
What's wrong with a snake that just wants to cultivate and transform?

What’s wrong with a snake that just wants to cultivate and transform? By Apr 05, 2024 30 Comments
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Previous: Chapter 101

Chapter 102

After officially becoming recognized as a couple, Xu Nian distinctly felt Ji Yuebai becoming more clingy. It wasn’t so much about being clingy as it was about the invisible ceremony and title giving her a sense of security. Xu Nian mused on this realization with a bit of surprise. It seemed odd to her that someone like Ji Yuebai would lack a sense of security.

Driven by curiosity about her own hypothesis, Xu Nian shared her thoughts with Mu Yanyu. However, Mu Yanyu’s response, after thoroughly scrutinizing Xu Nian, left her feeling uneasy.

“Don’t just stare at me; what do you think?” implored Xu Nian.

Narrowing her amber eyes thoughtfully, Mu Yanyu said meaningfully, “Considering Xu Nian is the partner, it’s normal to feel a sense of crisis.”

Her cryptic comment left Xu Nian somewhat puzzled.

Touching her nose, Xu Nian modestly remarked, “Even if you praise me like that, in the world of cultivation, I’m a demon beast that everyone wants to eliminate. No one likes me except for Ji Yuebai.”

Xu Nian was always this self-deprecating, unaware that during the wedding ceremony, many had come to witness Ji Yuebai’s downfall. The renowned cultivator, choosing a serpent demon as her companion, had surprised everyone. Yet the awe and jealousy in the cultivators’ eyes after the ceremony were unmistakable, and even she herself…

Snapping back to reality, Mu Yanyu asked, “Then, as Ji Yuebai’s partner, don’t you feel insecure or threatened?”

After pondering for a moment, Xu Nian shook her head, “Despite the fact that there are many who openly and covertly admire Yuebai, her character is well-known. She’s always indifferent to everyone but me, dedicating her time to either her cultivation practices or staying by my side, which provides me with a profound sense of safety. I feel very confident about our relationship.”

“But the fact that someone as powerful as Yuebai likes me always makes me feel like I’m in a beautiful dream.”

Mu Yanyu scoffed playfully, “You bad snake, did you come here just to show off?”

Realizing she was no different from those who flaunt their relationships, Xu Nian apologized profusely to Mu Yanyu.

Mu Yanyu dismissed it, “Hey, I was just joking with you, no need to take it so seriously.”

The conversation shifted to business matters, where Xu Nian and Mu Yanyu found much common ground and enjoyed a lively discussion.

As their meeting drew to a close, Xu Nian inquired of Mu Yanyu, “What about you? Have you recently taken an interest in anyone?”

Mu Yanyu replied in jest, “Didn’t you lure a pair of snake demon sisters from the Eastern Sea Secret Realm? Why not introduce me to them?”

As she spoke, the image of Xue Ling’s spirited almond-shaped eyes suddenly flashed in her mind.

Taking her seriously, Xu Nian exclaimed excitedly, “Really? Are you interested in the elder sister or the younger one? I’ll introduce you.”

Mu Yanyu hurriedly clarified, “I was just joking. Right now, I’m solely focused on my career and not really interested in romance.”

Xu Nian chuckled, “Well, if you ever change your mind, remember to tell me.”

Mu Yanyu nodded, “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t keep it from you.”

When it was time to leave, Mu Yanyu gifted Xu Nian several dresses from Lianyi Pavilion, each uniquely designed to suit Xu Nian’s tastes, unparalleled in the cultivation world, exclusively hers.

Returning to her cave dwelling with a heart full of joy, Xu Nian found Ji Yuebai had unexpectedly already returned.

Usually, when she visited Mu Yanyu, she would time it around Ji Yuebai’s cultivation schedule, always returning just a bit earlier. But this time, she was so engrossed in her conversation with Mu Yanyu, the dresses gifted had touched her heart so deeply, that she completely lost track of time. Hurrying back, she realized she was over half an hour late.

As she entered, the sound that greeted her was like shattered jade: “You went to see Yanyu again?”

Xu Nian didn’t notice the emphasis on the word ‘again’ in the other’s tone.

