts. While they might not mean much to someone of your stature, please accept them as a token of gratitude from the Xu Ling Sect.”

“No need for the spiritual stones and magical artifacts,” she said, gently waving her feathered fan. After a pause, she said leisurely, “If the Sect Leader is truly grateful, then gift me two slaves from Bailu City. Having just returned to the world, I’m unaccustomed to not having attendants around.”

Zuo Yuezhiโ€™s eyes flickered, and he smiled, “If that’s what the elder desires, I’ll gladly provide. However, I’d request that you stay at the Xu Ling Sect for a few days while we select suitable individuals from Bailu City…”

She said, “I would like to go there myself, as they will be my personal attendants, I need to see them for myself.”

Zuo Yuezhi replied, “Very well. I’ll make the necessary arrangements. Once you arrive at Bailu City, you’re free to make your selection.”

She replied with a smile that was not quite a smile, “Then I’ll have to trouble the Sect Leader with this.”

“Of course,” Zuo Yuezhi, who had grown more restrained over the years, glanced at her thoughtfully and asked, “I wonder what brings the elder into the world this time. If there’s anything the Xu Ling Sect can do to assist, we will certainly spare no effort.”

She looked at Zuo Yuezhi for a while, a playful smile in her eyes and the feather fan covering the playful curve of her mouth, “Just bored, wandering around.”

After she left, Zuo Yuezhi turned to the person beside him and asked, “What have you found?”

The person replied, “We couldn’t ascertain where this Qingluan came from. It seemed to appear out of nowhere a few years ago, wandering around. Earlier this year, it encountered Miss Qingqing and saved her. Our investigations confirm it was a coincidence. Does the sect leader have any concerns?”

Zuo Yuezhi pondered, “In the battle between the Azure Phoenix clan and the Dragon clan, it was rumored that only three Qingluans remained, and they went into seclusion ten thousand years ago, their fate unknown. Think about it, after being dormant for ten thousand years, why suddenly reappear and not return to Zhongzhou or Ruizhu Palace, but instead wandering around the four continents?”

The person admitted, “I am not clever enough to understand.”

Zuo Yuezhi chuckled lightly, “When the Azure Phoenix Clan was prosperous, there were three branches, with Qingluan being the most revered, and all clan leaders came from this branch. Now that Qingluan has declined and power shifted to the Daqing, would you be content if you were in their place? Would you willingly return to the clan, only to see your former throne in the hands of others, being ruled by someone else?”

The personโ€™s eyes lit up, “Is the sect leader thinking of forming an alliance with this Qingluan?”

Zuo Yuezhi, with his hands behind his back, sighed, “The Dragon clan has always opposed the Xu Ling Sect. Now, with the Azure Phoenix clan’s relationship with the Dragon clan improving, even hinting at an alliance, if this continues, the Xu Ling Sect will only be in a more passive situation. If this Qingluan seeks to regain power within her clan, she will need support, and the Xu Ling Sect has the resources. We want internal chaos within the Azure Phoenix Clan and the dissolution of their alliance with the Dragon Clan. Forming an alliance with us would be mutually beneficial.”

The person frowned slightly, “But… Qingluans has always been proud, not necessarily willing to mingle with humans.”

Zuo Yuezhi said, “The Shaoqing and the Daqing are close. With only two members left in her branch, if she wants to seize power, she can only borrow people from the Dragon Clan and humans. Unfortunately, the current Dragon Clan leader is close to the Azure Phoenix Clan leader, so she would have to seek help from humans.”

“You see, Qingluan has never cared about others, and she has been in the world for a while now. She must be aware of the current conflict between the Azure Phoenix Clan, the Dragon Clan, and the Xu Ling Sect. In such a situation, she still chose to save Qingqing…”

The person added, “It’s either she has ulterior motives or she wants to show goodwill towards the Xu Ling Sect.”

Zuo Yuezhi chuckled, “What she truly intends, we’ll need to test further.”

As they were talking, someone came in to report, “Sect leader, all the guests have arrived.”

Zuo Yue nodded and instructed the person he was speaking with, “Continue investigating the people this Qingluan has been in contact with in recent years.” He straightened his clothes, swept his sleeves forward, and headed towards the main hall.

Upon his arrival in the hall where the guests were being entertained, everyone greeted him, “Sect Leader Zuo.”

He waved his hand, “Please, make yourselves comfortable, no need for formalities.” There were many guests from the other three sects today, both to celebrate his birthday and to attend the Pill Refining Conference co-hosted by the Xu Ling Sect and the Wanyao Pavilion.

Zuo Yuezhi looked around and saw Qingluan sitting with Qingqing, engaging in conversation.

Qingqing asked, “Qing Jun, what did Grandfather say to you?”

She glanced at her. She had encountered this girl during her travels, a perfect opportunity to connect with the Xu Ling Sect, so she saved her. This girl was naive and easy to deceive. “He thanked me for saving your life and gave me many treasures.”

“As he should.”

“But I didn’t care for them.”