As usual, she happily approached the other, twirling in front of Ji Yuebai, “Do you like it, Yuebai?”

Love-filled dark eyes rested on the curvaceous figure outlined by the dress, unwavering, “It’s beautiful.”

Xu Nian said contentedly, “Yanyu designed it especially for me. It’s said to be unique in the cultivation world.”

No sooner had she spoken, than Ji Yuebai suddenly stood up, approaching her, a chilling fragrance enveloping her.

Those long fingers invasively wrapped around her waist, ambiguously tracing the contours of her body. Xu Nian, unable to resist such provocation, instinctively moved closer to her.

But she was frozen in place by Ji Yuebai’s magic, rendering her unable to move. Her flirtatious appeals for mercy failed to sway Ji Yuebai, who instead utilized a magical instrument to restrain her in a humiliating position, leaving her vulnerable and exposed to Ji Yuebai.

Xu Nian didn’t understand Ji Yuebai’s sudden change. She attempted to speak, but Ji Yuebai’s kiss stopped her words, leaving her to merely accept what was happening. Recently, Ji Yuebai had become remarkably adept at kissing, sparking an unexpected desire in Xu Nian, who found herself craving her partner’s touch. She expressed her feelings openly to Ji Yuebai.

The usually accommodating Ji Yuebai was now contrary, not only not complying with Xu Nian’s wishes but also intensifying her desires. Xu Nian’s resistance weakened, her expressive eyes filled with emotion as she looked at Ji Yuebai. Her body, bound by ropes, struggled to get closer, her toes raised mid-air trying to touch Ji Yuebai’s white robe, wanting to be nearer. The cool, silky fabric teasingly brushed against the arch of her foot, eliciting a sharp, thrilling feeling.

She pleaded with Ji Yuebai, her lips parting slightly, breathing heavily, her skin glowing with a warm flush, and her hair loosely framing her shoulders and neck, radiating a quiet seduction.

Those calloused fingers brushed over her tender skin, sending shivers through her charming body.

“Has Mu Yanyu seen Ah Nian like this?”

As the fingers traced the seamless dress, Ji Yuebai unconsciously gripped harder.

Xu Nian’s mind was already muddled. She was slow to react, about to deny, but suddenly her lips parted widely. The sudden pleasure rendered her incapable of thought, like a small boat in fierce waves, engulfed in a storm, just before the overwhelming joy arrived, it suddenly stopped.

Tears welled in Xu Nian’s eyes as she clung to the other.

The other’s voice, cold yet filled with unspoken desire: “Beg me, say you love me.”

“Please, Yuebai.”

“Ah Nian loves Yuebai.”

Satisfied by her declaration, Ji Yuebai led Xu Nian to that dreamlike end.

When she lay weakly in Ji Yuebai’s neck, gasping for breath, the ropes binding her suddenly loosened. Her limbs regained freedom, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around the other’s waist, but she noticed that the other seemed to stiffen unconsciously at her movement.

Suddenly, she heard that voice, reminiscent of shattered jade, imbued with remorse, repeatedly offering her apologies: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Ah Nian.”

Hearing Ji Yuebai’s voice filled with guilt, Xu Nian tilted her head in confusion. She gently cupped Ji Yuebai’s fair cheek, looking into her eyes, puzzled. “Why are you apologizing, Yuebai?”

A struggle flickered in Ji Yuebai’s eyes, as if unsure how to face Xu Nian. Her long lashes trembled before dropping down. “I acted out of possessiveness, without considering your feelings. I’m not a good partner, am I?”

Xu Nian, confused, responded, “Hey, wasn’t that just a bit of fun earlier?”

Ji Yuebai hugged her tightly, burying her face in Xu Nian’s shoulder, her voice muffled. “No, I acted out of jealousy for Mu Yanyu… I was ashamed.” Her voice trailed off, too embarrassed to continue.

Xu Nian suddenly understood. She looked at her clothes and quickly explained to Ji Yuebai: “No, I put on this dress inside a black box, not in Mu Yanyu’s presence. And the dress doesn’t need to be measured. Mu Yanyu worked together with the sect’s Artifact Refining Department, and now, the dresses from Lianyi Pavilion adjust to fit the wearer automatically. The mistake is mine; I didn’t provide you with enough reassurance.”