She propped her elbows on the table, her loose sleeves sliding down to reveal a section of her snow-white arm, resting her cheek on her hand, observing the guests who were laughing and feasting around her. She recognized a few familiar faces; Lu Yandong wasn’t there, which was a bit disappointing.

At that moment, someone rushed into the hall, reporting anxiously, “Sect Leader, the Dragon Clan leader and the Azure Phoenix Clan leader have arrived to offer their congratulations.”

Even Zuo Yuezhi, usually composed and unexpressive, couldnโ€™t help but frown and stand up. Inside the hall, the guests displayed various reactions: some looked on eagerly as if anticipating a show, some quietly moved to the corners, while others wore serious expressions, creating a diverse array of attitudes. They whispered among themselves, discussing privately.

Over seven hundred years ago, the Dragon and Azure Phoenix Clans were already in a state of hostility with the four Immortal Sects. Just over a year ago, the Dragon Clan leader challenged the former leader of the Xu Ling Sect, Zuo Taisui, who was defeated and perished. This escalated tensions between the Dragon Clan and the Xu Ling Sect to the brink of conflict, where even the slightest provocation could spark warfare.

In such a state, the Xu Ling Sect would certainly not have sent invitations to these two clans. Their uninvited arrival seemed somewhat like a show of force.

Before Zuo Yuezhi could speak, two figures had already stepped over the threshold and walked in slowly. The chatter among the guests ceased abruptly, creating an eerily silent moment.

Qingqingโ€™s eyes brightened, and she whispered excitedly, “Qing Jun, it’s Zhong Michu.”

Sitting beside Qingqing, she laughed, “Why are you so excited? Do you like her? She killed your Xu Ling Sectโ€™s old leader, after all.”

Qingqing wrinkled her nose, somewhat conflicted, “It was a duel by mutual agreement, where fate decided life and death. Since our ancestor accepted the challenge, he accepted the consequences. It’s not fair to blame her for his defeat.” Qingqingโ€™s cheeks flushed slightly, “She reached the peak of Soul Splitting in just over a thousand years, something unique in this world, something many men haven’t achieved. It’s more admiration than liking.”

She couldn’t help but roll her eyes internally, thinking how naive this girl was and wondering how the Zuo family could have such a simple-minded member. She had heard about the battle between Zhong Michu and Zuo Taisui and had wanted to witness it but was held back by other matters.

In the end, Zuo Taisui failed to break through to the Immortalization stage. It was said that during the thunder tribulation, he was interfered with by a spirit beast, preventing his breakthrough and instead leaving him with a lingering injury. Because of this, she felt that fate indeed had eyes.

While she was talking to Qingqing, the figures had approached closer. She couldn’t help but look over; it had been many years since she last saw Zhong Michu. She couldn’t remember exactly how long, but it must have been over seven hundred years in the human world. She wondered if Zhong Michu still remembered her.

Zhong Michu was dressed in black royal dragon attire with a white inner lining. The black garment had gold embroidery of the sun, moon, and dragons on the shoulders, and stars and mountains on the sleeves, exuding a majestic and noble aura. Her face was expressionless, and her gaze was indifferent. To the people of the Xu Ling Sect, she appeared arrogant and disdainful.

As Zhong Michu drew nearer, her heart unexpectedly began to beat faster. When Zhong Michu passed by her table, their eyes met for a brief moment.

Feeling as if she had been seen through, she quickly averted her gaze and hastily covered her face with the fan, making her reaction too obvious. She then remembered that her face was different now. Although Zhong Michu had seen this face once, seven hundred years had passed, and she likely forgot, so why the panic? She slowly lowered the fan, and sure enough, Zhong Michu had already walked past.

The man walking beside Zhong Michu gave her an extra glance. He had brown hair, a characteristic of the Daqing clan, and was dressed splendidly, likely also in royal attire.

She asked Qingqing quietly, covering herself with the fan, “Who is the man walking beside Zhong Michu?”

Qingqing looked puzzled at her unfamiliarity with the clan leader, “Qing Jun, don’t you recognize him? That’s the leader of the Azure Phoenix Clan, Jiu Yao.”

She answered calmly, “I haven’t been involved in the mortal world for a long time. It’s normal for me not to know these younger generations.”

After a moment, she asked, “Wasn’t the Azure Phoenix Clan always at odds with the Dragon Clan? How come they are arriving together now?”

Qingqing covered her mouth with her hand, whispering, “It’s because of a change in leadership. Zhong Michu is different from other Dragons. Since taking over as the Dragon Lord of the Four Seas, her approach has been more gentle. Jiu Yao is also very wise and capable. Itโ€™s said that the two hit it off immediately and gradually improved relations between their clans. Now, thereโ€™s talk of an alliance between the two clans, and Zhong Michu and Jiu Yao are even planning to get married.”

She raised an eyebrow, picking up her wine cup to drink. Qingqing continued, “I’ve also heard that they secretly already have a daughter and are just short of getting married.”

She suddenly choked on her drink, coughing twice, and frowned, “Zhong Michu is not that kind of person. It must be just a rumor.”

Qingqing looked at her curiously, “Qing Jun, how do you know she’s not like that?”