Despite Xu Nian’s attempt to soothe her, Ji Yuebai still seemed downcast. Xu Nian kissed her lips, cooing, “I love you the most, Yuebai. My heart will always belong to you.”

“What do you like about me?” Ji Yuebai’s voice was low and cold, like someone unloved.

Xu Nian had never seen this vulnerable side of Ji Yuebai before. She pondered how to express her feelings adequately, to reassure Ji Yuebai of her love. However, Ji Yuebai misinterpreted her silence as dissatisfaction. “I can’t make you happy like Mu Yanyu, nor am I as understanding. The only thing I have is my cultivation, but that’s it. Why would you like me?”

Xu Nian never knew Ji Yuebai would think this way.

Perhaps this was the source of her insecurity.

Xu Nian looked at her earnestly: “Because you are Ji Yuebai, and that’s more than enough.”

Ji Yuebai’s beautiful face showed confusion. Her lips pursed unconsciously as she gazed at Xu Nian, bewildered.

Xu Nian laughed, “Who would have thought Yuebai could be so dense? What I mean is, what I like has always been you, Yuebai, just the way you are. No matter what Yuebai does, I love her unconditionally. As long as you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with me, I will never let you down.”

On Ji Yubai’s cold, jade-like cheeks, a faint blush emerged. With solemn assurance, she pledged to Xu Nian, “I promise, for the rest of my life, you will be my only choice.”

Xu Nian was mesmerized by the breathtaking beauty before her. The magnificent being, whose skin resembled smooth porcelain and whose face was as beautiful as a blooming flower, stirred deep emotions within her. Her fingers traced a delicate path from Ji Yubai’s chin, down her slender neck, to the graceful curve of her collarbone. Noticing Ji Yubai’s submissive bending of her neck, Xu Nian suddenly applied pressure, pressing her down onto the bed. Ji Yubai’s dark hair spread out around her, her clothing loosened to reveal a teasing glimpse of spring.

Xu Nian’s voice was low and seductive, “Then, Yubai, promise me with your body.”

Due to the fall of those Immortalization stage elders, a massive amount of spiritual energy returned to the world, and the Demonic Sect once again retreated underground to recuperate and plan their next scheme to Slay the Gods.

Unfortunately, Xu Nian and Ji Yuebai were likely to be the prime targets of the Demonic Sect. The gifts sent during their wedding ceremony were not without threatening undertones.

However, Xu Nian felt that their relationship with the Demon Sect didn’t necessarily have to be confrontational; cooperation was also an option.

Thus, encouraged by Xu Nian and under Ji Yuebai’s prestige, they contacted the leaders of the Eight Great Sects to pressure the Demonic Sect’s base. This wasn’t to completely eradicate the Demonic Sect, as the cultivation world would still enter a vicious competition for limited spiritual energy.

For the first time in history, the leaders of the Eight Righteous Sects engaged in peaceful communication with the Demonic Sect. Despite some initial discord, under Ji Yubai’s martial prowess and Xu Nian’s illusionary threats, the leaders dared not act rashly. After all, an Elder from the Wuji Sect who came with the intention of causing trouble, was manipulated into a humiliating strip dance atop a table.

The respectable figures of the cultivation world couldn’t afford to lose face. Moreover, they didn’t wish to be targeted before their ascension, nor did they want their descendants and disciples to fight over scarce resources after they ascended. After three days and nights of discussion, they devised a plan: The Eight Great Sects would jointly fund the Demonic Sect in establishing a spiritual energy regeneration project, managed by the Demonic Sect with elite disciples from each sect’s Artificer Division participating. High-ranking officials would rotate supervision to ensure the project’s smooth progress.

While the plan sounded far-fetched, it was the only viable solution. The sect leaders grudgingly accepted it. Over the next hundred years, the cultivation world’s leaders transitioned from desperately absorbing spiritual energy for ascension to suppressing their cultivation to avoid ascending. This was due to a clause in the project agreement: anyone choosing to ascend forcibly and getting caught would be apprehended by the Demonic Sect for energy extraction research. It seemed harsh, but with the old monsters gone and plenty of life left in the remaining elders, the impact was minimal.

Fortunately, the combined efforts of the Demon Sect’s brilliant researchers and the disciples of the Righteous Path, a historic breakthrough in the regeneration of spiritual energy was achieved. By using a complex method involving a large amount of spiritual energy to breed more of it, it became mandatory for cultivators at the brink of ascension to first ‘clock in’ at the Demonic Sect. Only after nurturing enough spiritual energy were they granted permission to begin their secluded ascension.

Initially, many were reluctant, attending only out of a sense of duty. However, they soon discovered that the success rate of ascension had increased by more than fifty percent compared to a century ago. The sole change in their routine was nurturing abundant spiritual energy at the Demonic Sect before their seclusion. Thus, cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage of the cultivation world suddenly fell in love with these ‘work days’, eagerly participating in the process.

This led to a virtuous cycle, with the world’s spiritual energy becoming increasingly abundant.

Eventually, Xu Nian and Ji Yuebai also joined in ‘clocking in’ at the Demonic Sect.

They had spent a century in the cultivation world, reaching the late stage of Immortalization, with ascension imminent.

Meanwhile, the affairs of their sect were entrusted to Xue Ling, who was now in the late stage of the Nascent Soul. With an unusual abundance of spiritual energy in the cultivation world and a surge in talented individuals in the sect, she was considering selecting a successor to manage the affairs, freeing herself to nurture spiritual energy at the Demonic Sect with Mu Yanyu.

As for Mu Yanyu, despite her lack of interest in cultivation, her business in the cultivation world was flourishing. Her chain stores were not only established in the territories of the Eight Great Sects but also in the less prominent ones. Thinking about expanding her business empire in the higher realms after ascension, Mu Yanyu gritted her teeth and cultivated alongside Xue Ling.

Time passed swiftly.

Ji Yuebai had been carefully controlling her spiritual power to prevent any overflow, all to ascend through the tribulation alongside Xu Nian.

They had thoroughly prepared to confront the ascension thunder tribulation.

When the tribulation thunder struck, they stood side by side, understanding each other’s intentions without words or even eye contact. Their seamless coordination made them invincible against the strongest of heavenly strikes.

A dreamlike golden path appeared in the sky, their figures drawn towards this unknown new world.

Xu Nian gripped Ji Yuebai’s hand, feeling the strength of her return grip.

At this moment, she finally realized her long-held vision.

She would be with Ji Yuebai forever and ever.

Together through the long years.

The End.

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Previous: Chapter 101


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6 months ago

Damn, it’s done. What do I read now 😭

6 months ago

Love it!! Hoped there was more.

6 months ago

Have you considered which novel you are going to translate next?

6 months ago

That was a sweet ending. Looking forward to your next project! You have good taste.

6 months ago

Thanks for the translation of this amazing story!!!

6 months ago

Thank you for the translations! I’m so happy for them! :]

6 months ago

Loved every chapter. Thank you so much for transalting it!

6 months ago

wow, i have been enjoying this novel throughly never missing an update.
the story in itself is a marvelous journey, going from ups and downs, angst to joy, carefully ending with an effective and charming performance.

dear translator you have great taste, your work is amazingly fluidic to read and the quality is near flawless. i am really eager to see what future novel you will choose and so are your next translation, pretty sure that they will be as awesome as the previous ones.
thanks a lot !

Last edited 6 months ago by meizi
6 months ago

I’m so happy everything ended really well. It’s my first time to actually follow an ongoing translated novel until completed. It always gave me strength to look forward to this novel, and personally, a great time for my dull, boring life. And it’s really exciting, even until the end of the chapter. The translator’s work hard is amazing. I found the translation captivating and pleasingly comfortable. Thank you for picking up such great novel until the end. Looking forward to your next work!

6 months ago

this was such a sweet and light story I wished there was more ): thank you for the translation!!

6 months ago

tysm for the translations!! you always do such a great job!

todd was an amazing story and i appreciate your hard work. looking forward to seeing what you pick next!