“โ€ฆ” She realized she had said too much.

She quickly resumed a mysterious demeanor, lightly waving her fan, and said, “I’ve only heard about her from others.”

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Previous: Chapter 62


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11 months ago

Wait wait wait wait… so, 700 years have passed since the events of Vol.1 and Gu Fuyou was reborn after dying, apparently, as a Phoenix now. (The corpse that was the center of that trap???) Zhong Michu is now leader of the dragons and still holds a grudge. (Fair.) Now the Phoenix clan is a major player, while the sects lost out on having unlimited access to Qilin Marrow. So, humanity is fucked now, good.

11 months ago
Reply to  admin

No wonder she was reborn into that body!! I didn’t expect it at first. I was expecting her to be reborn in a random human body and be born with talent.

11 months ago
Reply to  admin

so fuyou is qingjun now ?

6 months ago
Reply to  admin

Whoa, completely forgot about that,
Damn, the author really had a good plan before she began writing.

3 months ago
Reply to  admin

Wait I don’t remember what chapter telling qilin marrow blood splattered on Qing jun..

11 months ago

Damn she was reborn(?) and 700 years passed just like that?! Is her blood still the qilin marrow since it connected to this body? Did she start off with no cultivation after she was reborn or did the body already have some? And most importantly , just under how long till she gets with Michu, what cultivation level she at now?

6 months ago
Reply to  admin

Ohhh, I just figured she was rescued and stashed away in the hidden world before it closed and somehow cultivated and gained longevity and now is under a disguise spell (or modifed her body).


11 months ago

Thanks for the chapter..

11 months ago

There is so many questions, but so many…. I don’t even know where to begin…

Where is Ah Fu? What happened to Dongli after so long? Was the spirit beast that interrupted Zuo Taisui break through the same that Gu Fuyou encountered at her imprisonment at the Xu Ling Sect? Also is the Golden Dragonโ€™s egg that they found (chapter 27), Michu’s “Daughter” mentioned on this chapter?

11 months ago
Reply to  Fontairs

Ah Fu is with Dongli but we don’t know where she is so…. And those are some interesting speculations ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

6 months ago
Reply to  Fontairs

Re: the spirit beast, dude that’s a way better guess than mine! I was thinking Ah Fu or a random beast, somehow completley forgot aboutt he trapped vengeful beast from just one chapter ago :p
And the dragon egg being the daughter is another great thought! I was wondering what happened to it, but somehow still make the connection.

11 months ago

So a dragons bite marks the soul right? So would Ah Man still be marked? Does she still have the spirit contract? Please tell me translator!!!

11 months ago

Wait. What just happened? Did she become a phoenix now? What happened to her fellow prisoner? Spirit? daughter?What aboutโ€ฆahhh so many questions. Looking forward to how it unfolds. Thank you for the updates.

11 months ago

“michu reached the peak of Soul Splitting in just over a thousand years” but it’s only 700 years has passed? shouldn’t be 800 or at least.. (mishu just turned’s green light now fuyou lol)

9 months ago

Wow big time skip, and wow sounds like it’s Qing Jun or Fuyou’s time to crash someone’s wedding hehehehe.
There was certainly quite a bit of emotional whiplash reading this chapter though. Let’s see how this goes :’)

9 months ago

I’ve been enjoying this a ton, but this specific time skip seems pretty bad conceptually. Let’s see if the execution saves it somewhat

8 months ago


7 months ago

There is time skip and there is this time skip…. 700 years?! ๐Ÿ˜…

6 months ago

I’m confused. Zhong Michu was 98 at the start of the story.
~700 years have passed (end of the year the hidden world would’ve closed, then 700 years later reopened for possibly decades), so she’d be around 800 years old.
But this says she’s over 1000 years old? Did the author forget something, is it a mistranslation, do the mortals simply forget how old cultivators are at some point and so think 800 years and 1000 years aren’t a big difference? (the last seems a bit weird cos why wouldn’t they say she’s remarkable for doing it in under a 1000?)

Or did Zhong Michu find a time dilation area to cultivate in? Right now this is my main theory

I Live For The Gay, I Will Die Being Gay
I Live For The Gay, I Will Die Being Gay
5 months ago
Reply to  MatrixM

Most likely Fuyou was reincarnated 200 years prior and then 700 years timeskip.

I Live For The Gay, I Will Die Being Gay
I Live For The Gay, I Will Die Being Gay
5 months ago
Reply to  MatrixM

Actually no, I think there was a mistranslation there. Tl probably meant to say “under a thousand years” which makes more sense then “over” because accomplishing something much earlier is a huge feat.

3 months ago

3 paragraph in… I have a hunch…but no fckn way…no fckn way she is a phoenix right…to reincarnated again

3 months ago

Oh Fuyou have different face now ๐Ÿ˜ญ michu better not marry anyone else ๐Ÿ˜ญ

4 days ago

What it this???!!! 700yrs of peace for Xu Ling Sect is too hard for me to stomach. This better have a very satisfying revenge arc or I’m ready to throw hands