6 months ago

Thank you so much for the translations!

6 months ago

Thankyu so much!!! for finishing this translation and for free too✨😭🫶

6 months ago

Huge congrats to admin for the completion, i adore our snake and swordwoman so much that im sad such a good gl came to end. ⭐ Thank you for being a joy bringer.

6 months ago

Thanks so much dear translator-sama for your wonderful translations and so generously sharing this amazing story with us. I love love love the dragon and now I love love love this too!

Appreciate that you also shared the jjwxc link, have bought it here to support the author too. Hope we get more amazing stories endlessly. Thanks so much again!

6 months ago

Thank you!

6 months ago

Thank you!

5 months ago

Thank you for the wonderful read! I’m looking forward fo your next ones!

5 months ago

Thank you for translating this story! It was an adorable read!!!

5 months ago

Yey happy ending

5 months ago

Thanks so much for the translations! Your quality and speed are impressive as usual!

5 months ago

What a great story. So many smiles had!
And it also felt very very unusual in that it was one in which our main character seemed to fall in love faaaar after her love interest began falling for her, then it was later further compounded by her insecurity as a demon beast.
Usually, in the ones I’ve read, we follow the main character developing feelings but are left somewhat in the dark about the love interest’s feelings.
This was a really interesting reversal!
I also didn’t expect it to get this sexy at times. Especially when she was still a snake early on.
I haven’t read many cultivation stories, especially Chinese ones (as in those I’ve found usually there are so many selfish assholes it’s annoying). The Dragon and this one are the only Chinese Xianxia i’ve read and enjoyed.
The idea of spiritual essence being depleted with Ascensions and it being problematic, is that a common issue in these stories? I’ve only seen it once before, in a western cultivation webnovel called The Path to Ascension (where, like here, measures are taken to mitigate the issue, though atm it’s not a ‘solved’ problem). So I was really kind of impressed that the author brought it up in this one and very much enjoyed the twist that the Demonic Sect were the only ones addressing it selflessly in a kind of eco-terrorism ‘they’re kind of right but we can do better’ way. Very cool.
This was only my second ever baihe novel (not counting the ones I’m mostly reading the manhua for instead, like Long-Awaited Feelings and White Moonlight Omega Always Wants To Possess Me) after The Dragon
Overall I feel like The Dragon is a single step better. Just the one, though, I greatly enjoyed both. A lot.

Thanks for the translation! Did this author write anything else?

Last edited 5 months ago by MatrixM
3 months ago
Reply to  MatrixM

This one definitely sexier than the dragon, I kinda wish author give michu and Fuyou more sexy scene with all the dragon possessive and wild side, but it was mostly swept under the rug. I’m glad our snek n sword woman got their love scene haha

4 months ago

Starting from the dragon, to this. Love your translations. Thank you for taking the time to do so 🙂 looking forward to the next one!!

3 months ago

Tbh with all the flaw if this story, I love the yuebai ah nian dynamic a lot, ofc a bit similar with michu and Fuyou, but I love how even with all the drama and dragged out amnesia and misunderstanding, yuebai and Ah Nian love story and dynamic and love is forefront, with all the love scene and passionate love, things that I think lacked in The Dragon, it just completed the love story

3 months ago
Reply to  Hatimo

Thank you admin for translating this work, you are such a hero, without you we won’t be able to read many Baihe now so thanks a lot 🥺

2 months ago

Although I had been following this novel, I was quite busy and only recently recalled it while relaxing sometime earlier this month. Now, I am just a bit disappointed that not only did I have to rediscover it, but I arrived three months late

Either way, thank you for your wonderful translation. I truly enjoyed every last drop because of the sheer quality and refinement. I hope you will continue to have a wonderful day, and I eagerly await your other works (O v O )

2 months ago

Huhuhu, After many ups and downs our couple is finally together and their journey will only continue through their journey, I wish that it could have just one more extra chap or more! I love this novel!

2 months ago

Thank you!

1 month ago

Thank you for the translation! I really enjoyed reading, though to be fair I can see why some prefer the former half to the latter half of the story. It was still sweet until the end, though. Thanks again!